 Новый альбом приверженцев Троллиного Синдиката продолжает линию первого - это все тот же финский мизантропично-симфоничный блэк, напоминающий ранний Old Man's Child.
Но все же, со времен «Bizarre Troll Technology» (2001) изменений произошло немало. Композиции стали гораздо короче, чем на дебютнике, зато скорости и агрессии прибавилось, да так, что после сорока минут альбома мозг слушателя остается выжатым досуха. Клавиши сменились от симфоничности в сторону кибера, также появились индастриальные фишки, вообще, можно сказать, что тролли заиграли индастриальный блэк, но попробуйте сыскать такие скорости в этом стиле…
Трэки уже не так четко оседают в голове, как на первом альбоме, но мелодии и ритмы почти также хороши, как и раньше, просто к ним привыкаешь не так быстро. Гитары, как обычно, на высоте - неплохие риффы и соляки никуда не делись. Вокал Spellgoth-а стал еще более агрессивным и прямо-таки исходит ненавистью и глумлением над расой человеческой.
Trollhem's Grott не лишены чувства юмора, послушайте, например, начало «Little Shop of Scalpels»; а последний трэк так вообще неплохой образчик техно.
В общем, последняя вещь (что-то больше о них я ничего не слышал) этих парней - забойная и прикольная штука. Рекомендую. |
we take the humanity away
We've created a certain solution
suicide, the death's illusion
Green stream flowing and flowing
blocking the red stream from growing
retro nightmares, arcane illusions
death to humans all all their delusions
Now the blood stream is growing and growing
blocking the green stream from growing
accusation of experementation
is tricked to create new prod nation
We are the rivals of pestilence
architects of lost reality
To tear down something you call "god"
To bash him down and to vomit his blood
We are here to dehumanize
or to some, to restore world to its former
Fuck mankind, so full of nothingness
so arrogant bastards...
2. Exact Answers and Syndicate Solutions
Religious today is the opposite to righteous
Living are not the heroes but the dead you respect
Inhale the air where you can smell the presence of evil
Take my advice and don't step on the black flowers
We are horizontal, we are vertical, together we
control superbeast paranoia
We create icons, we tear down gods, we are on
the top of evolution
Take your next step, but dont step on the flowers
Ah, advance little more, so I can finally see your face
We are in front of you
Barrels of our guns
pointed to your head
click, click, boom, you're dead
We don't give you any exact answers
Our destination lies unknown
where do you want to go?
Humans I have known
Have perished in flames
but we do offer syndicate solutions
We are horizontal, we are vertical, together
we control superbeast paranormal
We create icons, we tear down gods
we are on the top of evolution
3. Syndicate WormCampaign
Is this another distraction
to fool us and to create a fraction
within what we have created
bloodsoaked and ill-fated
is you pathetic crusade!
You will see them bleed, giving birth to me
is this another way to say: I'm sorry
Fuck, mercy is dead and so is compassion
and your pathetic crusade
You will them bleed, giving birth to me
is this or is this not, the heavens dawn
the final cry of mercy of mankind
I'm born, in Syndicate World
Is this or is this not, the rise of truth
and syndicate and the rise of
I'm born, In Syndicate World
Through your bleeding wounds created by three nails
Me and my companion crawl inside your veins
To recreate and to uncreate what you have built!
The mechanics of present world
Were useless and abnormal
This was his body - This was his blood
All that is left, are dry bread and wine.
So drink and get drunk, as there is no escape
4. Operation: Lick the Fungus
Smooth and silky, slimy and disgusting
With woerms or without, lets begin
Controlled contamination
Of human abomination
Mushroom powered operation
to bring back what we were
We try to find the lost traces of reality
Are we really destined to loose our identity
Controlled contamination
of human abomination
We bring chaos
we bring destruction
operation lick the fungus
Necromechanic junkies
humans under neon lights
We - are - coming
to take you to place where you belong
Taste, the sweet taste of mortality
Agents, fire is free
Mushroom powered operation
to bring back what we were
We try to find the lost traces of reality
Are we reeally destined to loose our identity
Controlled contamination
of human abomination
Succes of operation
is now at hand
5. The Little Shop of Scalpels
I'm the little shopkeeper,
and I'd like to welcome you
Take a seat and relax,
'cause you'll take a Painride soon
Sadistik discotheque of denied desires
where pain and pleasure go undivided
What a great smile! Allow me to open it wide.
Little incisions here and there, the death is near, you fear nothing.
Fear of god has been removed in the little shop of scalpels.
Such silky skin! It must be hot, shall I peel it off?
Ah, you've find you're favourite thrill
Excellent choice, You had an eye for pain
This will take the other one as well
and many other parts too...
We have exchanged faith into something more concrete, well pain is abstract, but the feeling is real.
6. The Syndicate Haunts You Down
A biomechanical weapons race
The syndicate has very intriguing plans for you
the trolls are very pleased to find
Such possibilities in ways of controlling you
destroying you
Feel your head expanding towards chaos
As they set a new virtue to your head - Pure evil
The syndicate is after you - feel their presence around
The trolls in horns are coming down on you
they are out there - to haunt you down
You see them but they have no face
And they shall haunt you down - haunt you down
Prepare yourself for contact
Would you like to buy an new syndicate official?
Some muscarin for courage?
Or would you prefer psilocybin?
Straight from the factory
with single-stranded-ribonucleic-acid-virus-complex
They're getting rid of you before you know
In ways beyond your comprehension
Ex cathedra. The solution is ready
the transformation is complete
Vowelization with thorns of fire
Welcome to the world of pain
We assume you'll want to sign the entryform
to our cryogenic facilities
We have a new product designed for you
the lucid-dream-2002, An immaculate nightmare
We are inside your head
7. Experimentation
We've found a stable configuration for our society
Yet still we cannot avoid the human-troll collision.
Take a little peek from that window
What do you see? It's not a dream.
Human and troll embryos separately in glass jars
For what reason: come and see.
Human embryos, they are weak
we poke them with needles and let them die
Take a little peek from that window
What do you see? It's not a dream.
Troll embryos, growing tall
we nurse them, we feed them well
Where our obscure goals collide with mankind
our inhumane plans will be finally fullfilled
Humans, taught to be afraid of everything
fear of god, fear of death, soon fear of syndicate
Symptoms are clear, weakness and unforgiven
We're not sure of the disease, but cure will be our iron fist!
More simple minds to manipulate,
more beautifull dreams to crush,
more weak humans, more and more,
for our scientists to cut.
Take a little peek from that window
What do you see? It's not a dream.
Where our obscure goals collide with mankind
our inhumane plans will be finally fullfilled
8. Addicted to Lethal Injections
Deadly syndicate playground
infested with needles of our time
where human children tend to play
we are rebels to their cause
Two pistols in the hands of one
6, 6, 6, bullets divided for everyone
fewer to give, more to take
the one empowered by syndicate
the addiction grows stronger
the addiction grows stronger
you cannot resist the hunger
you cannot stop the plunger
Addicted to lethal injections
Addicted to lethal injections
as the human in us refuses to die
we choose to tear him apart
In you and in me
the same urge keeps us alive
When destroyed all human life
the syndicate smiles, the syndicate smiles
Feed the data: code: Dead, dead, dead
scorched earth policy, dead infants
new wave of intelligent life
sweeps your planet