Iced Earth
« Alive in Athens »
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| Disc 1:
 | 1 | Burning Times
 | 2 | Vengeance is Mine
 | 3 | Pure Evil
 | 4 | My Own Savior
 | 5 | Melancholy (Holy Martyr)
 | 6 | Dante's Inferno
 | 7 | The Hunter
 | 8 | Travel In Stygian
 | 9 | Slave to the Dark
 | 10 | A Question of Heaven
 | | Disc 2:
 | 1 | Dark Saga
 | 2 | The Last Laugh
 | 3 | Last December
 | 4 | Watching Over Me
 | 5 | Angels Holocaust
 | 6 | Stormrider
 | 7 | The Path I Choose
 | 8 | I Died for You
 | 9 | Prophecy
 | 10 | Birth of the Wicked
 | 11 | The Coming Curse
 | 12 | Iced Earth
 | | Disc 3:
 | 1 | Stand Alone
 | 2 | Cast in Stone
 | 3 | Desert Rain
 | 4 | Brainwashed
 | 5 | Disciples of the Lie
 | 6 | When the Night Falls
 | 7 | Diary
 | 8 | Blessed Are You
 | 9 | Violate |
   Matthew Barlow - vocals
John Schaffer - guitars
Larry Tarnowski - guitars
James McDonough - bass
Brent Smedley - drums
Guest musicians:
Rick Risberg - keyboards |
Recorded at The Rodon in Athens, Greece, Jan. 23rd & 24th 1999
Post Production at TRC Studios Indianapolis, IN
Mixed at Morrisound
Mastered at Fullersound |
 | 1. Burning Times
[Schaffer, Barlow]
Yesterday is gone forever
No turning back the clock
In the end, all is sinful
No need to bear the pain
The end, is coming soon
You can't hold out forever
Repent your sins to me
Before you pass this world
In this time I am law
I know you've been be |
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 Вышедший в 1999 году концерт Iced Earth породил массу споров, которые до сих пор не утихают – насколько он честен и какова роль студийной обработки в этой записи. Безусловно, запись подчистили, но вряд ли эти вмешательства серьезно изменили общую картину – на тот момент все участники группы были профи и выдать что-то непотребное просто не могли ни при каких раскладах. Радует, что в России этот диск вышел в полном объеме, а именно на трех, а не на двух как в Америке, дисках и у всех есть прекрасная возможность оценить ту безумную энергетику, что витала в воздухе двух январских вечеров 1999 года в столице Греции. По популярности на тот момент с американцами могли поспорить лишь Blind Guardian и не удивительно, что толпа фанатов активно участвует на подпевках и всячески поддерживает своих любимцев. За три часа группа отыграла все свои известные песни, не гнушаясь исполнения таких монументальных и совсем не коротких эпиков как “Dante’s Inferno” и “Something Wicked Trilogy”, причем делая это настолько же легко, как и короткие боевики типа “Burning Times” или “Pure Evil”. Основной успех любого концерта лежит на фронтмене и Мэтью Барлоу справился со своими обязанностями на все 100%: его мощный, свирепый, брызжущий энергетикой вокал заводил толпу с пол-оборота, и удивительно, насколько легко он становился проникновенным и ранимым при исполнении безумно красивых баллад типа “I Died For You” или “Watching Over You”. Этот диск одновременно является best of Iced Earth и эталонным концертным альбомом, результат, повторить который по уровню эмоций, отклика толпы и звучания удалось на текущий момент единицам. И если Вы незнакомы с творчеством этого коллектива, то начинать Iced Earth слушать лучше всего с “Alive In Athens” – даже не любители группы с удовольствием гоняют его в своих проигрывателях, что уж говорить про фанатов? Единственным препятствием, которое может возникнуть между Вами и наслаждением, полученным от прослушивания этого концерта, будет тугой слип кейс: прежде чем достанешь из него диски, приходится изрядно попотеть. (Диск предоставлен компанией Фоно) |
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Ох, не пожалейте несчастные 50 $ и обязательно приобретите это чудо !!! Просто отличный заловый альбом, настолько качественно сделаный, что не уступит даже япоснким лайвам, вошли в него практически все вещи из всех альбомов, и некоторые сделаны просто божественно. Альбом состоит из трех дисков, композиции подобраны крайне удачно, третий диск полностью отведен под "сериалы", т.е. под длинные концептуальные композиции типа Dante Inferno. Играют в копейку, плюс разные заловые изыски для фанатов, Барлоу поет на все 100 %, хоть бы раз киксанул - все-таки столько времени орать и по сцене бегать нехилую дыхалку иметь нужно (хоть и записывался концерт в два приема). Греки - отличная публика и очень много подпевают группе, временами даже заглушая ее. Короче, мой любимый заловый Blind Guardian полностью ушел на второе место. |
