Alice Cooper
« Raise Your Fist and Yell »
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1 | Freedom
 | 2 | Lock Me Up
 | 3 | Give The Radio Back
 | 4 | Step On You
 | 5 | Not That Kind Of Love
 | 6 | Prince Of Darkness
 | 7 | Time To Kill
 | 8 | Chop, Chop, Chop
 | 9 | Gail
 | 10 | Roses On White Lace |
   Alice Cooper - vocals
Kane Roberts - guitars
Paul Horowitz - keyboards
Kip Winger - bass, keyboards
Ken Mary - drums |
Label: Mca Special Products |
 | Freedom
We, the people of the United States
In order to form a more perfect union
Stop pretending that you've never been bad
You're never wrong and you've never been dirty
You're such a saint, that ain't the way we see you
You want to rule us with an iron hand
You c |
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 Второй релиз Элиса Купера в новом для себя, хэви металлическом имидже, оказался весьма крепким орешком. Яркое название альбома и очень оригинальная, бросающаяся в глаза обложка диска сразу создают нужную атмосферу. Ну а первая песня просто сметает все на своем пути, поражая своей агрессивностью. "Freedom" - это настоящий хэви гимн знойных 80-ых, когда тяжелый рок был в самом расцвете сил. "Freedom to rock, freedom to talk!" - очень трудно удержаться от пения вместе c Купером громоподобного припева. Только по одной этой песне можно судить что Элис и его группа (правда, в тот момент толком состоящая только из мульти-инструменталиста Кейна Робертса) в отличной форме, мелодии на альбоме сочные и запоминающиеся, сами песни хоть и не блещут оригинальностью, зато крепко держат уровень качества. Большинство треков "Raise Your Fist And Yell" - это замечательные, средне темповые боевики. "Give The Radio Back", "Step On You", "Prince Of Darkness", "Time To Kill" - все они оставляют после себя исключительно положительные впечатления. Отдельно хотелось бы отметить композицию "Lock Me Up", в которой Элис, с присущим ему юмором здорово посмеялся над PRMC и прочими зловредными организациями. Ну а на радость старым фэнам Купера, нам досталось немного "фирменных" ужастиков в виде двух последних треков, "Gail" и "Roses On White Lace". Эта парочка рассказывает реальную историю жуткого убийства с расчлененкой, которую Элис представил в виде красивейшей, мрачно-нуарной зарисовки. В пример всяким Сannibal Corpse, которые только и умеют, что подробности описывать. Ну а альбом в целом - это замечательный пример любым начинающим музыкантам, как из простых и незамысловатых песен сделать убойный и увлекательный продукт. Рекомендуется в обязательном порядке всем фэнам Купера и прочим интересующимся. |
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«Raise Your Fist And Yell» является второй попыткой Элиса Купера забраться на вершину тяжёлого рока, и стоит сказать вполне удавшейся попыткой. На дворе 1987 год – новая волна британского хеви метала потихоньку стала сдавать свои позиции, началась эра глэма, и как не называй тяжёлым металом творческое лицо Элиса в это время - глэм тут есть, что не так уж и плохо – если бы Купер заиграл вдруг техничный хеви, то это было прежде всего скучно, ну и, конечно же, бессмысленно. Нет, он пошёл более хитроумным путём – взял на вооружение мощный саунд псевдо-метала, сделав припевы чрезвычайно героическими, а саму музыку чертовски хитовой. Итак, а теперь знакомьтесь: новый Эллис Купер – жёсткие гитарные риффы, бухающие плотные ударные, ну и, конечно же – тексты про всякую всячину, начиная от безмозглых рок-н-ролльных идеек, до глубокомысленных и задумчивых страшилок из ночных кошмаров! Хоть музыка новая, но Элис Купер не перестал быть королём тех самых кошмаров, которые посещали поклонников рока в семидесятых. Альбом открывается мощным и убойным барабанным молотиловом – «Freedom»: очень ярко и разухабисто, вот такой должна быть революция борющихся за свою свободу субъектов. «Lock Me Up» - «если я тебе не нравлюсь, ты можешь меня запереть», кажется, в этой песне нашла свою новую жизнь