Zimmers Hole
« When You Were Shouting at the Devil...We Were in League With Satan »
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1 | When You Were Shouting At The Devil...We Were In League With Satan 05:15
 | 2 | We Rule The Fucking Land 03:51
 | 3 | The Flight of the Night Bat 02:41
 | 4 | 1312 02:53
 | 5 | Devil's Mouth 03:19
 | 6 | The Vowel Song 02:00
 | 7 | Fista Corps 03:15
 | 8 | Anonymous Esophagus 03:00
 | 9 | Alright 03:11
 | 10 | Hair Doesn't Grow on Steel 03:52
 | 11 | What's My Name...Evil! 06:33 |
   Chris Valagao - вокал
Jed Simon - гитара
Chris Stanley - гитара
Byron Stroud - бас
Gene Hoglan - ударные |
Produced by Devin Townsend. |
 | 1. When You Were Shouting At The Devil... We Were In League With Satan
In my youth, I learned the Truth, PURE METAL was the only way
Glam rock can suck a cock, it's strictly for the closet gay
Burning bright, my wheels ignite, burning to the other side
Exodus was fucking right, ALL THE POSEURS |
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 Оказывается и от водки бывает толк! А как еще можно озаглавить группу под названием Zimmer’s Hole. Мне они показались сродни группы Visceral Evisceration с одним отличием, что Z.H. делают пародию на совокупность Speed, Thrash & Death Metal, а V.E. – на Doom Metal. В остальном результат выше всех похвал (ну при условии, что у человека хорошее чувство юмора). Итак, представляю - участники и бывшие участники большого количества групп таких как: The Berzerker, Tenet, Armoros, Devin Townsend, Strapping Young Lad, Front Line Assembly, Fear Factory, Caustic Thought, Unit: 187, Dark Angel (US), The Almighty Punchdrunk, Death, Testament, Old Man's Child, Phantasm, Wargod, Daemon (Dnk), Just Cause, Naphobia, Meldrum, Unearth, Dethklok. Все, начиная от вокала Chris Valagoa (вариаций очень много: дэт-гроул, трэш и даже фальцет!!!!) и заканчивая ударными Gene Hoglan (очень хорошая манера игры), сделано по высшему разряду, сказался большой опыт. За соло, помимо классных дэтовых и трешевых рифов, на альбоме отвечает Jed Simon.
Помимо юмора в текстах, досталось и псевдонимам: Dr. Heathen Hooch, Lorde of Ass-Fire, Lord of Electric Wynde, Sickie Moochmaster, Lorde of Greased Thunder.
Хороший, бодрый альбом, ломающий все стереотипы в музыкальном плане… |
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Музыканты, записавшие этот альбом, состояли во многих известных группах, таких как The Berzerker, Fear Factory, Dethklok, Old Man's Child и многих других. Так вот, скажу я вам, диск - это нечто! Уже первая, и по совместительству, заглавная композиция альбома напрочь сносит башню и буквально задавливает слушателя своей мощью. Определить, в каком жанре играет группа, невозможно, потому как это дикая смесь из death, thrash/speed и heavy. Мощнейшая ритм-секция, нехилые гитарные запилы и соло, а также великолепный вокал, слившись воедино, просто пробуравливают мозг. Особенно стоит выделить вокал. Chris Valagao то гроулит, то орет, то просто поет басом и баритоном, то верещит фальцетом, а иногда вообще позволяет себе очень вольные поступки, будь то пердеж или рыгание в "Devil's Mouth"! Стоит отметить, что музыканты явно развлекались, создавая этот альбом; они ничего не стесняются, делают, что хотят. То появится губная гармошка, то композиция зависнет и монотонно будет выдавать: "Fista Corps", пока музыканты не придут в себя и не продолжат, то появятся хоровые распевки и т.п. В музыке много намеков и отсылок к творчеству других групп. Например, после фразы "Die by my hand", так и хочется продолжить словами группы Metallica из песни "Creeping Death": "I creep across the land", но продолжение несколько иное: "We rule the fucking land!". Лирика в альбоме идиотская, и я уверен, что сделано это умышленно, как пародия на избитые темы песен в метале. Стеб, одним словом.
