« Phoenix Rising »
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1 | Area 51
 | 2 | Through The Gate
 | 3 | Valley Of The Kings
 | 4 | Blood Brother
 | 5 | Into The Blue
 | 6 | Phoenix Rising
 | 7 | Forbidden Love
 | 8 | The City Is Lost
 | 9 | Goin' Home
 | 10 | I Really Don't Care |
   Roger Staffelbach: Guitar
Mike Terrana: Drums
John West: Vocals
Kevin Chown: Bass
Vitalij Kuprij: Keyboards |
Produced by Mike Varney.
Co-produced by Vitalij Kuprij & Roger Staffelbach.
All music by Vitalij Kuprij.
All words and vocal melodies by Joh West.
Basic track vocals and mixing at Prairie Sun studios, Cotati, CA.
Guitar and keyboard tracks engineered by James Murphy at Sound Temple studios.
Basic track engineered by Mark "Mooka" Rennick.
Vocals engineered by Joe Marquez.
Mixed by Mark "Mooka" Rennick and James Murphy.
Guest guitar on 9 by James Murphy.
Mastered by Christopher Ash at Sound One. |
 | 1. Area 51
Is it real? The visions I see and feel or imagination running wild?
Is it illusion? Predictions of thoughts concealed
Come with me, take my hand, see what I've seen
Area 51 the secrets you keep they ever be told?
Area 51 where is the proof that our leaders withold?
Should I beli |
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 Эта звёздная команда (просто посмотрите на состав) практически ничем не удивила своим дебютником (“Into The Eye Of The Storm” 1996), я лишь скептически настроился слушать их последующие работы. Но, надо сказать, они смогли чуть-чуть приободрить меня своим вторым альбомом “Phoenix Rising”. Ингредиенты остались прежними: тот же звук, тот же стиль, та же техничность. Но сдвинулось в лучшую сторону само написание песен. Теперь их мелодика очень даже цепляет, Куприй очень даже вырос как композитор. Я даже могу назвать несколько хитов. Хотя бы взять такие композиции, как зажигательный боевик “Through The Gate”, загадочный номер “Into The Blue”, и, разумеется, два неоклассических монстра “Forbidden Love” и “The City Is Lost”, которую я, пожалуй, назову лучшей вещью на альбоме. В ней на удивление гармонично сплелись все компоненты истинного хита: завораживающая с первых секунд мелодика, красивая лирика и хорошее исполнение. И опять же, несомненным достоинством этого диска является непревзойдённый вокал Джона Уэста. Этот человек умудряется спасать те места, которые заставляют слушателя зевать. Лично мне всегда нравилось (что здесь, что в Royal Hunt), как Уэст вытягивает высокие ноты. Я не знаю, как он исполняет это вживую, но на студийных релизах выкладывается на все 100 процентов. Также любителей клавишных пассажей должна порадовать финальная зарисовка от Виталия Куприя “I Really Don’t Care”. Она не так скучна, как аналогичная вещь с прошлого альбома, поэтому в качестве «посошка» она очень даже ничего. Вывод: немного более сильная работа, нежели средний дебютник, и всё же парням есть над чем работать. Приятного прослушивания! |
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Лучший из альбомов группы! Энергия бьёт ключом, в первой песне даётся тот заряд энергии на весь альбом, какого не было в World of illusion, первой вещи дебюта. Музыканты играют с большим запалом, Джон Уэст, как вокалист на высоте, хоть в том альбоме выходило красивее,но тут более активно, высокие ноты затыкают иногда Гиллана с Плантом, дыхалка всем бы такую иметь. В инструментале добавилось тяжести, техничности, страсти. Гитарист Стаффельбах показал себя как большой профессионал и очень душевный импровизатор. И псевдо-мальмстина кажется нет. Сольная вещь Куприя "I really don't care"- зубодробительна и единственна в своём роде, отчего ж на последующих альбомах Artension не играл таких финалов, неужто рояль сгорел? |
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просмотров: 10384 |
my powerful doubt burns a hole in my mind
is it confusion, predictions of thoughts concealed
Come with me, take my hand, see what I've seen
Area 51 the secrets you keep they ever be told?
Area 51 where is the proof that our leaders withold?
Why do the cover up? You should see what I've seen
Show me the answers to the questions within my heart
or are you in fear of the truth I might find?
Behind your walls seer of things concealed
Come with me, take my hand, see what I've seen
Area 51 the secrets you keep they ever be told?
Area 51 where is the proof that our leaders withold?