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Да, действительно отличный концертник. Насколько я знаю, он вышел в двух изданиях: двойной и тройной CD. Я, как старый фэн Iced Earth, долго искал, но достал-таки себе "родной" тройной (из-за бугра привезли). Двойной достать гораздо проще. Касательно содержимого... Серж не совсем прав, сказав, что на третьем диске одни долгоиграющие вещи. Нет их там! Вообще! Все самые глобальные и долгоиграющие вещи, типа Dante's Inferno, Angel's Holocaust, Stormrider, A Question Of Heaven, Travel In Stygian и вся трилогия Something Wicked находятся на первых двух дисках. А содержимое третьего диска на мой искушенный взгляд весьма странное. Из действительно хитовых вещей там присутствует только When The Night Falls, остальные же абсолютно обычные не слишком хитовые вещи. В принципе, я к чему все это веду... если вы не фэн IE, то вам нет смысла брать тройной диск - вполне достаточно варианта с 2CD. Но для фэнов, конечно же, нужен тройной вариант. Согласен с Сержем в том, что греки действительно классная публика и очень здорово подпевают, особенно это слышно на A Question Of Heaven. И конечно же этот диск, наверное, будет идеальнейшим вариантом для тех, кто хотел бы начать слушать эту замечательную команду. Ведь это же, фактически, The Best Of... да плюс еще и в концертном варианте :) |
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В Греции есть все! В том числе и большое количество преданных поклонников Iced Earth. В качестве очень достоверного доказательства сего факта может послужить концертный альбом "Alive In Аthens". На трех компакт-дисках вольготно расположились записи сделанные в течение двух сейшенов группы в древнем и таинственном для обычного обывателя городе Афины. Впрочем, даже для самых звездных хэви металлических исполнителей поездка с гастролями в Грецию - явление весьма редкое. Тем более удивляет просто потрясающий прием этаких "посланцев Запада" в лице Iced Earth - греческая публика оставляет о себе исключительно хорошие впечатления. Как правило, все припевы и мелодические линии поются на данном концертнике вместе со всем залом, приятно удивляет, что зрители знают наизусть слова исполняемых песен. Ну а стоит ли говорить о том как, подпитанная такой реакцией народа, играет сама группа! Iced Earth просто великолепны, большая часть песен, представленных на "Alive In Athens", по задору и энергетике на несколько порядков опережают своих студийных собратьев. Несмотря на частые смены в составе (кстати, для проведения тура в поддержку "Something Wicked..." в группу вернулся Брент Смедли, чью игру можно услышать здесь) слаженная работа всех музыкантов пребывает на самом высоком уровне. Ну а самая главная фишка этого концертника - это, конечно, его продолжительность. Дело в том, что у Джона Шаффера возникла замечательная идея - сыграть в два вечера две абсолютно разные программы и потом выпустить все это целиком. В результате в три часа (!!!) звучания этого монстра уместились буквально все более-менее заметные хиты из творческого багажа Iced Earth. В общем, "Alive In Athens" - это абсолютный must have для любого поклонника группы. Огромный сборник самых лучших песен в отличном "живом" исполнении - о чем еще можно мечтать? |
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просмотров: 20147 |
From man's word, I'm given life
Through loss, I only gain
For you, I feel no sympathy
No sorrow, no remorse
Confess your sins to me
They'll be taken by force
It doesn't matter what you've done
In my words you are a sinner
For every word you say to me
In every way, you are a sinner
Question me not
I am the one that binds this world
You follow without sight
I grow stronger every day
Take the souls I have damned
Burn them in my name
These are the burning times
The years of pain
2. Vengeance Is Mine
[music - Schaffer\Shawver]
[lyrics - Barlow]
Hear now this story of the man that should not be
A ghoul of blackened torment, sullen atrocity
A kindred soul to the devils own, malignance personified
Cast from his fire he molests the purest light
Profaner to humanity menaced by flesh and bone
Screams of the unknown youth to him the sweetest tone
Undying in his will to kill his bloodlust is profound
For the blood of the lamb I've got to bring him down
For all the young lives you have slain
Fear now you shall obtain
Vengeance is mine
For every young one that has died
Your psychopathic genocide
Vengeance is mine
I shall do what the law won't do, I can make the sacrifice
In the names of these bodies which held such precious life
Mine is not to ask forgiveness this deed I've proudly done
Without god without the devil this time I have won
3. Pure Evil
[Music: Schaffer, Shawver / Lyrics: Schaffer]
Cannons pound into the night
Angels soar into the sky
The battle rages on
Deliverance unholy one
The seeds of hate fly tonight
Good and evil light the sky
Another vision from inside
I know it's wrong I can't deny
For seven years I have reigned
In this damned and desolate hell
Now I've lived the masters vengeance
