 Удивлен, что мне приходится добавлять эту команду на этот замечательный сайт, потому как был уверен, что поклонников и рецензентов этой группы здесь предостаточно, что ж, иногда бывает и такое...
По мере возможности постараюсь отрецензировать все альбомы «Everon», однако это в будущем... а сейчас хотел бы предоставить вашему вниманию самый потрясающий альбом немецких прогеров.
«Плоть» Эвероновцев попала ко мне случайным образом. Эта работа является уже шестым номерным альбомом в официальной дискографии группы. Однако попав без тегов на болванке ко мне, группа вызвала неподдельный интерес, и сподвигла проделать большую работу по поиску настоящего исполнителя и всей доступной информации.
Во-первых, это такая смесь прогрессив-рока и прогрессив-метала, сдобренная оркестровыми клавишами, и великолепным и уникальным (!), да, именно уникальным голосом Оливера Филиппса! Этот вокалист обладает уникальной тембровой окраской голоса.
Сами Everon говорят, что творчество их посвящено фанатам Saga, Yes, Marillion и великих Rush. В некоторых местах еще проглядывает явное влияние товарища Штольта и прочих.
Чтобы быть предельно объективным, стоит отметить, что и тяжелых моментов у группы предостаточно (на заглавной «Flesh», например). Вообще, альбом слушается на одном дыхании, как, впрочем, и все предыдущие работы. Однако этот альбом более целен, как музыкально, так и в атмосферном плане. Все песни, перетекают друг в друга совсем не заметно, и сохраняют светлое чувство грусти.
Думаю, что все песни смело перекочуют в плэй-лист, однако то, что «And Still it Bleeds…», «Already Dead», «Missing from the Chain» и шедевральная и разнообразная «Flesh» смогут занять первые места в вашем личном хит-параде - это без сомнения.
Качество записи - так же на высоте! Музыка, которая дает смысл, чтобы жить и творить! Как бы это пафосно не звучало.
Советую всем ознакомиться. |
No more...
A glass of wine stands on the table still
And flowers grace the window sill
You see a dim light shining from the fireplace
I notice you stare freezing cold
This advice you should...
In this house
No one lives here
No more...
A love unbreakable until it broke
A dream so real until I awoke
So what you see inside this house tonight
Is the mess you left behind
This advice you should...
In this house
No one lives here
No more...
Don't come here, don't cross my way
Stay out of sight, I don't want to see your face
Don't come here, don't you hear what I say
Leave me alone, I don't want your cold embrace
What you've done to me in the name of love
Wasn't quite what I had been thinking of
My wounded flesh lies open to your scorn
Each and every time we meet
And still it bleeds...
Some experiences in life leave us with wounds,
that keep bleeding even many years after the injury.
They say that time heals all the wounds,
but noone knows how much time will be necessary.
2. Already Dead
Try to take my breath away
As long as I'm still breathing
Try to take my breath away
As long as you still can
Try to make me burn for you
Boil my blood until it's screaming
Try to make me burn for you
As long as you still can
Only tonight I'll be yours
When the morning breaks I will be gone for sure
I won't wait for you to leave me
So I will leave you instead
Never again love will kill me
Because I am already dead
Try to feel this heart of mine
As long as it's still beating
Try to feel this heart of mine
As long as you still can
Try to taste this blood of mine
As long as I'm still bleeding
Try to taste this blood of mine
As long as you still can
Only tonight I'll be yours...
If I had, if I only had
A heart to give, I'd surely give it to you
If I had, if I only had
A heart to give then I would gladly
I'd gladly make it yours
Only tonight I'll be yours...
3. Pictures Of You
I had a dream of you tonight
I've been dreaming of a life we'd share
But when my hand reached out for you
I noticed there was no one there
Will you ever show up
Will you ever come here
And if you do, please give me a sign
To make sure I notice it's you
And not just anyone again
Before sunrise I woke up
I got up early on my feet
Knocked at the door of every house
Called out for you in every street
Will you ever show up...
