« Serpent's Embrace »
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1 | Cellos for the Insatiable 04:05
 | 2 | Serpent's Embrace 04:15
 | 3 | Rebirth 05:41
 | 4 | Light Reborn 05:03
 | 5 | Faded Years 05:42
 | 6 | Solitude 05:41
 | 7 | Limbs of a Stare 05:27
 | 8 | The Darkness Inside 05:00
 | 9 | Bitter End 03:37
 | 10 | Feelings 05:26
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   Frank "Akaias" Nordmann - vocals, guitars
Sathonys - guitars, vocals
Felix U. Walzer - keyboards
Eddie "Darin" Smith - bass, vocals
Matthias Rodig - drums
Guest musicians:
Ruth Knepel - vocals on "Solitude"
Thilo Feucht - lead guitar on "Light Reborn" |
Recorded and mixed by Kristian 'Kohle' Kohlmannslehner at Kohelkeller Studio, Darmstadt
Produced by Kohle
All tracks arranged by Kohle and Agathodaimon |
 | 1. Cellos For The Insatiable
Once again, Jekyllish I follow the trail of fireflies - and diamond eyes
And moving like fog, I starve to raise
Sleepwalking hunter in the night
Step into an ongoing nightmare
Go - ride into blistering trails below - tear heart and soul
Stop - for jekylish I'll |
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 Крайняя работа от германских сказочников черной сцены Agathodaimon, еще раз показывает, что музыканты развивают свой творческий потенциал и не собираются останавливаться на достигнутом, и поддерживать устоявшйся имидж в достаточно определенных рамках направления блэк сцены. Альбом “Serpent's Embrace”, как свидетельство вышесказанного. Перед нами высококачественный и неимоверно интересный материал, в ключе прогрессивного Sympho Black Metal, со всеми вытекающими из этого последствиями. Жесткий, агрессивный и напористый темп музыкальных аранжировок граничит с великолепными "готическими" мелодиями, подчеркнутыми многоголосием вокальных линий и созвучных клавишных партий. Техничные и переплетающиеся гитарные риффы заводят своим драйвом, разграничивая воздействие фундаментальных ударных сбивок и проходов. С огромным удовольствием добавил бы к терминологии симфо-блэк примечание techno, так как материал действительно с ярко выраженной техничной прогрессией. В некоторых эпизодах я даже провел параллельные сравнения с элементами альбома “Spheres” 1993 года, techno-death команды Pestilence, относительно гитарного и клавишного ряда. Мрачная и красивая лирика проводит экскурсию по безграничным замкам человеческого сознания и темного романтизма. Тексты песен имеют достаточно сильную стихотворную форму и содержание, некоторые композиции релиза идут за авторством текстов Julio Angel Olivares Merino, профессора английского языка и литературы одного из университетов Португалии, который определенно разделяет творческие взгляды музыкантов. Потрясающая композиция ‘Solitude’, окрашенная неотразимым голосом приглашенной участницы Ophelia, завораживает своей атмосферой и эмоциями обреченности и грусти… Сей музыкальный шедевр заслуживает самых высоких оценок и абсолютно лишен недостатков, по крайней мере, после многократных прослушиваний я их не обнаружил. Одним словом, Nuclear Blast могут гордиться своими подопечными творцами Agathodaimon. |
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Последующий за "Chapter III", альбом "Serpent’s Embrace" характеризуется более выраженной прогрессивной направленностью. Саунд стал более сухим и, что уж там темнить, скудным, нежели прежний, который был более густым и насыщенным. Но с мелодизмом, тем не менее, все в полном порядке, появились элементы техно, некоторые песни я бы даже назвал «космическими», за их напористость и некую легкость. Местами проскальзывают гитарные соло, да и долбежка осталась, только в меньшем количестве. Но вот атмосфера то и дело, куда-то улетучивается, что лично у меня почему-то наводит параллели с американскими группами, играющими Nu Metal. Как бы там ни было, полноценным блэком это назвать нельзя. Скорее, приблэкованной готикой, достаточно грубой, с дэтовыми вкраплениями. Радует, по крайней мере то, что музыканты не стоят на месте и не зацикливаются на одном и том же. На альбоме также засветилась некая Рут Кнепель, исполнившая вокальные партии в песне "Solitude". Красивая песня, исполненная под фортепиано и техно-ударные, но ее присутствие на альбоме очень меня удивило. Она полностью выбивается из основной грубой «металлической» колеи альбома. Контраст очень силен. Помимо, приглашенной вокалистки, на альбоме по обыкновению присутствуют замечательный сухой скрим и красивый мужской вокал. Самые удачные треки, на мой взгляд, – первые три и последние два, остальные же выглядят более блекло. Не сказал бы, что это достойное продолжение предыдущего альбома. Безусловно, от своего основного саунда музыканты не отказались, но "Serpent’s Embrace" просто какой-то другой и менее удачный, нежели его предшественники. |
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Этот альбом с одной стороны трудно охарактеризовать, с другой стороны очень просто: тем людям, которым понравилась их предыдущая работа - "Chapter III", эта должна понравиться безусловно.