It saved me from myself
We paint the sky with blood tonight
Setting free the damned to fight
The whore of Babylon is here
The end of the storm is near
Pure evil
Feel the pain from the jackals wrath
Pure evil
Dance in flames for the final quest
Hear the ghost of violence
Fear the God of detriment
The land on earth is soaked with blood
Hear the screams of the helpless ones
Axes yield and daggers fly
Ripping through all flesh in sight
We paint the sky with blood tonight
Setting free the damned to fight
The whore of Babylon is here
The end of the storm is near
[Repeat chorus]
4. My Own Savior
[Schaffer, Barlow, Morris]
My only comfort is in death
My only solace, my dying breath
For release, I have prayed
Thrown past life, not afraid
Life's a bitch, life's a whore
Nothing less, nothing more
There is nothing she would do for me
I will end this suffering
Existence of one man
Hatred with no end
My madness, my sadness
I am my own savior
The voices are calling
Out of this life, I'm falling
There is one choice, that I see
In raging flames, The Dark One awaits
Existence of one man
Hatred with no end
My madness, my sadness
I am my own savior
5. Melancholy (Holy Martyr)
Make the sadness go away
Come back another day
For years I've tried to teach
But their eyes are empty
Empty too I have become
For them I must die
A sad and troubled race
An ungrateful troubled place
I see the sadness in their eyes
Melancholy in their cries
Devoid of all the passion
The human spirit cannot die
Look at the pain around me
This is what I cry for
Look at the pain around me
This is what I'll die for
Make the sadness go away
Come back another day
The things I've said and done
Don't matter to anyone
But still, you push me to see
Something, I can never be
Why am I their shattered king?
I don't mean anything
I see the sadness in their eyes
Melancholy in their cries
Devoid of all the passion
The human spirit cannot die
Look at the pain around me
This is what I cry for
Look at the pain around me
This is what I'll die for
6. Dante's Inferno
[Music : Schaffer / Lyrics : Schaffer]
Through the fiery caverns we sail
Virgil at my side my guide and master
Questing through the nine plains of hell
Infernal wisdom shall fill my soul
Slowly now the days departing
The darkened air releases me
Frightening visions of my journey
Entrance me to limbo I'm not
Abandon all hope who enter here
Enter the gates, Charon awaits
Abandon all hope who enter here
For this is where all things are left behind
Every doubt and every cowardice must die
Souls of rage and anger whipping in despair
The souls that wail on this plain pray for death
Denial is the reason for their suffering
Forever being stung by wasps and demons breath
The blood and tears that fall serve the maggots need
Descention, thrusting to the second plain
Minos judges as his tail twines
Lustful thoughts and greed whip these wretched souls
A hurricane of hate mocks their helpless pleas
Drifting now down deeper, into eternal flames
Awake at the third circle, the cold and filthy rain
Punished for their gluttony, languid for all time
The earth it stinks of corpses, damned for all time
The vicious beast Cerebus, three heads, blooded eyes
Tears his talons through the air, all the skinners cry
Down, be still thy cursed wolf
The master scorns its name
Dive to the next plain
The sullen and the vain
Suffer for greed
The prodigal they bleed
For all eternity
Plutus holds the key
Damned, the wrathful and the vain
Suffer the fifth plain
Cross the river Styx
Heed your crucifix
The mudded corpses cry
Howling to the sky
Reach the other side
Open wide the gate
Enter the sixth circle of barren land and flames
Passing through the gate of dis the furies scream her name
Belching forth in agony invoking her to rise
The spirit's rage consuming us the evil in their cries
Queen of vipers, queen of serpents
Cast their souls to stone
Spread to wealth of Gorgon's power
Medusa's inner soul
We're drawing ever closer to the seventh hell
They violate their neighbors, their god and themselves
We're sailing slowly through the boiling river of blood
Immersed in the depths below souls scream in agony
The twisted beast he laughs, he draws his arrow back
His sights on anyone exposing of their flesh
He impales their hearts with ease
And shrugs their piercing screams
Pity is they'll never die
They'll suffer here eternally
Imagine a place where every horror comes to life
Where every torture is real and time stands still
Eight fiery steps and we're closer to the end
In a cold and timeless grave buried head first in shit
Praying all the while for a quick & painless death
Scratching furiously at scabbed and oozing wounds
Lucifer ... angel of light
Cast below god of ice
Ruling hell unholy trinity