песенка «No More Mr. Nice Guy». Истинная агрессия вырывается из горла Купера, когда он поёт напористые и брутальные номера «Step On You», «Not That Kind Of Love» и «Time To Kill» - время убивать, и этим всё сказано. От вкрадчивой и перепуганной «Gail» хочется забиться в угол и тихонько заплакать, ведь мы большое никогда не увидим Гейл. Этот номер – чуть ли не самое лучшее, что было придумано Элисом в стиле хоррор-ужастика. Ну и мраку же Купер напустил чёрной и мистической песней «Prince Of Darkness»! Ураганом во время шторма, и настоящим броневиком стала заключительная композиция «Roses On White Lace» - и в ней весь дух альбома «Raise Your Fist And Yell»: мрак, отчаяние, раздолбайство до сих пор царившее в голове мистера ночного кошмара, и даже безумие – прямо как на обложке диска, созданной как будто сумасшедшим гением. Не пропустите этот альбом, если вы ценитель хард рока и хеви метала. Это истинное порождение гениального ума Элиса Купера. |
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просмотров: 29190 |
This ain't Russia, you ain't my dad of mother, they never knew anyway
'Cause I never walk away from what I know is right
But I'm gonna turn my back on you
Freedom - we're gonna ring the bell
Freedom to rock, freedom to talk
Freedom - raise your fist and yell
Freedom to rock, freedom to talk
Freedom - ring
You're playing god from your ivory tower
Back off preacher, I don't care if it's Sunday
I ain't no angel but I've never been better
We're a makeup metal generation
We're not as stupid as you want to make us
You better leave us, man 'cause you sure can't take us
Nobody better tell you how to live your life
You gotta do it on your own
Freedom - we're gonna ring the bell
Freedom to rock, freedom to talk
Freedom - raise your fist and yell
Freedom to rock, freedom to talk
Freedom - ring
'Cause I never walk away from what I know is right
But I'm gonna turn my back on you
Freedom - we're gonna ring the bell
Freedom to rock, freedom to talk
Freedom - raise your fist and yell
Freedom - we're gonna ring the bell
Freedom to rock, freedom to talk
Freedom - raise your fist and yell
Freedom - we're gonna ring that bell
Freedom to rock, freedom to talk
Freedom - come on, raise your fist and yell
Freedom - come on, yell, come on, yell
Freedom - we're gonna ring the bell
Freedom to rock, freedom to talk
Freedom - come on, raise your fist and yell
Freedom - we're gonna ring the bell
Freedom to rock, freedom to talk
Freedom - raise your fist and yell
Freedom - make a fist, make a fist, make a fist
Lock me up
"Alice Cooper, you have been accused of mass mental cruelty
How do you plead?"
Don't wanna be clean
Don't wanna be nice
The whip's gonna crack
My leather is black and so are my eyes
I'm gonna be rough
I'm gonna be mean
I'm here 'till the end
My sick little friend, I'm back in your dreams
You can take my head and cut it off
But you ain't gonna change my mind
If you don't like it you can lock me up
If you don't like it you can lock me up
Cover your eyes or cover your head
You'll never know what hit you 'till you're covered in red
Screaming bloody murder 'till the barricades bend
Sweating in the fog 'till the end
It's gotta be loud
I want it to roar
I want it to blow everyone at the show
Right off of the floor
I'm in for the kill
I'm back with a rage
I want them to write in the paper each night
How I bloodied the stage
If you don't like it you can lock me up
If you don't like it you can lock me up
Lock me up or shut up
Cover your eyes or cover your head
You'll never know what hit you 'till you're covered in red
Screaming bloody murder 'till the barricades bend
Sweating in the fog 'till the end
If you don't like it you can lock me up - I wanna be hot
If you don't like it you can lock me up - I wanna be cool
If you don't like it you can lock me up - I wanna be sick
If you don't like it you can lock me up - real sick
Give the radio back
Hey teacher, whatcha trying to do?
