 Замечательная музыка не имеет жанров - эту истину еще раз подтвердил бывший клавишник группы Dream Theater Кевин Мур. Кевин ещё в DT отличался от остальных участников группы своим видением музыки. Мне это отличие нравилось. Ярлык, который вешают на этот проект (progressive metal), вводит многих в заблуждение - никакого метала здесь нет и, я думаю, не будет. Музыка Chroma Key в первую очередь представляет собой клавишно-ориентированный рок с элементами психоделии и электроники. Работы группы отличает некоторая меланхоличность, которая, однако, переходит в светлую грусть. "Dead Air for Radios" - очень качественная пластинка. Вокал просто бесподобен, а гармонии песен восхитительны; есть как треки с вокалом, так и без него. Кевин в этом проекте много экспериментировал с сэмплами - надо признаться, удачно. Вообще, работа очень самобытна и интересна. Из треков хочется выделить "Colorblind", "Undertow" и "Mouse (Now Watch What Happens)".
В целом, я думаю, стоит посоветовать эту работу поклонникам Стивена Уилсона, его проекта Blackfield, а также OSI. |
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Первый альбом Кевина Мура получился чуть более чем хорошим, но чуть менее чем идеальным. Здорово сбалансированные музыка и вокал образуют этакий клубок из проводов и транспарентных клавиш. Спокойная, несколько меланхоличная атмосфера передает настроение главного героя. Буквально с первых аккордов становится ясно, что он в поисках. Вот только кого? Подсказка в текстах: «Had to choose between the bible and the phone book». Действительно, сложный выбор. Метания на грани безумия в продолжение всей пластинки подчеркивает и музыка. Клавиши обрамляют общее электронно-гитарное звучание, а местами и вовсе правят балом, расставляя акценты над важными деталями.
Никакого пафоса, излишних эффектов а-ля «смотрите, как я могу!». Мур, не умничая, пишет звуковое полотно так, как ему интересно. А дополняет нужным именно здесь и сейчас вокалом. Собственно, такими незамысловатыми приемами и достигается поставленная музыкантами задача: слушателю просто приятно и уютно в созданном ими мире. В общем, приятного погружения. |
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просмотров: 8247 |
i'm colorblind three way tragedy
pantone memory grayscale eyes
maybe i'm paranoid yeah that's my problem
you almost have to be when you look like me
stopped in the shade of a road sign
when the sun rose like a bomb
tried to read the simple writing
but the letters came out wrong
it's all white lines to me
but things are getting clearer
i can almost read the writing in the mirror
i'm colorblind three way tragedy
pantone memory grayscale eyes
maybe i'm paranoid yeah that's my problem
you almost have to be when you look like me
green can only hold you in the garden
too much red will go right to your head
but if it's all the same to you
give me back my blue
other colors fade anyway
i'm colorblind freeway tragedy
pantone memory x-ray eyes
where'd all the color go on my radio?
you almost have to be a satellite to see.