The traitors freeze for all eternity
Lucifer ... betrayer of god
Tormentor ruthless and cold
Judas' screaming here in agony
The traitors freeze for all eternity
7. The Hunter
[music\lyrics - Schaffer]
A force of light an angel
Sent through time to destroy
Avenging the dark ones
Descending angelic force
Heaven sent the hunter
Her mission to crucify
Slay the hellspawn
His offspring demonic force
Descending from heaven
The angel sworn to bring him down
The hunter the thunder
The wrath of heavens comin' down
She swore an oath, an allegiance
Armageddon is in sight
To be the thorn in the devils back
To make him weak, the final fight
[Repeat Chorus]
8. Travel In Stygian
[Music: Schaffer / Lyrics: Schaffer]
Through the flames I watch
As you plead on your knees
The reaper awaits
The ride that you take
Through the lake, lake of flames
Will decide your fate
Was all of it worth eternal pain
The path you chose to live in vain
The river Styx is calling your number
The hot winds of Hell breathe your name
On the night that it came to me
It was like nothing I'd ever seen
A vision darker than death itself
A violent cloud straight from the depths of hell
And that's when I saw my destiny
As it approached I was frozen still
I couldn't move, couldn't scream for help
Out of the darkness it reached for me
And that's when it planted the evil seed
And that's when I saw my destiny
Travel in Stygian
The damned scream my name
Travel in Stygian
I can't repent it's too late
Travel in Stygian
Hot winds blow upon me
Travel in Stygian
No remorse it's too late
The henchman awaits you
Yes that's right, step aboard
We have a very long journey
You owe us
You got what you wanted
In your mortal life
Now your soul is in our grasp
It's time
Riding on the hot winds of hell
Traveling down in the ship of pain
I chose this fate no turning back
The river Styx has called for me.
9. Slave To The Dark
[music\lyrics - Schaffer]
A twisted state of mind, torn between two worlds
One of which the new me hates and the one that's coming true
The power is unleashed, they perish at my gaze
But am I really in control or am I just a slave
I called upon this god to deliver unto me
To grant what I desire he brought me to my knees
He turned his back on me and filled me with his lies
Ask and I received damnation was the pric;
I signed my name in blood, didn't read the fine prints
Now I'm just a puppet god for the devils own descent
Bound and shackled here forever damned a slave
Fallen bloody tears can't wash the pain away
All at once it's clear to me
Damnation and destiny
A slave to darkness shall I be
Damnation and destiny
And so I must repent or will I be destroyed
Will the one that lives in me release me from this lie
And will the wrath of god have mercy on my soul
Or humilate me, desecrate me, like his only son
[Repeat Chorus]
10. A Question Of Heaven
[music\lyrics - Schaffer]
The time is close now, the end is near
My walk through the valley, trails of fear
I feel empty, my penance overdue,
I guess it's too late now to be with you
I'm extremely frightened of what will surely be
I sold myself, the death of me
I know you can't forgive me I know I'm on my own,
I've betrayed you I walk alone
What exactly is the meaning of this
Just pawns in your twisted game
Severe pain for the lie I'm livin'
For a love I never could betray
Question me not say the lord unto thee
You have chosen your own fate and your own destiny
Denied of this life is what you are to be
You have chosen your own fate and your own destiny
Lord I pound my fists at you
Won't you just let me die
Would I not suffer enough
No inner peace no after life
[Repeat Bridge]
I did what I thought was right
All for the love of my life
I know it's sad but true
Something is very wrong
Condemned to suffer so long
For a love so true
The question that lies within
Is so hard to understand
It still tears at me
And in my dying breath
My heart holds no regrets
I wouldn't change a thing
My spirit begins to rise to the heavenly skies
Just to be shunned away by you
Now all I want is to die, no streets of gold in the sky
And I wash my hands of you
Rising to the heaven's light
Just to plead for death
Just to be denied
Rising to the heaven's light
Just to plead for death
Just to be denied
Ooohhh, I know you can't forgive me
I know I'm on my own
I know that I've betrayed you
You know I walk alone
You know I walk alone
I walk, I walk the trail of fear
I pound my fists at you
I'm shunned away by you
I wash my hands of you
Why won't you let me die
Why won't you let me die
Why won't you let me die
11. Dark Saga
[music\lyrics - Schaffer]
The deal was rigged
There's darkness in my soul
I want to die again
An empty soul shrouded in darkness
Alone and confused what am I?