I'm gettin tired living in this zoo
You slap my face and you knock me down
You beat my head right in the ground
I never ever felt this way before
I can't take it no more
So give the radio
Give the radio back
Give the radio back to the maniac
To the maniac
Well, there's a party going on outside
All my friends got ya terrified
Don't call the cops, call the state police
Don't break up this blown out symphony
You think I'm wasting all my precious time
You say my music oughta be a crime
Well, give the radio
Give the radio back
Give the radio back to the maniac
To the maniac
I never ever felt this way before
Ain't gonna take it no more
Give the radio
Give the radio back
Give the radio back to the maniacs
To the maniacs
Give the radio to the maniacs
Give the radio to the maniacs
Give it, give it, give it, give it
Give, give, give the radio to the maniacs
The little maniacs
You're all maniacs
Step on you
You're in my way, you crossed the line
You're in my face, you're on my case, you really waste my time
Don't like your style, don't like your sound
You talk too much, you got no touch, you drive it in the ground
I'm gonna step on you
I'm gonna step on you
I'm gonna step on you
I'm gonna step on you
Don't like your smile, don't like your clothes
Don't like your hair and I don't care about your ruby pierced nose
You push too far, you talk too loud
You stay too long, you're in my song but you ain't in my crowd
I'm gonna step on you
I'm gonna step on you
I'm gonna step on you
I'm gonna step on you
You ruin my day, you're wrecking my night
I'm biting my lips because I'm ready to fight
I'm gonna sharpen my spikes, I'm gonna strap on my boots
I'm gonna squash you on sight, I'm gonna step on you
You ruin my day, you're wrecking my night
I'm biting my lips because I'm ready to fight
I'm gonna sharpen my spikes, I'm gonna strap on my boots
I'm gonna squash you on sight
Don't leave me no message on my telephone
Cut right through the bull, right to the bone
The snow in your nose and the crack in your brain
It used to be cool, now it's just insane
I'm gonna step on you
I'm gonna step on you
Not that kind of love
Hello, my little pretty
My, don't we look nice?
Come here!
You spend all day picking out your dress
I like you dirty when you're hair is a mess
You smell so sweet walking in the room
You don't have to try so hard to drown me in perfume
Don't cry your heart out, don't tell your preacher
Don't get ideas, this won't last forever
Just wanna touch you, just wanna feel you
Just wanna taste you
I never wanted, I never wanted love before
I never wanted, I never wanted love before
Not that kind of love
Not that kind of love
No, it's not that kind of love
It's not that kind of love
No, it's not that kind of love
I don't want to know your dad or mom
And I won't be calling you to go to the prom
If you want to go some cheap motel
You can pick me up at eight, I'll never tell
Don't cry your heart out, don't tell your preacher
Don't get ideas, this won't last forever
Just wanna touch you, just wanna feel you
Just wanna taste you
I never wanted, I never wanted love before
I never wanted, I never wanted love before
Not that kind of love
Not that kind of love
Not that kind of love
Not that kind of love
Not that kind of love
Not that kind of love
Not that kind of love
Not that kind of love
Prince of darkness
An angel fell one stormy night from heaven's glory
He split the earth to reign in hell
He fears the light, he fears the truth
He fears what's going to be
He spits on life, he spits on god
He spits up death for you and me
Prince of darkness - studies the world with hungry eyes
Prince of darkness - ready to baptize you in lies
Heart of evil, soul of blackness
Prince of darkness
He saw that man was just a boy with a baby's mind
He swore damnation of god's creation
He lives for hate, he lives for fears
He lives up to his name
He knew the light, he knew the one
Who was crucified in pain
Prince of darkness - studies the world with hungry eyes
Prince of darkness - ready to baptize you in lies
Heart of evil, soul of blackness
He fears the light, he fears the truth
He fears what's going to be
He spits on life, he spits on god
He spits up death for you and me
Prince of darkness - studies the world with hungry eyes
Prince of darkness - ready to baptize you in lies
Prince of darkness - studies the world with hungry eyes
