 Альбом "МакГиллрой - комнатная муха" - это вторая ступень развития весьма оригинальной немецкой группы Incubator. Сей альбом еще ближе к дум-дэту, нежели его предшественник, да еще и наделен многими чертами психоделик-рока. Начальные условия те же, что и на "Symphonies of Spiritual Cannibalism": зверский гроул Christian'a Mummelthey (иногда пропущенный через фильтры), его же похожий на предсмертный хрип "чистый" вокал (его стало больше, чем на дебютнике), тяжеловесные медленные гнетущие риффы (очень напоминающие звучанием альбом "Sentenced" группы Acrostichon), плюс минорные мелодии, правда, уже не так отдающие гнилью. Ведь встречаются на "McGillroy the Housefly" и очень гармоничные пассажи: оцените хотя бы замечательный почти инструментал "Brain Eliminator" (одна из моих любимых мелодий вообще). Типичных гитарных соло очень мало, хотя нехарактерно скоростная концовка "Prisons of Gore" показала, что при желании Michael Hahn мог исполнить замороченный психоделичный соляк почти не хуже Трея Азагтота. На психическое состояние при прослушивании в спокойной обстановке этот альбом оказывает воздействие еще более сильное, чем его предшественник. Пара композиций, расположившихся аккуратно в его середине - вообще шизофрения в чистом виде! Такая себе своеобразная история душевного единения прикованного к кровати психически больного человека и летающей по комнате мухи, с которой бедолага вскоре начинает себя ассоциировать. И все болезненные и жуткие "лечебные" процедуры они проходят вместе. Меж тем альбом, кажущийся бесконечным, в "нормальном" мире длится всего 37 минут. После его прослушивания новые пациенты специализированной лечебницы могут бодро расходится по палатам под энергичный ритм самой быстрой композиции альбома "Forced". Наиболее стойкие же могут приступать к прослушиванию легендарного "Hirnnektar", где фантазия группы развернулась на полную. |
Believe - Escape - Programmed - Check
Follow my steps - Feeling black
Frightened blood in frightened veins
Altars of harmony await your sacrifice
Knowing what you see - Dreaming boundaries away
"Mc Gillroy is watching you!!!"
Go with the light, to explain sending hate
To another world - Exist!!!!
Thinking green - Believe in grey
Living pride - Dying hard
Swimming endless in a sea of helplessness
Prisons of Gore
Bloodred industries
Blue sky
Moving towards my suicide
This is my deathwish
Convicted to you
Deformity of blood
Melting psychopaths
In pieces of plastic
Anger and love
For a life without sense
The mirror is moving
My eyes standing still
Children - Crying loud
And love disappears
Dictators and heroes fly
Away with the wind
My earth keeps on burning
Destruction means love
Sending my god in a prison
Of gore
Prisons of gore
My spiritual power means
Horror and war
Bloodred industries
Blue sky
Moving towards my suicide
This is my deathwish
Convicted to you
Deformity of blood
Melting psychopaths
In pieces of plastic
(No Name)
Look around in our little paradise
Taste the innocent fruit
I'll bomb your brain away
There's power of technology
Which'll guard your human way
God is dead - Jesus crucified
And the pope will burn
On his gallow tonight
I can't believe this shocking truth
Can't look around - Can't open eyes
So taste just the freedom of
An forbidden youth
Everyday I walked through the streets
Bones instead of trees
Blood instead of water
A land which keeps on smiling
In the end of the book
Nobody wants to speak your dirty
Nobody wants to hear your sadistic
Questions build up - Never answered
More than just your god can see
So let's creep in the graves of our
Brothers and sisters
To forget an evil culture
Raped By a Stranger
Confusion seems to be your way
My murdering is inconsequential
Close your lovely, lying eyes
Stay bride
I'll guard your last meal
Before your execution
Your treacherous
Dissatisfied face
Will rot by hunger for lust
Let's stop talking all about
That shit
Let's fuck show me your
The hunger for perversion
Strikes back
I'll break your personality
You lie in a sheet of organic
The plague of myself buried
Among your bones
I've got a present for you
It's an overcrowded box
With corpses of the new-born
Chaos Ego
Hunger, thirst, pain my
The horizon keeps on
The wind blows strong
Melodies fall into dust
A fog of sadness checkled
To my lonely skin
All illusions standing still
Raped chaos calls for
Manipulated stress
Is this my judgement or
My rebirth in heavens
These time has been lost
All green has just been
My flesh for all mistrust
Blood on the ground
I start to understand
These deal has been made
These voice promised
Tears change into time
My brain keeps in turning, I
Sink to the ground
The cries of the unborn
Sold, lost, and found...
Nails in my eyes for a life
Without pain
controlled emotions from
Mc Gillroy
Are burning insane...
Mindmelting sorrow - The eyes of the blind - See you
Everytime and everywhere you stay - A part of
Destructed illusions - Praying for your destiny
Your primitive tongue is torn in half - Wintergarden,
Summerdreams a cry without a sound - The murder
Of fatality tries to rip his life away - Corruption
And brutality for preachers without identity!!!
Trees lie in darkness - The truth sleeps in dust - The
Blind just can see - Greets to the master who's
Controlling me - Nails in y eyes for a life
Without pain - Pain controlled emotions from Mc
Gillroy are burning insane -
Stories Enter Controlled Dept
You are alone...
You've stolen the pastense
Out of my life
My aim is to conquer your
Filthy braincells
Show me - Your raw and
Violent reality
Show you - A part of my
Bloodsucking fantasy
Let's drink the wine and eat
The cakes
The thorns of forbidden
Flowers are the nails
For your place on my
The principle of the elephants
Has been faded
Out of your eyes
Hang the murder - Reward
The thief
Idolise the pleasure
Behavioural disturbance
I'm the guider of your
The extension of your fear
Is inaudible
Hear the tone of my voice
It means hate to you
Believe in your godless
Out of the cunt - Into the life
Games of a Moonmurder
Good morning Mrs
Have you heard the
Latest news
The moon your
Eternal husband
Died between your
Lies - And my dirty
Last night I've
Been outside
Waiting for his
The stars told me
The story
He has been
The lord of
Lay down his mystic
Now the smell of
Hangs deep in the
And fields are
Deserts of tears
Darkness and
Death stands near
By my side - Couldn't
Without his holy