 Восьмидесятые хард-рок встретил на перепутье. Пока заслуженные ветераны продолжали переживать испытания судьбой, свои перемены настигли и Van Halen. Впрочем, никакого трагизма в их ситуации не было – состав был крепок, никто не страдал от наркозависимости и не умирал во сне от рвотных масс. Но в условиях повального признания и популярности, музыкальное эго и жажда самовыражения Эдди больше не могли позволить ему покорно следовать предыдущему вектору группы, пусть и принесшему невероятный успех. Таким образом, «Women and Children First» можно смело назвать первым «сольным» альбомом Эда, а также первым в карьере группы, состоящим преимущественно из свежего – и полностью собственного материала.
Ветер перемен подул с первых же секунд. Вступление к «And the Cradle Will Rock…» содержит то, что станет камнем преткновения в истории группы. Клавишные. Их Эдди хотел внедрить ещё на втором альбоме – тогда уговоры Дэйва и Теда Темплмэна возымели эффект, но лишь отсрочили неминуемое. Однако, в этот раз всё было представлено весьма аккуратно и ненавязчиво – звук пианино Wurlitzer Эдвард заботливо укутал сначала в «одеяло» эффектов, а затем пропустил через 100-ваттовый Marshall. Таким образом, шокировать публику никто не собирался (на концертах мало кто замечал отсутствие Майкла Энтони, сбегавшего за кулисы для исполнения этой самой партии), но начало было положено.
Впрочем, дело оказалось, в большей части, и не в самих клавишных. То, что сам Эдди называл «brown sound», на третьем альбоме перевоплотилось в нечто иное. Куда-то пропали всеохватывающие веселье и бесшабашность, зато с самого начала слушателя огорошивает непривычная размеренность. Гитарный звук сбавил в резкости, прилично добавив в плотности и акцентировании на доселе невиданных у группы моментах. Словно для подчёркивания общих изменений, группа обрамила некоторые композиции тягучими минутными вступлениями и эпилогами, причём, не в виде какого-либо чёткого риффового рисунка, а ограничиваясь лишь взаимной «перекличкой» всплесков гитары, баса и барабанов. Удивительно, но именно в таких условиях родились одни из главных хитов группы. Я очень сдержанно отношусь к «And the Cradle Will Rock…» – поскольку так же сдержанно она выглядит и на фоне своих ближайших, куда более примечательных соседей в виде «Everybody Wants Some!!», «Fools» и «Romeo Delight», у которых, несмотря на общие метаморфозы, оказалось всё в порядке, как с запоминаемостью – вторая, вообще, оказалась вытянута могучими лёгкими Майкла Энтони – так и с наличием фирменного «разгуляйного» настроения группы.
Сложно отрицать, что если первая половина релиза может убаюкать своей… скажем, нормальностью, то вот на второй без вопросов обошёлся лишь редкий фэн Van Halen. Начиная с неё, группа возьмёт в моду использование на альбомах интерлюдий – в данном случае, под именем «Tora! Tora!» можно услышать минутную зарисовку в саббатовском стиле, предваряющую «Loss of Control» – воистину, самого диковинного зверя во всей дискографии группы, запомнившегося мне ассоциациями с System of a Down и, гораздо больше, своим трэшевым открывающим риффом. А вот общая концовка оказалась куда консервативнее. Я бы не сказал, что особых очков здесь добавляет «Take Your Whisky Home» – уж больно скромно она выглядит, как по подаче, так и мелодически – в то время, как куда заманчивее тот же бодрый фолк (скиффл, если точнее) в «Could This Be Magic?», сдобренный акустикой Дэйва и слайд-гитарой Эдди. А в качестве приятного финала – неторопливый и запоминающийся поп-мотив «In a Simple Rhyme».