Prince of darkness - ready to baptize you in lies
Prince of darkness
He smells the breath of sweet human sin
And deeply breathes it in
Prince of darkness
Time to kill
Well, I was born on a dead end street
I'm cold blooded but I always felt the heat
All my friends are dead and gone
If there's a hell I'm one step closer to it
Somewhere I crossed the line
Somewhere I'm lost in time
I lost my soul and now I'm losing my mind
Time to kill
I've had enough of all of your lies
I only got time to kill
You've seen the fire in my eyes
I only got time to kill
I spend my days counting bricks on the wall
And every night I hear those sirens call
I sink deeper into a convict's sleep
And dream about the day I'm gonna hit the streets
One time I cursed the man
He laughed and broke my hand
I'm gonna take that fist and make him understand
I'll make him understand
I've had enough of long goodbyes
I only got time to kill
I feel the fire in my eyes
I only got time to kill
You know I always thought there was
Time enough to win the game
But now I know the times are rough
The seasons change, times are strange
Somewhere I crossed the line
Somewhere I'm lost in time
I lost my soul and now I'm losing my mind
Time to kill
I've had enough of all of your lies
I only got time to kill
You've seen the fire in my eyes
I only got time to kill
I've had enough of long goodbyes
I only got time to kill
I feel the fire in my eyes
I only got time to kill
Chop, chop, chop
Some people call me the creeper
'Cause they don't know my name or face
I got'em running in circles
Because a homicidal genius never leaves a trace
I'm a lonely hunter
City full of game
Walking in the neon lights
Chop, chop, chop - engine of destruction
Chop, chop, chop - a perfect killing machine
Chop, chop, chop - it's a symbiotic function
Chop, chop, chop - I keep the city so clean
Chop, chop, chop
Some people call me the ripper
Stole my modus operandi from the movie screen
She's just a celluloid stripper
Just another bloody player in my splatter filled dream
Women on the streets
Want money when we meet
I take them for a little ride
Chop, chop, chop - I'm an engine of destruction
Chop, chop, chop - a perfect killing machine
Chop, chop, chop - it's a symbiotic function
Chop, chop, chop - I keep the city so clean
Chop, chop, chop
She was standing on the corner with her bright red lips
Her face was so white and pale, so pale
She had a black leather skirt that was so tight to her hips
And an anklet with a name, it spelled M-A-R-Y Gail
Gail, Gail, Gail
A tree has grown on the spot where her body did rest
Blood seeped in the soil from the knife in her chest
The bugs serve time in her skeletal jail
I wonder how the bugs remember Gail
Oh, what a lovely young girl - everybody would say
You can still hear her laugh in the shadows on a cold winter day
A dog dug up a bone and wagged its tail
I wonder how the dog remembers Gail
The bugs serve time in her skeletal jail
I wonder how that I'll remember Gail
Roses on white lace
I saw you in your wedding gown, the prettiest dress
I came into your room that night and made such a mess
In my own way I lovingly kiss the bride
With your ring in your hand, your eyes and your mouth open wide
In my eyes blood drops look like
Roses on white lace
They won't wash away, in my mind they're
Roses on white lace
Straight from the heart
So dead upon the bed
You hurt me in the deepest way, I'm crippled inside
I took your evil skin away, it's all cut and dried
I saw you tonight and carefully took your hand
With some smears on my cheeks I knew that you'd understand
In my eyes blood drops look like
Roses on white lace
They won't wash away, in my mind they're
Roses on white lace
Straight from the heart
So dead upon the bed
Still searching for your head
They're never going to find your face, it's hidden away
I found a very special place where you used to play
In my own way I lovingly kiss the bride
With your ring in your hand, your heart and your mouth open wide
In my eyes blood drops look like
Roses on white lace
They won't wash away, in my mind they're
Roses on white lace
Straight from the heart, blood drops look like
Roses on white lace - crimson and sweet, stained on the sheet
Roses on white lace - pretty in red, dripping and wet
Roses on white lace - spilled on the walls, dark in the halls
Roses on white lace
Roses on white lace
Roses on white lace
Roses on white lace