С другой стороны трудно сказать, что же они теперь играют в конце. С одной стороны что-то вроде готик-блэка, но в немецком духе. С другой стороны, на грандов типа Graveworm они совершенно не похожи ни по звучанию, ни по музыкальному стилю игры.
Агатодеймон развивается и не стоит на месте. Диск состоит из 10 лаконичных, порой мягких, но красивых треков (на Айронде в наличии имеется также 2 бонуса и мультимедиа), при этом один из которых выполнен не то в виде клавишного джаза (!) с женским вокалом, не то каким-то другим непохожим для данного стиля образом. Лично я, когда услышал этот трек, решил, что проигрыватель играет что-то совершенно другое. В общем очень, очень оригинально, но не факт, что понравится всем.
Финальная оценка - 8. Качество на максимуме, мелодизм на высоком уровне. Новые идеи, продолжение дела Chapter III, его достойный наследник. Рекомендуется даже тем, кто блэк и/или дэт не любит в принципе -) |
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просмотров: 16438 |
A sleepwalking hunter in despair - take care of you
I brave for sin - shedding my skin
Curtains fall over my shroud, around my wrists the orchestra plays
Frozen, this bosom aches, piercing lullabies, piercing preys
Only cellos, black robes and gowns, dimly dance for air in grief
And looming portraits of a mother gazing at my inner pleas
Fear me for Jekylish I'll haunt you, your trail of fireflies and diamond eyes
Moving like fog, I starve to raise, sleepwalking fiend, caligarish sorrow
I invoke the queen of spades... and slowly breathe the verse of fate
I reap the mists of grace to bid farewell to faith
Clenched cries, her drowning sweet hands bygone, waving and fleeting
Dull slave to my mournful twists she bled, like a rainbow leaking
Wax victims in a ritual, echoes to quench my frailty at dawn
The fifth horseman I become, riding those whispers spawned
Fear me for Jekylish I'll haunt you, your trail of fireflies and diamond eyes
Moving like fog, I starve to raise, sleepwalking fiend, caligarish sorrow
Soon forgotten faces shine on shattered mirrors, remnants of rape
Supremely, skin cellos play the ghost of melodies and darkest shade
Fear me for Jekylish I'll haunt you, your trail of fireflies and diamond eyes
Moving like fog, I starve to raise, sleepwalking fiend, caligarish sorrow
A warm tune for claws and chaos I breed the rust of wind
While, holding bacl loss, shame and tears
I brave for sin - shedding my skin
2. Serpent's Embrace
She was the dawn of a new day
The crystal voice inside my head
And at times she showed me Eden
Untrodden paths, a sky that's bleeding
Serpent's embrace
Serpent's embrace
Darkness waiting in her eyes, her gaze
Kissed by a fraudulent snake
A soul eater - serpent's embrace
Serpents embrace
She was the dawn of a new day
But all it brought was pure dismay
The sky and sun turned black
Nailed black as ebony
And there was no turning back
No turning back
A golden sun in past times, floating high above
Looking back from now, a collection of strange days, for love
And at time I realized
Everything must surely end - some day
Darkness waiting in her eyes
Darkness waiting in her gaze
She gave birth to a worm of lies
A place of shadows mourn
A soul eater - serpent's embrace
Every dawn of a new day
Too far away, but death in cheap
There's a giant, black sun below
Maybe just below the ground, about six feet deep
Beneath the undertow
Beneath the undertow
3. Rebirth
I have seen how the same human souls
Wander through different bodies
Drifting through the centuries
When flesh decayed
For ages drifting in the wind
Through landscapes unknown
Among worlds where the suns never die
Where moonlight is bright as day
Beyond timeless void
Beyond all the spheres
In a realm where the powers of earth
Are bound in the fathomless sky
An endless journey
Perpetual suffering
When heartbeat has died
And earthly life has ended
The trip through the emptiness begins