Из всех классических работ группы, именно «Women and Children First» значительно проседает в своей популярности. Но риски были сознательными, ведь сам Эдди не раз признавался, что коммерческий потенциал своих идей для него на втором плане по сравнению с возможностью их выразить. Между тем, альбом можно обозначить, как своеобразный фундамент для звучания того же «1984» – пока что, очень сырой, неустойчивый и слишком неоднородный, но, как покажет время, перспективный. А напоследок – факт энциклопедический. Своим названием альбом оказался обязан Дэвиду Ли Роту: когда после очередной бурной ночи, группу и остальных спящих начали будить криками «корабль тонет!», Дэйв ответил просто: сначала женщины и дети. Фраза прижилась в команде, а позже попала и в припев «Could This Be Magic?». |
Yes, the cradle will rock.
And I say, rock on!
Rock on!
And when some local kid gets down, they try and drum him out of town.
They say, "You coulda least faked it, boy."
At an early age he hits the street and winds up tied with who he meets,
and he's unemployed.
And the cradle will rock.
Yeah, the cradle will rock.
And I say, rock on!
Rock on!
Have you seen Junior's grades?
And when some local kid gets down, they try and drum him out of town.
They say, "You coulda least faked it, boy."
At an early age he hits the street and winds up tied with who he meets,
and he's unemployed. His folks are overjoyed.
And the cradle will rock.
Yeah, the cradle will rock.
And I say, rock on!
Rock on!
Rock on!
Rock on!
2. Everybody Wants Some!!
You can't get romantic on a subway line.
Conductor don't like it, says you're wastin' your time.
But ev'rybody wants some.
I want some too.
Ev'rybody wants some.
Baby, how 'bout you?
I seen a lotta people lookin' for a moonbeam.
Yeah, ya spent a lot. Ya got lost in the jet-stream.
But ev'rybody wants some.
I want some too.
Ev'rybody wants some.
Baby, how 'bout you?
I like the way the line runs up the back of the stockings.
I've always liked those kind of high heels too. You know, I...
No no no no, don't take 'em off, don't take... Leave 'em on, leave 'em on.
Yeah, that's it, a little more to the right, a little more....
Ev'rybody wants some.
I want some too.
Ev'rybody wants some.
Baby, how 'bout you?
Ev'rybody wants some.
Ev'rybody needs some.
Ev'rybody wants some.
Ev'rybody needs some.
3. Fools
Well, I ain't about to go to school.
And I'm sick and tired of golden rules.
They say I'm crazy, from the wrong side of the tracks.
I never see them, but they're always on my back.
Well, I'm sick and tired of cleaning room.
And it's the final bell for pushing broom.
Damned if I do, and then I'm damned if I don't.
Won't someone tell me what it is they all want?
It makes me blue!
Ooh, I live with fools!
Ooh, it makes me blue!
Ooh, I live with fools!
I just can't take it!
My teachers all gave up on me.
No matter what they say, I disagree.
And when I need something to soothe my soul,
I listen to too much rock 'n' roll.
Don't want no class reunion.
This circus just left town.
Why behave in public if you're
livin' on a playground?
It makes me blue!
Ooh, I live with fools!
Ooh, it makes me blue!
Ooh, I live with fools!
4. Romeo Delight
I told her, never in hell, no special reason.
Must a lied 'cause I ain't leavin'.
We're in for a very long night.
Heard a vicious rumor from your mama's tongue:
you a desp'rate woman, need a man with a gun.
High crime zone in the city of lights.
Baby, please!
Can't take it anymore.
Baby, please!
Can't take it anymore.
I'm takin' whiskey to the party tonight,
and I'm lookin' for somebody to squeeze.
I ain't lookin' for somebody to fight.
Baby, don't get uptight.
Baby, please!
Wanna see my I.D.? Try to clip my wings!
Don't have to show you proof of anything.
I know the law friend.
At the 'leventh hour. I'm goin' back outside.
Give it a try.
I'm your last loose end.
Baby, please!
Can't take it anymore.
Baby, please!
Can't take it anymore.
I'm takin' whiskey to the party tonight
and I'm lookin' for somebody to squeeze.
I ain't lookin' for somebody to fight.