I have never seen your face
I don't even know your name
So right now, all that I can do
While I sit and wait
Is painting pictures
Pictures of you
4. Flesh
Here in this night
In the darkest of hours
I feel a cold wind that tells
Of a storm front drawing near
It speaks of greed and of hunger
Of envy and dread
Tells of the anger and hate
That arose from the fear
Who said life's easy
Who said life's fair
Who said good luck will be with those who dare
To follow their heart, and not follow their fear
And if the good all die young
Then who are all those still here
Take a look around you
See what you've got
You just see what you don't have
And of that you still have a lot
The sky is the limit
The sky's not enough
The tough keep going
Not only when the going gets rough
It seems we all
Don't worry much
About what is happening
Left and right of us
But even if I try my hardest
Not to care
One question remains
And I'd like to hear your answer
Acting on target
At robotic speed
Recklessly feeding
Your robotic needs
No minute wasted
Emotions refused
Your brain's exploited
Your heart remains unused
It seems we all...
Name your price
How much is it to buy your loyalty
I'll do so, if I can afford
Name your price
How much do you charge to show remorse
To throw your indifference overboard
Won't you once
Think just a little while about
What you will leave behind
When you decease
Won't you once
Just once be good for something
Good for someone
Good for yourself at least
Here in this night
In the darkest of hours
I feel a cold wind that tells
Of a storm front drawing near
It speaks of greed and of hunger
Of envy and dread
Tells of the anger and hate
That arose from the fear
Who said life's easy
And who said life's fair
Who said good luck will be with those who dare
To follow their heart not their fear
And if it's hope that dies last
Why do all us hopeless still live
Brother kills sister
Father kills son
Religion kills reason
Reason becomes undone
The end always
Justifies the means
Just running a program
Rooted deeply in our genes
It seems we all...
Name your price...
I have no faith
In a God above
But if I had
Then this would be my prayer:
Oh Seven Seas
Raise all your waves
And take this Flesh back home
5. Missing From The Chain
If you feel, that you once loved
Too much to ever love again
Don't think nobody else
Feels the same or understands
Half my life, I've been waiting just like you
Half the world, I've travelled all in vain
Half my life, I've been searching just like you
To find that link gone missing from the chain
In a thousand miles of crashing waves
Just once, one might kiss the shore
And so does love take its time
But is still worth waiting for
Half my life...
6. The River
So what you're really trying to say
Is you don't want me to stand in your way
Is that all that you feel right now
My Dear, I wish that you would understand
Sometimes things just go out of hand
And some things just happen somehow
For a shred of hope you would follow the devil
For a sense of bliss you would sell all of your dreams
For a trace of love we may lose mind completely
And there is not a lot that we can do
Is there nothing that we could do...
Are we caught up in that river's flow
And for every new way that we go
Do we have to leave something behind
My Dear, it's that river that gives and that takes
So for every new turn that it makes
We lose one thing but another we find
For a shred of hope...
How many times did I wish I could just end this pain
That I could go back in time
To where it began and then start again
Well, if we could so, it would be so easy to make amends
But the river doesn't stand still
And the river just gives no second chance
Is there nothing that we could do...
7. Half As Bad
I don't love you, and you don't love me
But with no one else right now I'd rather be
For since the day when we first met it seems that
When it rains I only get half as wet
We don't meet much we rather talk on the phone
But you make me feel only half as alone
You're not the girl of my dreams, though I may dream of you
Don't really know what it is, but this much is true:
You're a shade of grey when my world turns blue
In a world of lies you are at least half way true
You don't love me, well, but you kind of like me instead
That's good enough to make me feel only half as bad
Of all second choices you'd be my first
Of all those bad solutions you are not the worst
Amongst these ugly faces yours looks kind of cute
And you have a way to lighten my mood
We haven't got much in common, but that's one thing we share
And we won't call it love when it's just an affair
So while we are both waiting for the right one to come
We may as well wait together until we find the one
You're a shade of grey...
Thanks for making me feel only half as bad
8. Back In Sight
She found a withered flower
Between the pages of a book
This book's her book of memories
Which off the shelf she took
Tonight without a reason
Except for feeling in the mood
For a little journey backward
To give her weary soul some food
Some memories prick her like thorns
Some really make her smile
But she can't stop holding that flower
That speaks of a life that once was hers
Out of reach, out of touch
But right now back in sight
She wishes she knew how to get back there
With her eyes closed she lets her
Memories take her on a ride
She relives all she has been through
And all she's put aside
It seems she had been walking
Down a long and rocky road
Sometimes she has been mourning
Her head she never bowed
Out of reach, out of touch
But right now back in sight
She wishes she'd know how to get back there
Out of reach, out of touch
But right now back in sight
She misses him badly, and still she cares...