 Deathspell Omega – это неспокойная музыка тяжелых размышлений, диспутов с самим собой, и метаний на грани умопомешательства, не приводящих к результату, а только погружающих слушателя в пустоту самокопания. Как и положено блэк-металу, она хаотична в деталях, мощна и агрессивна; но у «Kenose» есть и другая сторона: пространные переборы, совершенно сумасшедшие ударные, своим напором напоминающие шторм, и постоянные нетривиальные смены ритма, тонущие в обволакивающем гитарном звуке. Под истинно блэк-металической оболочкой у французов спрятана настоящая кладезь эксперимента и нестандартности. Deathspell Omega исследовали, кажется, все пространство своего стиля, ни разу не переступив пограничную черту, и предусмотрели любую возможность развития в тесных рамках блэк-метала. Каждый шаг, попытка отойти от наследия северных команд тут окрашена в мощный, отдающийся эхом звук, отрешенные риффы, и проходит в сопровождении гнетущего духа искажения. «Kenose» (как и другие работы коллектива) – прежде всего Черный Метал в его изначальном понимании, поиски в нем и его углубление, и потом уже – эксперимент. Это альбом-философ, замкнувшийся в себе. Тяжелый, грузный, нестандартный и атмосферный, он близок на данный момент к моему идеалу, но в каждой из характеристик - чуть меньше, чем предыдущая работа. Обращение непосредственно к сознанию, к глубоким слоям, сразу же откликающимся на звук, манеру, подачу, пусть не окончательно, но отошло в прошлое. Тут – продолжение поиска, которое уводит слушателя чуть дальше от бездны третьего альбома к более абстрактным умозаключениям. Несмотря на колоссальную атмосферу, у материала нет той целостности, совместившей все в одном: и безумный напор, и нестабильность, и возможность окунутся в альбом с головой на семьдесят с лишним минут, как в омут. «Kenose» относительно более спокойный, ясный, четкий и педантично сделанный. Главное – нет прежней глубины звука и насыщенности, каждой части отдана своя ипостась: от отрешенной завязки к блэк-металической буре, затихающей к середине третьего трэка и оставляющей картину полного запустения, бессилия и прострации в конце. Но изменения эти не так масштабны и вряд ли откроют Deathspell Omega с другой стороны тем, кто был знаком с «Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice» (2004)… |
and growth and to the lowliness of fallen human nature...
Did the Son remain the
transcendent Logos,
is there not a radical and fatal dicontinuity between
the consciousness
of the transcendent Logos and the secular Jesus?
Obedience to the point of death,
falling down through increasing
into the deathlike region
of ooze and slime and decay.
These are the fruits and symptoms of
the abasement of the World,
the assumption of humanity and the simultaneous occultation of Divinity.
« And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. »
Triune GOD,
morphed into a Being of apparent theanthropic nature
deprived of the Light of Splendour.
Dost thou still stand in undiminished Majesty
after the exinanition of divine attributes
the face of profound fire gone astray,
exhaling austerities in concealed, divine radiance?
Kenosis, O theory of great peril!
Blinded, sanguineous eyes and with a trembling hand,
a frail androgynous being holds the perilous doctrinal balance, robed in a maculated garment spattered with the sordid blood of the Flagellation, of the lacerations and fierce wounds
carved by royal attributes, of the crimson spurts
dripping without end,
as was celebrated the High Mass of the Comforter.
Kenosis, O theory of great peril!
Rob GOD of any attribute and fill the shattering universe
with the pestilent scent of putrefaction and the glorious cloud of death,
for steadfast, at any cost, He must be.
Solely the incarnate Word proclaimed by all the prophets and apostles
would have, in dying, an infinite value,
sufficient to atone, by His astonishing work,
for the Sins of the world.
Res Rapta... Res Rapienda... hast thou succumbed to the original malady?
« For being empty himself, He giveth empty answers
to empty enquirers; for whatever enquiry may be made of Him, he answered accordingly to the emptiness of the man »
In Visceribus...
A willing expiatory Victim, calling constant shame and ignominy upon itself;
was thine irretrievable substance still intact in this Sinai of global Penitence,
dost thou remember thine past Theophanies, the burning bush
and the Angel of the LORD?
« In the next place, it never approached an assembly
of righteous men; but avoideth them,
and cleaveth to the doubtful-minded and empty
and prophesieth to them in corners,
and deceiveth them, speaking all things in emptiness to gratify their desires... »
Art thou working on collective deliverance?
Observe Merkabah, the chariot of the glory of GOD,
adrift and exiled, the Pilgrim of Light, grandiose and weeping.