Vultures free your bones
From flesh and blood
Make your spirit soar
Your soul lost in space
Struggling for a new life
Awaiting rebirth
To be captures
In a human body again
4. Light Reborn
In a thought I'd rest
Like a sign in a glorious gloom
I crawl under her skin
To divinely kiss her skin
I just claim on my purity
In external community
I'm not searching for (any) solutions
But trying to avoid confusion
Till fades the very earth and sky
Your heart completely broken
And all the world hangs on a sigh
A word but party spoken
I'm looking for resistance
And you'll feet my persistence
If you are here to obey me
You get what you deserve
When thoughts pursue me
Can't decide what's true in me
I just claim on my purity
In external community
I'm not searching for (any) solutions
But trying to avoid confusion
I'm looking for resistance
You'll feet my persistence
To disguise desire's utopia
To feed the emotional idea
To forget not to forgive
To arise from dignity's ruin...
5. Faded Years
To not forget our loving, should I a sign implore?
I'd ask for you, but dearest, you are your own no more
Nor do I beg a flower from in your golden hair
Forgetfulness, beloved is but my single player
Oh what a sad sensation, when joy that soon did wane
Not swift with it to vanish, but ever here remain!
When through tits life to wander it has been writ, it seem
A dream made out of shadow, a shadow made of dream
No matter when I die, this or some later day
My wish is out of the mind of all to I pass away
And you forget the dream that our two hearts endears
When you loom back, beloved, upon the faded years
Let in the depths of shadow my memory be gone
As though we midst our loving each other had not known
A chant of lamentation within cold walls of chime
To beg for me in weeping the peace of endless time
As though those hours of wonder in fact we did not live
That I so deeply love you dear one can you forgive?
My face turned to the desert you left me all alone
And cold beneath my eyelids my eyes have turned to stone
And when at last death's soil my body does reclaim
Then who will know me or know from whence I came?
Let in the depths of shadow my memory be gone
As though we midst our loving each other had not known
A chant of lamentation within cold walls of chime
To beg for me in weeping the peace of endless time
While then... should they my body into the gutter throw
Still that would be far better than what I suffer now
Afar of in distance a flock of crows arise
And darken all the heavens before my sightless eyes
Beyond the earth's steep margin a hurricane does start
Flinging to the world my dust and to the wind my heart
Yet as in spring the blossom do you remain the while
With gentle eyes and humid and tender, childish smile
So much a child, yet seeming each day to younger grow
And of my fate know nothing as I too nothing know
My face turned to the desert you left me all alone
And cold beneath my eyelids my eyes have turned to stone
And when at last death's soil my body does reclaim
Then who will know me or know from whence I came?
While then... should they my body into the gutter throw
Still that would be far better than what I suffer now
6. Solitude
One wish alone have I
In some calm land beside the sea to die
Upon its strand
That I forever sleep
The forest near, a heaven near
Stretched over the peaceful deep
That no one weeps my end
Nor for me grieves
But let the autumn lend
Tongues to the leaves
No candles shine
Nor tomb I need, instead
Let them for me a bed
Or twigs entwine
When brooklet ripples fall
With murmuring sound
And moon is found
Among the pine trees tall
While softly rings
The wind it's trembling chime
And over me the lime
In blossem flings
As I will then no more a wanderer be
Let them with fondness store my memory
And Lucifer the while
Above the pine, good comrade mine
Will on me gently smile?
In mournful mood
The sea sing sad refrain...