Images flash memories jaded
He took my life God damn his lies
Fight spawn of the damned, bring down the heavens
Smash in the gates, burn 'em down
You must accept the fate that you've chosen
You will obey your destiny
I cheated myself for love
Love unconditional
Now just to see her face
I've lost it all
I know there's goodness in me
Though I'm not the same
I will defy the master
I will refuse to be his slave
No, I was betrayed I can't accept this
My future's unclear, it's a lie
I'll follow my heart stand and be counted
The curse will lift I will survive
[Repeat Chorus]
12. Last Laugh
[music - Schaffer\Shawver]
[lyrics - Barlow]
My personal quest is to make your life hell
Yes dear friend listen up well
The power I've given I can take as well
I am your father destroyer of the light
I've taken your soul and have given you life
You are the damned condemned by my hand
My son creature of the night
In your hour of darkness
You warm my soul
And deep in you as I make my hole
God won't save you
Your souls been sold
I am your father destroyer of the light
I've taken your soul and have given you life
You are the damned condemned by my hand
My son creature of the night
Extending, now you rise
Tormented, soul of fire
Deception, in my eyes
Your life, your life is mine
My new born son burn now with anger
I command and you must follow
Fly now and do battle
The heavens fall, mankinds disaster
In your hour of darkness
You warm my soul
God won't save you
Your souls been sold
I am your father destroyer of the light
I've taken your soul and have given you life
You are the damned condemned by my hand
My son creature of the night
Extending, now you rise
Tormented, soul of fire
Deception, in my eyes
Your life, your life is mine
13. Last December
[Music : Schaffer / Lyrics : Schaffer]
The howling winds blow
On this moonlit night
Eyes locked in fear
With a dark embrace
The bitter cold winds
Freeze the tears that fall
Hands held in grace
As we take the final step
Obsessed with our love
Here is our fate
To need the final call
On this special winter day
A message to our elders
They surely won't forget
Our love must last forever
In death we shall not part
It seems like only yesterday
Our lives together planned
They say it's just a passing phase
We're damned by our youth
Why does no one understand
What we have is real
This is not your average love it's forever
Last December
Mother you have forced us here
Last December
Father now we'll disappear
Last December
One last step we fade away
So we take the final step
Heed the final call
Together we are strong
Divided we must fall
Teenage suicide
Our only way out
Together we might live
Divided we must fall
Last December
Mother you have forced us here
Last December
Father now we'll disappear
Last December
One last step we fade away
14. Watching Over Me
I had a friend many years ago
One tragic night he died
The saddest time of my life
For weeks and weeks I cried
Through the anger and through the tears
I've felt his spirit through the years
I'd swear, He's watching me
Guiding me through hard times
I feel it once again
It's overwhelming me
His spirit's like the wind
The angel guarding me
Oh, I know, oh, I know
He's watching over me
Oh, I know, oh, I know
He's watching over me
We shared dreams like all best friends
Blood brothers at the age of ten
We lived reckless, he paid the price
But why? Why did he have to die?
It still hurts me to this day
Am I selfish for feeling this way?
I know he's an angel now
Together we'll be someday
I feel it once again
It's overwhelming me
His spirit's like the wind
The angel guarding me
Oh, I know, oh, I know
He's watching over me
Oh, I know, oh, I know
He's watching over me
15. Angels Holocaust
[Music: Schaffer / Lyrics: Schaffer]
As I walk through the blackened forest
Thoughts of hate and anger fill my soul
The charred remains of the holy rollers
Scream repentance though it's far too late
I fight back the laughter at what I see
The suffering healers false destined prophecy
He didn't think yesterday of the end of his life
The brainwashed fools born again of a thousand lies
Hate filled screams break the silence
Terrifying dreams filling up your head
Blasphemy thrusting out, in the masses it reigns
The mask of hypocrisy is slowly unveiled
Fear the angels holocaust, they're screaming
Dreams of pain forever entering your head
Death and hatred loathing, on mankind it feeds
Earth is dead and gone now, we've brought it to an end
For the last time I've been betrayed
Never again will I subject myself to this hypocrisy
Something is drawing me to the other side
Only time will tell my true destiny
16. Stormrider
[Music: Schaffer, Shawver / Lyrics: Schaffer]
As I travel through the astral plains
I see the break ahead
As though the sky has burst in flames
Before the storm I dread
Lightning breaks across the sky
Blackish blue at night
Riders ride on dismal clouds
I scream at heavens light
Storming demons travel through the night
The time is almost here
I lay in a jacket of steel
My scream no one hears
I can feel the storm approaching
The pain is its' reality