Thine aura, compared, is but pale and frail, alike to the one of an ailing child...
Vacillating faith, thine salvific virtue shall fail to make nil a cataclysm of Judgement.
The suffering of the Just shall be aggravated in grotesque proportions,
pillaged, ravaged, overthrown.
The realms of warmth and reassurance, of a maternal womb,
shall disappear gradually under the crumbling yoke of Sin and Time...
The Advent of Plerosis is the destiny of Man and shall shatter up to the Heavens,
a savage aperture to the High Mass of the Comforter:
« Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but so much more now in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling... »
2. II
(In abstracto...
... Echange du Vide
Ecce lignum Crucis,
In quo salus mundi pependit)
Therefore, God honors the sword so highly
That He calls it His own ordinance, and will not have men say
Or imagine that they have invented it or instituted it
For the hand that wields this sword and slays with it is then
No more man's hand, but God's, and it is not man,
But God, who hangs, tortures, beheads, slays and fights
All these are His work and His judgments...
Plerosis, answering the strident call of felony,
Filling the void of purity gone instantly...
Instigating manifold quadrants of industrialized death,
An avid Moloch, never satiated, an endless Feast,
Following the principle of reversibility of merits, shattering up the Word
As Pillars of grayish Soulfire spurt out to a bereaved firmament
... I am the son of Man, and this in erring reason's spite, is my pride...
War, be enthroned, a form of divine retribution!
Be sacred, agent of divine Providence!
Man, lost somewhere between the restrictive force
Of Cain and the expansive force of Abel,
Falls from his median position between Angel and Beast
Each time he ceases to desire a being superior to himself
Adam's descent into materiality,
May it be questioned...
The separating line between the Saved and the Damned,
May it be questioned...
If there is to be a multiplicity of forms, can one thing be worse
Unless another is better, or one be better unless another is worse...
Those who would eliminate the worse from the universe would eliminate
Providence itself
Interrogate the patterns of the prophetic mode,
Perceive the two faces of the Divine
And shed the just, divine retribution
Quantified, a suppurating cross, alike in blood and scoria
(Qual und Tod bringt dieser Sang, der ihn bestürmt,
Sein Herze zerreißt, Sinne zerstört...
“L'Esprit du Seigneur ne se promène pas seulement dans les cimetières
Ceux qui Le connaissent peuvent Le rencontrer partout, fût-ce en enfer,
Et Il dit Lui-même que le feu marche devant Sa Face!”)
The details of a burning body, vivid and morbid,
Flaming eyes perceived through a virtuous glance,
A swollen tongue protruding through the nasal apertures, hanging lips bruised,
Teeth overcome with rot, long arms that hang down to the feet and odors foul...
Explicit is the belief that God permits his creatures to be reviled and scorned
And that this is their only means of
Means of...
Thesaurus Ecclesiae
The memory of a stagnant and somber vale
Inhabited by ethereal purity,
Violet and blood-red crucifixes,
Sulfurous shrines and red-glowing demonism
Thou shalt bringeth the chalice of divine wrath and final consummation
To thine lips, and drink with confidence...
Tell me, sweet child, why are tears rolling from your eyes?
3. III
The stillness of Contemplation is allowed in billions of woeful cries,
So astonishingly simultaneous and in unison,
Each and every second,
They defuse each other in such a perfect manner,
Equaling the most inscrutable of all
Doctrine of Mystical Substitution, Mystical Body, Sanctorum Communionem,
Celebrate the Sin of one reflecting, tectonic forces alike, upon the multitude
The fruit that is forbidden
Holds the greatest potential for providing infinite knowledge
Spiritual Incest and the defilement of the temple of the Holy Spirit
Ritualized and Immanent...
The pursuit of perversity, is it not but a mask
On the search for meaning and knowledge?
The purest of all Holocausts shall be perpetrated
By a loving hand, never knowing if it provided felicity
Or the vilest of everlasting torments
... No man can see Me and live!
“Et proiectus est draco ille magnus serpens antiquus qui vocatur Diabolus et Satanas qui
Seducit universum orbem proiectus est in terram et angeli eius cum illo missi sunt”
May Repentance be nothing more than a mask of algolagnia?
And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...
And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...
And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...
And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...
(Consummatum est
“Nous n'avons pas d'autre moyen que la douleur
Pour sentir notre proper existence spirituelle et divine;
Nous n'en avons pas d'autre pour la fair sentire à nos semblables”
“And we have the prophetic word made more sure
You will do well to pay attention to this as a lamp shining in a dark place,
Until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts”
- 2 Peter 1:19)