2. Even The Waves
me & judas lost at sea
under electric twilight fading
i look at him he sees through me
40 days and we're still waiting
i'm not tired but i think i'll lay back anyway
i'm not welcome but i think i'll stay
me & jonas lost at sea
deep inside a dream we're trailing
heard him whisper wait for me
sun goes down and we're still sailing
i'm not nervous but i think i'll lay back anyway
i'm not helpless but i think i'll stay
and even the waves won't carry me away
keep heading west that's the best
may be lost but i'm not crazy
stay where you are not too far
keep it up you're doing fine
well i thought i was fine
me & joseph lost at sea
under rain and slowly waking
he looks around and smiles at me
41 and we're still waiting
i'm not tired but i think i'll lay back anyway
i'm not hopeless but i think i'll stay
and even the waves won't carry me away
3. Undertow
last night hit the net
woke up in a sweat
same scene different dream sudden ending
grabbed a pillow and covered my head
kicked the phone off the side of the bed
tried to sing but the damn thing kept on ringing
i know
i'll go to mexico
someplace nothing changes
maybe i'll call on the phone
maybe i'll write you a letter
that's what i meant when i said goodbye
backed the shovelhead out of the shed
hit the interstate hard heading left
the street below is water flowing undertow
there's a song that i'd rather forget
but i don't think i've shaken it yet
as soon as i do
i'm gonna write us another one
i know
i'll go to mexico
someplace nothing changes
maybe i'll call on the phone
maybe i'll write you a letter
that's what i meant when i said goodbye
i know
i'll go to mexico
someplace nothing changes
maybe i'll call on the phone
maybe i'll write you a letter
maybe i'll die maybe i'll learn how to fly
that's what i meant when i said
4. America The Video
i was half outside and half inside a dream
when i thought i heard your voice on my machine
sang along had the song almost memorized
liked the track so i laid back and let it fossilize
(i've got all of this on video
it just gets better every episode)
america i was blind but now i see
america right there in front of me
lost my head in my hotel room when the ground shook
had to choose between the bible and the phone book
you're never home but that's okay
it's so much easier that way
'cause i can't tell it to your face in real time anyway
america i was blind but now i see
america right there in front of me
and it makes no sense to me
unless i see it on t.v.
so just launch that satellite
and get it right
america i was blind but now i see
america right there in front of me
and it makes no sense to me
unless i see it on t.v.
so just launch that satellite
and get it right
(sometimes the answer just comes)
(sometimes the answer just comes)
5. S.O.S.
fly blackbird fly
frozen the sea i see you
old cover clouds new snow there they go
silent but wings
sun orange small i see you
nowhere is home go alone and alone
fly angel fly
older than me i feel you
coalcovered clouds white snow there you go
heard myself call
far from them all i feel you
left them behind or ahead and he said
sooner or later you get up off the floor
when no one wants to hear it anymore
someday soon you're gonna get up off the floor
'cause no one wants to hear that shit
cry blackbird cry over the waves i hear you
coalcovered clouds white snow there they go
ice on your wings songless he sings i hear you
nowhere is home go alone there's a phone
6. Camera 4
7. On The Page
tell me something stupid
auction off my diary
life is getting esoteric
let me in your movie
each time i walk out the door
someone mixes metaphors
life is so much cleaner on the page
it's like the morning when i'm dreaming
and everything is so pristine
it's just a seven hour movie
and i'm in every scene
let me in my t.v.
get this tape to tori
got to have a subplot
when i sell them my life story
maybe i should write it first
and do the living later
'cause life is so much cleaner on the page
it's like the time i lost my body
and then i saw it on t.v.
somehow it shed a whole dimension
but it still looked like me
(hey! that looks like me!)
each time i write lines for it
someone improvises it
life is so much cleaner on the page
life is so much cleaner on the page
8. Mouse (Now Watch What Happens) (sample)
(now, now I know I'm not crazy. the fucking mouse, the
mouse is back again. and I got him here, mother fff – he's in
the fucking radiator. this prick, and he's lay – he's eating a
fucking Dorito. and I can't get him. and he's looking at me,
and he'll still eat the Dorito. he's behind the fucking – i'm
gonna fucking kill him. this is war. now this is war. now
watch what happens.) [Todd Farrington]
took the flower back
his wayward love had been mislead
the sun is dying
apologies she can't accept
check the window quick
the sun is dying
blue and red of day to purple night
and absent light to disarray
took the flower back
his wayward love had been mislead
the sun is dying
apologies she won't accept
check the window quick
the sun is dying
a candle marks her tears
the flame will fade
she'll greet the dawn in disarray
she steps into the stream the level rising
she steps into the stream the level rising
took the flower back
his wayward love had been misled
the level's rising
steps into the stream
we're so misled
she'll watch the pain the level's rising
blue and reds of day to purple night
and absent light to disarray
she steps into the stream the level rising
she steps into the stream the level rising
she steps into the stream the level rising
she steps into the stream the level rising
9. Hell Mary