The death I breathe is in the air
I feel no more, no longer care
The trumpets sound as I break free
This vision I see just can't be me
What is this that I have done
Why am I the chosen one
Fight on, grab on
Now the rider rides through the night
The time is almost here
As I lay wrapped in steel
My scream no one hears
Help me, through this hell inside
My life's my own, it's my pride
Carry on my solid dream
Save me from this horrid scream
Fight on, grab on
17. Path I Choose
[Music: Schaffer, Shawver / Lyrics: Schaffer]
During the last rays of the sacred moon
I walk the desolate terrain cold and all alone
The rider came to me a black tornado, a violent mass
The cloud of evil rose, now I'm marked for all time
Temptation befell me
Darkness is calling for me
This is the path that I choose
This is the path that I choose
Forced power besieged in me
Showing visions of what will be
Now obsessed with my fate
I must go forth and conquer
The chosen one to lead the pack
This boiling hate has risen
From the depths of my blackened heart
This madness is my destiny
Temptation befell me
Darkness is calling for me
This is the path that I choose
This is the path that I choose
18. I Died For You
[music\lyrics - Schaffer]
I can't believe this now
This isn't what I planned
I lived and died and now
I just can't understand
With all the love I feel
I could never leave her
No matter what the cost
My soul's the price to see her
Oh how I love you
The pain won't go away
Oh when I need you
You're always so far away
I cry for you
Leaving myself to blame
I died for you
I gave up everything
The pain was just too much
When I finally saw her
She's happy and in love
In love with my best friend
What makes it hurt so bad
Is that I love them both
And they will never know
For love I sold my soul
[Repeat Chorus]
19. Prophecy
I can see clearly now, a painful vision indeed
An attack on hallowed ground, from high above
Alien to us, the species known as man
A serious threat, in the eyes of the Elder
So heed my warning, before our own existence falls near extinct
Our culture is lost in ancient mystery, covered in the sands of time
A sacred few survive the massacre this night
In secret they will meet a new society
Ten thousand years from now, a child will be born
I've seen the vision, the writing on the wall
He'll walk the Earth, two thousand years or more
Paving the way, for mankind's fall
So there is hope you see, but we must act with great speed
Assemble the chosen, the ones to lead, and morph them in the likeness of man
Oppressed for centuries, await the prophecy
The child will set us free, reclaim it rightfully
We'll take their identity and live among them free
All the while, plotting events that mold their history
We'll build the perfect beast with the knowledge that they seek
If it takes ten thousand years, we never will retreat
Assassins we will be, through human history
Jesus Christ to Kennedy, the Domino Decree
Disciples of the Watch, prepare the coming curse
If it takes ten thousand years, we never will retreat
And so, our world is doomed, we'll lay claim again some day
There is hope, in the birth of one, so many centuries away
20. Birth Of The Wicked
Daylight breaks hard on sacred ground
For centuries we've questioned them of His birth
But in this hour, on this day, The Elder knew
Years of madness must now subdue
Order must be enforced to hide the truth
Cause on this day, in this hour it's coming true
Child of the wicked and ancient man
Baptized in black magic, their master plan
Born of the Watch, his prophecy, by their command
So, behold the birth, the wicked child
Born of the Beast, in eastern sands
He will arise, He will divide
He has the power to bring the end
It's up to us now to seal his fate
Marked with the proper math the child's none to late
Blessed by the Beast, our Chosen One was born this day
He'll rise from the ashes of our dying race
Manipulate history, time and space
The Elder, Men of the Watch, professed this day
Child of the wicked and ancient man
Baptized in black magic, their master plan
Born of the Watch, his prophecy, by their command
Conceived of the Beast and in stars above
We`ll shape and guide him with undying love
Born of the Watch, through sands of time, by their command
So, behold the birth, the wicked child
Born of the Beast, in eastern sands
He will arise, He will divide
He has the power to bring the end
Behold the birth, the wicked child
Born of the Beast, in eastern sands
He will arise, He will divide
He has the power to bring the end
21. The Coming Curse
I walk the Earth just as they planned
Baptized in fire for my ancient land
The coming curse, your anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
I vindicate and cleanse the Earth of all mankind
For many years, I've walked among you
Through the folds of time and space
Kingdoms fall, leaders die, as I see fit
I devour souls of those that pose a threat
I walk the Earth another day
The wicked one that comes this way
Savior to my own, devil to some
Mankind falls, something wicked comes
I bide my time planning your fate
With bated breath, The Elder wait
