 Вот и разродились немцы четвёртым студийником. Увы и ах, но практически ничего интересного тут не имеется в наличии. Вообще, и раньше особой изобретательностью сия банда не отличалась, а на этом альбоме так и вообще тупик. Ладно, хоть раньше брали мощью, драйвом, хотя бы просто звуком. Сейчас уже совсем не то. Всё больше становится мелодик-дэта, да это и есть практически полноценный МДМ, вот только нужен ли он? Нет, ну тяготеют к этому, так или иначе, многие немецкие экстремальщики. Heaven Shall Burn, Maroon - весьма яркие и интересные примеры. А вот сабж, увы, достаточно серый и безысходный какой-то. Да и качество записи и сведения что-то оптимизма особого не вызывает. Нет, интересные моменты на альбоме, безусловно, есть, не всё так безнадёжно. Если скажем все эти моменты собрать воедино, то на пару-тройку хороших песен наскрести всё же можно. Только и всего. А жаль, весьма жаль, честно говоря. Релиз можно порекомендовать разве что упорным фанатам группы. Остальным же я бы не советовал тратить здесь время. Тем более что в этом стиле есть куда более интересные группы и альбомы. |
I fear
The end of the circle, the all-in-vain
What you sell as the truth, as critical thought
No more
I will swallow your waste, your selfless Is
From what you preach to survive
We are the thousand thorns
We are the thousand leaves
Sound the call to arms
There will be no relief
Remains a reward I can't reject
I lack what I need to adapt
Must I corrupt my soul to get inside?
Must I derange myself to stay intact?
Must I corrupt my soul to get inside?
If I earth myself, does it all end?
2. Prey To Anguish
What I have become
What has made myself
I will never turn down
I will never disdain
To the excluded of the wronged
The cursed of the damned
Fear will eat your soul
Without taking a stand
Prey to anguish - Internal dissonance
A state of undeciphered wrath
The sky above
Earth underneath
And hell within
Prisons built from stones of our fears
Worse than giving into failure is giving up hope
Through a downpour of hail and fields of drought
You will rise with the fall
Prisons built from stones of our fears
The sky above
Earth underneath
And hell within
3. The Wretched Of The Earth
Abducted to the thousands
Carried off to dust in brightest day
Nurtured with illiteracy
Besieged by rage
Gradual infanticide, internally displaced
Shadows of souls
Children of ghosts
They make you murder your own
They teach you to kill
Kill yourself
Programmed to annihilate
Drugged to kill
Brainwashed to retaliate
No mercy
No regret
The Wretched of the Earth
Innocent, guilty lives
Coffined in caskets of glass
Dwelling in the underworld of guilt
Numbed below conscience
With every shot you tear your souls apart
Erase the last chance of healing
4. Grave New World
Hand me the mask
Make me go blind
If it all slides down the spiral
Hand out the oil
When the fire's spreading rashly
Pass us water to waste
We storm the castles of hate with rage
And burn the fortress of protection
Long live our emperor, we scream off our throats
...as we chop off his head
If the dark is getting darker
We put out the last torch
When the air is getting thinner
Let us breathe faster
When the water's getting dirtier
Let us pour out all the poison
If with a smile I could make a change
Hand me the mask
If the truth is within reach
Let us call upon the lies
If I could see the way out
Make me go blind
5. Age Of Hunger
Age of hunger
Starving for belief
Era of the mind
Mind of thieves
Age of perception
The new ground is the air
Times of drought
Time to stand on our knees
Father of betrayal - Mother of deception
Receive your children of rage, Your sons of vengeance
Father of deprivation - Mother of neglect
Harvest the grapes
Harvest the grapes of wrath
Epoch of cleansing
Replacing dirt with filth
Age of justice
The justice of the sword
Era of divide
The pieces fall apart
Age of globalization
Distribution of guilt
Age of resistance
Resistant to learn
We sink with greed as we cling to its weight
Our progression bleeds itself to death
Starving for exaltation
Our conscience
Age of resistance
Resistant to learn
6. Caesura
In modern ivory towers
Existence is dehumanized
When complacency calculates
Exploitation becomes relative
Forging the blade for your decapitation
Orchestrating downfall
Preaching excessiveness
The downside of contentment
The vile philosophy
Of a system poised to fail itself
All hail the meltdown
Unite under the banner of gluttony
Bear witness to the great experiment
Of poverty through profit
A culture of avarice
Detached from reason
So scream the primal scream of greed
And pound the drums of ruin
7. Omnicide
Armed to the teeth
Destruction within peace
The civilized disease
Creation Unleashed
Torture mother earth
Quenching the lungs of our shells
We pierce our spades deep into the earth
Cutting our veins through
Balanced nuclear armament
To yield means putting peace at risk
This you call the civilized world
Enlightenment in black
Armed to the teeth
Destruction within peace
The great human stain
The civilized disease
Creation Unleashed
You equalize development
With the greatest power of destruction
Lords of war fuelling conflict
Hunting for profit, aiming at peace
Human dignity as oil for the machine
Exploitation altered on prosperity
8. In Near Ruins
Obscurity overwhelms the earth
In embrace of my shattered mind
The storm comes closer to reap
The darker seed of my thoughts
But with the dawn approaching
I rise and feel my strength return
My will cuts through the gravest ice
And kills off the pain
Frost stabs the ground
Cold spreads its wings around my soul
Emptiness airs cries of mourning
Irrupting my heart to fill my veins with misery
I am significant
Not nothing, no shadow of myself
I will overcome my fear
To make me as strong as I appear
I know this day will come
When you will be stronger than the strongest one
What does not kill you
Only makes you stronger
What does not kill you
Only makes you stranger
9. The Nothing Doctrine
Almighty Uncreator
I am your eyes
I am your ears
I am your mouth
Let your grandest hatred echo in my deprivation
A willing bearer of your creed
To consecrate the void
My thirsting mind lies fallow
Fertile soil to all delusions
Reason in me rings hollow
Truth is dissonant in salvation's lullaby
This is a hymn of self denial
A nihilist song of praise
To humbly sacrifice my judgment
And pledge allegiance to deceit
This is a hymn of self denial
A nihilist song of praise
To abandon criticism
And give in to apathy
Mammon's missionary
A self appointed idol
Religious symbolism
Consolidates your foul belief
I beg the light of your divine resolve
Conceal my earthly weakness
I vow to liberate these lands
With your all eclipsing insight
10. I Am The Rape
The White Man's Burden is yours
We pierced your dignity,
Feasted on pride
We stamped you deep into the ground
Still harvest the fruits from the rape
I Am the Rape
The torch of our belief
White light to black darkness
We taught you western civilization
A lesson in oppression and greed
The cradle of life you never leave
Identity and history pushed aside
We came to rule and Other the unknown
To conquer, exploit and enslave
11. The Lasting Dose
[Bonus track]
[Crowbar cover]
Sometimes I need the fuel I drain from you
That lasting dose turns cold and blue
I've died before so many times
In time reborn, in time I'll find
That everlasting glow that blinds my view
My apathy turns through and through
This war inside has drained my will
Those things I've done were overkill
I've felt the pain of a brutal war
I feel the pain of a lasting war