And I be earth again
In solitude
7. Limbs Of A Stare
A garden of seeds lost, ashen spirits embrace me in pain
Like scars that shed the plague of flames, my thirst awakes
Aceless to my feelings, inimicial to my pulse, like disease
Sand in my eyes, I am hiding from pleasure, yearning for breeze
Draw my bare tears from this melody now that I can't flee
Take refuge in me or vanish, my beauty, bring or tear the silk
To weave the drops of passion or strike the winds of misfortune
Mourning I stand, my senses in abyss, under skies of torture
Devour my womb, these obscure roots
Release my dying touch, unchain me from my doom
I an crawling to feel desire
To shape your truth and fire
Crawling towards you, with the limbs of a stare
To dream a leaf without it's tree, to follow it's silence
I hear no sense, but a scream of lips and sighs in vastness
A thirteenth shadow in my nightmare you become
And it's you in every rain, in every ballet and sun
Within my nest I bleed the coming of eves, hollow heart
Slave to this blessed state which sends my dreams afar
Bear witness to my memories of flesh that will never rise
The dice of desperation reveals a black rose lays on my mind
Devour my womb, these obscure roots
Release my dying touch, unchain me from my doom
I am prowling to feel desire
To yield to bounds and pyres
Crawling towards you, with the limbs of a stare...
A thirteenth shadow in my nightmare you become
And it's you in every rain, in every ballet and sun
Within my nest I bleed the coming of eves, hollow heart
Slave to this blessed state which sends my dreams afar
8. The Darkness Inside
Life sometimes feels like a nightmare
When every step you take is a wrong one
With only binary choices there
Seeming fair?
They say that time does slowly heal
But memories amplify the pain I feel
Forever haunting me, it's so unreal
And still we dream... as we walk down the line...
We forever sleep
Since ages dead inside
A plunge red shrine
Emotions and hope subside
Foul like altar wine
Life sometimes into a nightmare
When every step you take is a wrong one
With only binary choices there
Seeming fair?
Not when luck has gone
And I said
Not when luck has gone
Living a life beyond light
With darkness to pattern my fate
Feelings left aside
Left with despair and nothing but hate
Left to witness
The final fall of mankind
No outcome of existence
Life sometimes even seems like it goes on
Still every step you take is a wrong one
Maybe you can wake up anytime you like
But you can never leave
You will never achieve
The feeling that life goes on
Or are we already gone?
Left to witness
The final fall of mankind
No outcome of existence
Floods my heart and mind
A lifeless thing in living guise
Leaping off to quick demise
A blind man in a cave of eternal light
Remnants of a dream that fades
Life at times is hard to comprehend
But every step leads further to the end
Still even death is but a guess
And darkness weaves with many shades
Darkness weaves with many shades
Take a look beyond the silver glades
See darkness weave with many shades
9. Feelings
Endless fear, darkness holds me
I don't know it I am wrong or right
Where is my world that I loved so before?
All has gone, bleeding, dying
You don't know what you have done to me
Left me hollow inside, feel like dirt
I wanna slam you, just wanna kill you
All I want to see is you, lying down in pain
Forever I will hate you
Is all that I can say
Leaving the ghost of you behind
Tears of sorrow I will never spill again
Scratching your face out of my mind
Are you really sure what you wanna be now?
It's just a fake to me, yes
Fuck yourself and die a painful death
I don't need you to love me anymore
Get away and leave my life alone
One step away of twisting your neck
The crown of the human race
Fuck you, is it really you
Loving you, killing you, loving you...
10. Bitter End
Once I sat down and pondered
About a sense I have wondered
I have searched my deep, inner core
And I said... to think I shall not anymore...
The thought has aged me whole
It ruined body, mind and soul
Oh, thoughtless if I'd been born
Couldn't wail, nor could I've been torn
Fetid thought, spawning curse
I shouldn't invoke thee anymore
Only pain and suffering you brought
The worst disappointment you are
I'd want to live without knowing
In this world or in it's following
Since then, misanthropy
My alibi you should be
And when the grand dark hour falls
I'd be far from mankind's calls
Into the great wide I would dive
Unaware if I am dead or alive!
Once I sat down and pondered
About a sense I have wondered
I have searched my deep, inner core
And I said... to think I shall not anymore...
Fetid thought, spawning curse
I shouldn't invoke thee anymore
Only pain and suffering you brought
The worst disappointment you are