The coming curse, your anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
For your crimes on our kind you all will die
I walk the Earth another day
The wicked one that comes this way
Savior to my own, devil to some
Mankind falls, something wicked comes
Forged in the sacred flames
On the sixth day
Of the sixth month
In the sixth hour
I am your anti-Christ, I will destroy mankind
Born of the beast and flames
I will devour, I will divide
Hellfire rages in my eyes
Blood will fall like rain this night
The coming curse, the anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
I vindicate and cleanse the Earth of all mankind
I walk the Earth another day
The wicked one that comes this way
Savior to my own, devil to some
Mankind falls, something wicked comes
22. Iced Earth
[Music: Schaffer / Lyrics: Schaffer]
What do I see
On the icy plains
The desolate one
It's my terrain
The wind it blows cold
Howling my name
I am the king
The king of this waste
Can't you see this barren land
Lain to waste
Ravaged, scorched, yet frozen
From your neglect
I am the formless one
I came to save
You are the chosen ones
You'll be my slaves
I stand on the glacier
Above it all
Watching them crumble
Watching them crawl
Iced Earth has risen
Nature will fall
Can you feel the madness here
Drawing you all too near
Earth, fire, water and air
Save yourselves from despair
We are together now
Crush the cowards, do it now
End the light, end the one
We have come to save
the young ones
So on an on
The story goes
Destroying yourselves
The pain it shows
23. Stand Alone
[Schaffer, Barlow]
Listen not to ones who preach
Those who feel you're a freak
Everything about you is wrong
You must be sick, you don't belong
Father said, worry not what they say
Use your mind, your own free will
In a time when everyone follows
Ignorance can kill
They only say what they want you to hear
Half-truths have been twisted to conceal your fate
In a world of spoon-fed emotion
Intelligence can save
Stand alone
Hear what I say
Stand alone
You will seize the day
Son, say what you mean, don't be afraid
Tell them how you feel, hear what I say
Be true to yourself and true to your own
Your spirit will crush the hearts of stone
Stand alone
Hear what I say
Stand alone
It's a leap of faith
24. Cast In Stone
[Music: Schaffer, Shawver, Abell / Lyrics: Barlow]
On the fall of our kingdom time would never be the same
Cursed mortals,
their ignorance brought about undying pain
Not of life nor of death
Light...we'll never see again
Entombed, now and forever by the suns blinding light
Trapped by flesh turned to stone, set free by the night
Lavish lords that we once were condemned to never die
As we watch the genocide from on high
Long ago...the first age of earth
From the dragons womb we're given birth
Protectors of our fathers right
Guardians of primordial light
How can we save our dying world
From the humans lack of sight
The darkest corner of your mind
is where we choose to live
Reminding you of what you've lost
in your quest for dominance
Of our children all is gone except the terror in your soul
Our image cast in stone, which once was flesh and bone
The time will come when we rise and reclaim our domain
from the war and deceit which infests our world
We are all around you
Watching, waiting...in the shadows
25. Desert Rain
[Music: Schaffer, Abell / Lyrics: Schaffer]
The sympathy in my mind is growing cold
Life is like the burning sand so I'm told
The time is coming near when solitude appears
Take the chains of oppression away
Through the sands of time I'm marching on
The blistering rays of hate strengthen me
The violent mass has shown my destiny
Does all of this justify the rage inside
The desert rain is changing me
It's called on me to rise
A world of hate and malice
Yes, that's the way it seems
The hour glass is running out
The serpent rides with me
We shall rise and conquer
Crushing all that's weak
All that's light is burning out
The serpent rides with me
[Repeat chorus]
26. Brainwashed
[Music : Schaffer, Shawver / Lyrics : Schaffer]
And so we begin with another sun
The earth's enslaved with hypocrites
They lay their heads to rest at night
Say a little prayer and all is right
Christ it's nothing personal
You've got to see
They twist and turn your words
For their own needs
They're brainwashed puppets
The almighty crutch
Cowards of reality
And their dying love
Living life in total lies
Judging others
Believe that I say or burn in hell
Bow down your head
You won't feel so bad
Do as I say or burn in hell
Close your eyes, look deep inside
Master of the ignorant
Master of the lies
Judgment day is close at hand
Generate that blasphemy
Master of the damned
Now behind your reflection
Lies the one who knows the truth
Your conscience will condemn you
On judgment day you'll lose
It seems very odd to me
How you sin and feel so free
And all you have to do is say
Forgive me ... I believe
Lies, foolish lies
Behind your brainwashed eyes
Lies, foolish lies
Behind your brainwashed eyes
Judge me not my shallow friend
Lest ye be judged yourself
You abuse the words you preach