Baby, don't get uptight.
Baby, please!
I feel my heart beat,
feel my heart beat,
feel my heart beat,
oh yeah.
Baby, please!
Can't take it anymore.
Baby, please!
Can't take it anymore.
I'm takin' whiskey to the party tonight,
and I'm lookin' for somebody to squeeze.
I ain't lookin' for somebody to fight.
Baby, don't get uptight.
Baby, please!
5. Loss Of Control
I checked it out. I think you ought to know.
I'm only wastin' time. I think I'd better go.
You way too civilized. Oh,
loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Baby, I checked it out. I think you ought to know.
I'm only wastin' time. I think I'd better go.
You way too civilized. Oh,
loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Baby, I checked it out. I think you ought to know.
I'm only wastin' time. I think I'd better go.
You way too civilized. Oh,
loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
6. Take Your Whiskey Home
Well, my baby, she don't want me around.
She said she's tired of watchin' me fall down.
She wants the good life, only the best.
But I like that bottle better than the rest.
And she said: I think that you're headed for a whole lot of trouble.
Well, I think that you're headed for a whole lot of trouble.
Well, I think that you're headed for a whole lot of trouble.
If you take your whiskey...
Well, that liquor in the nighttime leaves strange memories.
Seems a lifetime since yesterday.
Come the daybreak, come the morrow,
that woman's waited up all night for me again.
She said: Well, I think that you're headed for a whole lot of trouble.
Yeah, I think that you're headed for a whole lot of trouble.
Yeah, you know that you're headed for a lot of trouble.
If you take your whiskey home.
Some goes to women, some goes to Jesus,
though I'm absolutely certain both's all right.
But it takes me at least halfway to the label
'fore I can even make it through the night.
Well, I think that you're headed for a whole lot of trouble.
Yeah, I think that you're headed for a whole lot of trouble.
Yeah, you know that you're headed for a lot of trouble.
If you take your whiskey home.
7. Could This Be Magic?
Out upon the islands on a cool summer night,
buddy, you don't got to hurry. Take your time.
What you need is on the menu and you get it tonight.
Buddy, you got womens on your mind.
Could this be magic,
or could this be love?
Could this turn tragic?
You know that magic often does.
And I see lonely ships upon the water.
Better save the women and children first.
Sail away with someone's daughter.
Better save the women and children first.
I hear music on the landin', and there's laughter in the air.
Just could be your boat is comin' in.
Yeah, you're leanin' back, and your foot's tappin' and you got your head right.
There's a full moon out tonight. Baby, let's begin.
Could this be magic,
or could this be love?
Could this turn tragic?
You know that magic often does.
And I see lonely ships upon the water.
Better save the women and children first.
Sail away with someone's daughter.
Better save the women and children first.
8. In A Simple Rhyme
Well, back in the past when I was treated so coldly,
my love life was a darn disgrace.
Needed someone to love and hold me.
That's one of the reasons that I was out of place.
So this is love! Well, she finally kissed me.
Had me all worked up inside.
I was in love, but Cupid missed me.
She up and left, and I almost died.
But I was young and I was far from lonely.
I been that way for a long, long year.
Needed a girl to call my one and only.
Is that you?
You think you got the int'rest.
C'mon and take the time.
'Cause you know I wanna be
yours in a simple rhyme.
Well, ain't life grand when you finally hit it?
I'm always a sucker for a real good time.
Woke up in life to find I almost missed it.
Ain't I glad that love is blind?
But I was young and I was far too crazy.
Been that way for a long, long time.
Needed a girl, but I was just too lazy.
Now that I've found you:
You think you got the int'rest.
C'mon and take the time.
I'm gonna be
yours in a simple
She made her mountains sing.
Birds against an icy sky.
And I heard bells ringin'
I think I heard an angel sigh. And she said:
There'll be times,
there will be times
you're gonna hear the angels singin'"Ah.
You think you got the int'rest.
C'mon and take the time.
I'm gonna be
yours in a simple