 Столичный украинский коллектив GRIMFAITH, уже добившись определённой известности в своём родном городе (в основном, благодаря концертам), предлагает на суд слушателей свою первую демо-запись под весьма интересным названием "Sex in Heaven". Ну что же, слышав и видев неоднократно живые выступления киевлян, интересно было послушать, как преподнесут ребята свои вещи в студийном варианте. Итак, на диске уместилось шесть треков, среди которых, по моему мнению, нет проходных песен. Первая вещь "Spinalonga" сходу убеждает, что потенциал у группы есть, и немалый. Из общего фона я бы выделил второй трек "Jack Is Back" - своими необычными музыкальными решениями, ну, а идущие следом "Ruins of My Heart" и "Funeral of Last Hope", безусловно, затронут душу всех впечатлительных особ (готов, в частности). В конце оказалось самое интересное, весьма драйвовая композиция - "Vampire to Become", и напоследок заглавная "Sex in Heaven" - вероятно самое эмоциональное произведение в багаже GRIMFAITH. При прослушивании сего материала сравнения напрашиваются, разве что, с лучшими работами MOONSPELL, в основном, благодаря вокальным данным фронтмена, который обладает весьма сильным академическим вокалом в духе TYPE O NEGATIVE (особо нервных прошу не напрягаться, это лишь условное сравнение). Единственное, чего хотелось бы пожелать группе - так это более смелого использования женского вокала и гроулинга. В остальном всё сделано вполне на европейском уровне. Думаю, через пару лет у себя на родине GRIMFAITH легко смогут достигнуть статуса, что называется, главной gothic/doom metal группы. Поверьте, им это вполне под силу... |
Shall I find
Place where my loving mother died?
I'll leave my stormy life behind
No shadows where I can hide
Leprosy Isle
Life and smoke - I stand between
Watch them burning
Somebody on a hill
These pity faceless - eyes full of fear
Remind my parents
Do I belong here?
Genius child of eternity,
I burn my senses in vain
World's darkness comes out victorious
Vanish my soul! Fall the rain!
"Jack is Back"
To late to weep and
Late to lament
This night has cut off
Another thread
Far streets of London
Kiev's the same
Are filled with 19-th’s
Century flame
Jack is back
With his interpretation of pain
Jack is back
In you and other butchers insane
That is you
Who holds a knife in the rain
Brings you fame
This good-old evil they blame
You stand above her
Tormented body dead
Does not allow you to breath
All pleasure that you get
Every weak society
Bears us a beast
Men's moral emptiness
Multiplying sins
Violence - predicted sign of decadence
Nasty bloody hand erects the mankind's monument
This world is fed up with
Violence - predicted sign of decadence
Nasty bloody hand erects the mankind's monument
"Ruins of My Heart"
Time is now for me to close my eyes
Love is gone, the flowers wither, the poet dies
Excellence - the perfect wound is done by my own hand
Music plays I hear the melody that I had left
Leave me alone in this life
Leave me alone, don't leave me alone
In this sacred chamber of love
Leave me alone, don't leave me alone
Without you I'm dying
Leave me alone in this life
Light me the way to the place of rebirth
Shiva, let me feel your breath behind
And present me your eternal wings
Shadow man – I am standing between the ruins of my heart
Take my flesh and choose the better form for me to live in
From your words I know - you won't reject my future being
As I fall back to the bottom of your fire pillar
Memories of love will be the last drop in the ocean of my despair
Leave me alone in this life
Leave me alone, don't leave me alone
In this sacred chamber of love
Leave me alone, don't leave me alone
As I open my arms
Take me alone from this life
"Funeral of Last Hope"
From the razor's blade smiles the demon
Saying the words of the end
Under the blooming season
Nailed to the cross is the kindest Savior
Nailed hangs the son of the shadow Nothing
So kiss his feet, eat
Eat the dust by your split tongue
And bleed, bleed, bleed
In the cradle of flesh you'll say
Nothing’s left to decide, nothing’s left to live for
Nothing left to believe, nothing left to cry for
Nailed to the cross is the kindest Savior
Nailed hangs the son of the shadow Nothing
Brightest ever sunshine's in the shade of mother's cries
Funeral of last hope entering the raven's eyes
Tongues of disbelievers drowning in the sweetest lies
Funeral of last hope entering the raven's eyes
So kiss his feet, eat
Eat the dust by your spit tongue
Feed, feed, feed
The demon with your heart
"Vampire to Become"
Come to me
My beautiful
My blood stream
Is under your rule
Come to me
Accept my call
Your gothic grace
Is what I'm longing for
I can feel
The pain in your eyes
You burn your flesh
By mortal drugs
I can see
Your eyelashes black
And small young holes
On your white neck
Vampire to become
I'll live to feed my burden
This is an order
The evil rule will never fall
Vampire to become
Azure of life is over
Under the cover
Under the cover of the night
Come to me
Accept my call
Your gothic grace
Is what I'm longing for
Come to me
Oh pretty face
So very tight
Is your embrace
You can be
The princess of night
Dressed in black
With a frozen heart
Come to me
My beautiful
My blood stream
Is under your rule
"Sex in Heaven"
She invited me to travel underworld
She is wearing air and a head of goat
Music in her words, fire in her breast
Yet she's not the dweller of Earth - She is a guest
She gave me a chance to feel her inner flame
Moving gently in dance the passion came
Power of her charming saint-demonic smile
Made me feel like drowning in the sands of time
Back to the 7th Circle of Heaven
Back to the 7th Circle of Heaven
Love on the 7th Circle of Heaven
Making the wild Sex in Heaven with You
She is on her knees shivering her tongue
Saint-demonic kiss shades my sun
Almost satisfied the victim 69
I discover sacred blood in her arm
She invited me to travel underworld
She is wearing air and a head of goat
Music in her words, fire in her breast
Yet she's not the dweller of Earth - She is a guest