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Agoraphobic Nosebleed

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Agoraphobic Nosebleed "Frozen Corpse Stuffed With Dope" Год



CD Album

Cyber Grind Core

Relapse Records

N Название
1(Intro) Engineering a Pill Frenzy (0:12)
2Bitch's Hangbag Full of Money (0:34)
3Unwashed Cock (0:29)
4Kill Theme for American Apeshit (1:02)
5Built to Grind (0:21)
6Crap Cannon (0:34)
7Razorblades Under the Dashboard (0:51)
8Repercussions in the Life of an Opportunistic, Pseudo-Intellectual Jackass (1:27)
9Doctored Results (1:41)
10Ceremonial Gas Mask (0:59)
11Hang the Pope (0:41) (Nuclear Assault)
12Bovine Caligula (0:23)
13Machine Gun (1:28)
14Protection From Enemies (0:19)
15Dead Battery (1:00)
16Manual Trauma (0:40)
17Time Vs. Necessity (0:51)
18Blind Hatred Finds a Tit (0:39)
19Grandmother With AIDS (0:49)
205 Band Genetic Equalizer 2 (0:32)
21Hungry Homeless Handjob (2:00)
22Chalking the Temporal God Module (1:32)
23Narcissistic Stimulant (0:31)
24North American Corpse Desecration (0:44)
25Cryogenic Husk (1:15)
26Shit Slit (0:17)
27Sword Swallower (0:36)
28Ceramic Godproduct (0:28)
Состав группы->
Scott Hull: Guitar, Programming, Vocals
Richard Johnson: Bass, Vocals
Carl Schultz: Vocals
J. Randall: Vocals, Samples
Written, Produced, Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Scott Hull's House Of Feasting, Bethesda MD between 2000 - 2002 except "Hungry Homeless...", "Cryogenic..." and "Chalking The...", samples / sequencing / electronics by J Randall's Agnostric Blunt / P.N.S.A., Spfld. MA 2002

All the following credits with respect and much thanks:
Phonecore vocals by Killjoy on "Machine Gun"
Phonecore vocals by Pete Benumb on "Repercussions..."
Phonecore FUCK YOU by Lenzig Carnage on "Razorblades..."s
Vocals and bass on"Hang The Pope" By Dan Lilker
Vocals on "Hungry Homeless...", "Ceramic Godproduct" and "Organ Doner" by JR Hayes

Paintings by A. Turner 1998 / 1999
Lettering, Design, and Construction by A. Turner 2002
Photos by Scott Kinkade 2002

This record is dedicated to all the bitches that piss standing up - You suck a fart from my dick
Тексты песен
1. (Intro) Engineering A Pill Frenzy

another drug turns harmless people into wild beast

2. Bitch's Handbag Full Of Money

you're real gay about pussy.
your bitch has got you looking in a magazine for clothes.
homo. all I'm buying a bitch is a bag of shit to choke on.
you better get thatСкрыть/показать


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