2. Through The Gate
Packed their bags and left that day one way ticket to outer space
mohtership has sailed away blinded by the comets fall
Faithfully they follow, into the fire they ride
fearless hope by their side if only they knew the stories he told were untrue
Through the gate it's too late cast their lives into the lake of fate
no one told them it all was a lie (he said) take my hand and together we'll fly
senseless tragedy if only they'd wait, it's too late through the gate
Coins of silver for toils to pay, made the potion and drank their lives away
mothership did not come through, blinded by the comet Hale
Don't be fooled by men who say"my new religion is the only way"
mother's love is there for you put your faith in what is real
Faithfully they follow, into the fire they ride
fearless hope by their side if only they knew the stories he told were untrue
Through the gate it's too late cast their lives into the lake of fate
no one told them it all was a lie (he said) take my hand and together we'll fly
senseless tragedy if only they'd wait, it's too late through the gate
Faithfully they follow, into the fire they ride
fearless hope by their side if only they knew the stories he told were untrue
Through the gate it's too late cast their lives into the lake of fate
no one told them it all was a lie (he said) take my hand and together we'll fly
senseless tragedy if only they'd wait, it's too late through the gate
3. Valley Of The Kings
Desert sand, Modern man searching for answers to the mysteries
far away night become day unlock the secrets of their lives
And through the years nature's tears wash away the pain with the rain
after all this time, oh victim of the crime
they fear a kill, a kill in the afterlife
Cross the sea to the Valley Of The Kings
men are fools never know what the future brings
gold and thieves in the Valley Of The Kings
look what you've done, oh the damage is done
Forever sleep their souls to keep entombed in dark shadows for all time
shifting sand the hands of man disturbing the peace of sacred land
And through the years nature's tears wash away the pain with the rain
They left a curse for you nothing you can do
they fear a kill, a kill in the afterlife
Cross the sea to the Valley Of The Kings
men are fools never know what the future brings
gold and thieves in the Valley Of The Kings
look what you've done, oh the damage is done
They fear a kill, a kill in the afterlife
Cross the sea to the Valley Of The Kings
men are fools never know what the future brings
gold and thieves in the Valley Of The Kings
look what you've done, oh the damage is done
4. Blood Brother
Lost inside emotion, searching for myself
came across a memory of me as someone else
Didn't recognize me, Didn't know what to do
in another lifetime I could have been you
Blood Brother, look into the rising sun
Blood Brother, two lives become as one
Distant generations I smoke to peace with you
regression to a past time and place we both knew
Didn't recognize me, Didn't know what to do
in another lifetime I could have been you
Blood Brother, look into the rising sun
Blood Brother, two lives become as one
Blood Brother, look into the rising sun
Blood Brother, two lives become as one
5. Into The Blue
Born on the wings of a dream into the morning they fly
there's no place that they'd rather be above the clouds so high
Light years are days the bravest of hearts lead the way
while loved ones on earth are praying"Come back to me"
So far from home exploring dimensions unknown
questions of man the answers are at your command
Light years away the Final frontier, outer space?
Are we alone or is this our destiny?
Into the blue our future, it rides beside you we look to the sky
and stare at our fate eye to eye into the blue our future is riding with you
we look to the sky staring fate in the eye into the blue
Born on the wings of a dream into the morning they fly
there's no place that they'd rather be above the clouds so high
Light years are days the bravest of hearts lead the way
while loved ones on earth are praying"Come back to me"
Into the blue our future, it rides beside you we look to the sky
and stare at our fate eye to eye into the blue our future is riding with you
we look to the sky staring fate in the eye into the blue
6. Phoenix Rising
Awake but you're asleep you're drawn into the light
you know it's clear this time, the greates fear's within your mind
And all your fantasies are real, and now you can see I see a phoenix rising
Does the dark appeal to you, in everything you say and do
you should learn the reason why
I know your tears can't hide you as you walk among the night
And all your fantasies are real, and now you can see
I see a Phoenix rising from the ashes, after the fire
Phoenix risin' soarin' ever higher
Madness never sleeps, withdrawn into your mind
sometimes life is unkind us you drift between the lines
And all your fantasies are real, and now you can see
I see a Phoenix rising from the ashes, after the fire
Phoenix risin' soarin' ever higher
And all your fantasies are real, and now you can see
I see a Phoenix rising from the ashes, after the fire
Phoenix risin' soarin' ever higher
7. Forbidden Love
Pleasure is pain, in my arms once again
knowing that you can never be mine
divided by mountains of circumstance
no other way on earth our love stood a chance
I never knew how hard life could be
without you forever beside me
I was so blind, but now I can see
it was never meant to be
Your love is forbidden love
your sweet love is forbidden love
Poisonous flower fruit of the vine
the heart of your heartbeat closer to mine
divided by seasons barely alive
there's no way this love could ever survive
I never knew how hard life could be
without you forever beside me
I was so blind, but now I can see
it was never meant to be
Your love is forbidden love
your sweet love is forbidden love
I never knew how hard life could be
without you forever beside me
I was so blind, but now I can see
it was never meant to be
Your love is forbidden love
your sweet love is forbidden love
8. The City Is Lost
Stand at the ocean and hold out your hands history's callin' your name
questions of ages are at your command for answers is why you came
And now your searching for clues of a civilization
buried in time victim of early demise
The City is lost we search for Atlantis whatever the cost
The City is lost child of the sea for eternity tossed The City is lost
Erotic creatures and people of science fertile abundant plain
circular islands mountainous shadows exploding in fiery rain
And now your searching for clues of a civilization
buried in time victim of early demise
The City is lost we search for Atlantis whatever the cost
The City is lost child of the sea for eternity tossed The City is lost
Survivors escaping disaster sailing to far away lands
brought knowledge of pyramids, physics and flight
the proof is beneath ancient sand
And now your searching for clues of a civilization
buried in time victim of early demise
The City is lost we search for Atlantis whatever the cost
The City is lost child of the sea for eternity tossed The City is lost
9. Goin' Home
Caught out in the pourin' rain deep within my soul
live a life of torture and pain will it ever end? Will it ever end
Cold dark world seek my fortune what is right for you and me?
All these years turn and run away from what was meant to be
Take me far away, across the Seven Seas
we'll sail to yesterday, our burning hearts set free
Goin' Home, we've made some choices in our life time to make it right
goin' home so many choices in our life time to make it right
You said to me make this love last forever and a day
until you die in my arms nothing could ever separate
Take me far away, across the Seven Seas
we'll sail to yesterday, our burning hearts set free
Goin' Home, we've made some choices in our life time to make it right
goin' home so many choices in our life time to make it right
Divin' through the night through the stormy weather
make it last forever and a day
Goin' Home, we've made some choices in our life time to make it right
goin' home so many choices in our life time to make it right
10. I Really Don't Care