You mold them for yourself
Brainwashed hypocrisy
Justifies the life you lead
Forgive me father I have sinned
Lay my head to rest again
Living life in total lies
Judging others
Believe what I say or burn in hell
Trust in me, say yes I believe
Do it now or burn in hell
27. Disciples Of The Lie
You abuse and you victimize
But you're dignified, so you justify
It's in your eyes where deception lies
So you criticize with cruel eyes
Father in black, black as sin
Pure hypocrisy to no end
Condemnning me and my fellow man
I live my life among the damned
I've gotta do as you say, not as you do
You're a man of the cloth, I'm comin' for you
You say you can save me, cleanse me of my sin
A holy predator, the wolf in sheepskin
Disciples of the lie
Breeding fear in your twisted smile
Pedophile, in denial
I taste revenge when I think of you
A life of hell you put me through
When I find you I'll take youout
No remorse, you're going down
You see satisfaction in my eyes
I vindicate, now you die
I've gotta do as you say, not as you do
You're a man of the cloth, I'm comin' for you
You say you can save me, cleanse me of my sin
A holy predator, the wolf in sheepskin
Disciples of the lie
The blackness inside overwhelms me
The pain engulfs and turns to rage in me
Trapped so deep in my mental hell
Release the demons, set me free
I've gotta do as you say, not as you do
You're a man of the cloth, I'm comin' for you
You say you can save me, cleanse me of my sin
A holy predator, the wolf in sheepskin
28. When The Night Falls
[Music: Schaffer / Lyrics: Schaffer]
Look, out in the distant sky
Open, up your weakened minds
Feel, what's in store for you
The jackals howling at the moon
See, the curtain of the night
Falling, down into your life
Doom, is headed straight for you
The night comes shining through
Join us in our never ending journey
Into the burning lake of fire
Let us fill your helpless soul
Fill it with sweet desire
When the night falls
When the moon's full
Recall, the look in their eyes
The sign of hat, it burns
They've come for us, but we'll fight
Till death
Hypnotizing, paralyzing
Brings me to my knees
Tantalizing suicide
Drives me to the edge
When the night falls, when death crawls
Frozen in my sleep
Rippers slashing, terror laughing
Numbers burning deep
Join us in our never ending journey
Into the burning lake of fire
Let us fill your helpless soul
Fill it with sweet desire
When the night falls
When the moon's full
29. Diary
[Music : Schaffer, Shawver, Abell / Lyrics : Barlow]
Mine is pure darkness
It is as blackness is
Damn the light which comes from
You as a moth to flame I burn
In the twilight of morning I rest my weary eyes
For the benefits of the nights bounty were many
My soul has been redeemed (with those of others)
I missed my love tonight
Hiding behind the figure I cannot bare to face
That of a dead profit
And his beast of burden
Thorns ripping through his brow
Skin soft and white, eyes fire and ice
Just as I recall
Not longer than nine score
Certainly food for the gods
And fit for a prince
Her throat I'll have it now
I will have her, she is mine
Rise of the sun, my test of time
And when shadows fall on unholy ground
It's time to sleep again
As consciousness slips into blackness
I rise to nights warm embrace
And though my blood runs cold
I know my love will be alone
And my mortal heart shall beat again
Like it did ten thousand years ago
Forbidden love can only taste this sweet
Not like the others so incomplete
The symbolic arrow that pierces my heart
Takes the shape of a wooden stare
Now I am the one crucified
For her immortal heart I'd give my own
And die for mankind's sins
But that is not the nature of this beast
I am denied
I will have her, she is mine
Rise of the sun, my test of time
When shadows fall on unholy ground
I will make her mine
30. Blessed Are You
Pure ambition burns in me
It's a beast, never to be tamed
And the only peace I can find
Is when I'm here with you
You are the ones that keep me high
You are the ones for which I'll die
Forever we will be
Standing tall, side by side
We're the children of the night
Blessed are you
Blessed am I
Children of the night
So this song is for all of you
By my side, through and through
We'll roam that world true and free
Feeding you the inner beast
You are the ones that keep me high
You are the ones for which I'll die
Forever we will be
Standing tall, side by side
We're children of the night
Blessed are you
Blessed am I
Children of the night
The storm we ride
Side by side
You keep me high
For you I'll die
Through the storm we ride
31. Violate
[music\lyrics - Schaffer]
Enter now the fiendish one
Twisted little man
Vile wretch disgusting mess
Perverted little man
Born of hell and in disease
Hate festers in his veins
Demonic clown and shapeshifter
Little man gone insane
Enter now
Enter now
And violate
I'll beat you with your spinal cord
Split your skull in two
I'll feast on your intestines
There's nothing I can't do
I'll rip your heart out of your chest
Watch it beat as you cry
I revel in your agony
I violate and make you die
Enter now
Enter now
And violate.