Какую-то одну композицию выделить сложно, они все примерно на одном уровне и все мощны и хороши. Слушая альбом, вспомнил весельчаков из Die Apokalyptischen Reiter и их ранние раздолбайские работы - они там тоже творили, что попало, и экспериментировали со стилями, правда, немного с другими... Короче говоря, отличный альбом, который меня очень приятно удивил. |
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просмотров: 11160 |
When you were Shouting at the Devil
We were In League...
Drink and fight, every night, take your women away
Embrace the dark and leave your mark, you know there's hell to pay
We live proud and love it loud, you wish you were one of the 'Crue'
Worship your transvestite gods, my sword will run you through!
When you were Shouting at the Devil
We were In League...
When you were Shouting at the Devil
We were In League...
With Satan
In the pit of shadows blows the wind of stench
Familiar to those who know...
2. We Rule The Fucking Land
Alright, let's go!
Long time, too bad. Much more than others had
Insane and fire branded...WE RULE THE FUCKING LAND
Smoke weed! Drink booze! We haven't time to lose
Devious and underhanded...WE RULE THE FUCKING LAND
Die by My Hand
Rule The Land
Die by My Hand
Come on!
Stand up! Be strong! We haven't very long...
Dominate as commanded...WE RULE THE FUCKING LAND
Lookout! Behold! As the time of old
3. The Flight Of The Night Bat
You fail, who's the Chosen One?
Flight of the Knight Bat
Greybeard, old man, carpenter's son
Flight of the Knight Bat
A demon decends from the night
He comes to take innocence
Carrying the Damned, the Bird takes flight
Flight of the Knight Bat
Oh Lord of Darkness, have you conquered the sun?
Behold, the world has come undone
I feel a breakdown
Cheeseburger breakdown
We need a breakdown
Cheeseburger Breakdown!
Impale! Who's the Chosen One?
Fallen...now rise forgotten Son
You fail, whos' the Chosen One?
Behold, your world has come undone.
Fly away Little Bat...
...This Basket of Death you can't deny!
4. 1312
Once proud and fearless, what have we become?
End the time of weakness, we know what must be done
Rise above a simple purpose, time you know the score
Either you're the Master, or just another whore...
What's your Quest?
What are you fighting for?
Is that your best?
Just give a little more...
From the smoking ashes, a tribe of Lordes will rise
Vengeance will rain down from the Northern skies
Into the frozen North upon the mountain high
You cannot run from truth, your blood you can't deny
See the demons fly way up there in the sky
Lightning bolts they strike and you must wonder why
Never fear my dear because The Hole is here
Wipe your tears you puss, you might just worship us!
Feel the power, Northern Thunder
Feel the power, Northern Thunder!
All paths converge, heed the call
Purpose and Might, we'll claim it all
It's yours by right, watch the palace fall
5. Devil's Mouth
The Devil Wins
All I hear is the whisper, it's deafening
Can't resist, not worth fighting my lower brain
Once more I'm drawn in blindly, she calls again
The blackest of holes, will swallow your soul
And blood will flow from the Devil's Mouth
The Devil's Mouth
You always want what you haven't got
It's all the same
And when you get there, it ain't what you thought
That's the game
The blackest of holes will swallow your soul
When you're down south, it's the Devil's Mouth, son The Devil's Mouth
Beware the Whisper
In and out it's an endless cycle, she owns your soul
Kneel before your lord and master and serve the Hole
The blackest of holes will swallow your soul
And blood will flow from the Devil's Mouth
The Devil's Mouth
Beware the Mouth for it will swallow you whole
6. The Vowel Song
A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes
Y are you wasting my air?
Why are you still here?
Why must I tolerate, no debate, eliminate!!!
A, E, I, O, U...SUCK....SUCK!!!
7. Fista Corps
Who says there is no use for the dearly departed
Just make a fist and the party has started
Show appreciation for the dead
They never complain about giving head
Fista corps
Fits your hand just like a glove
Now embrace that necro love
Nothing finer than rotten vagina
Oh how sweet, the rancid meat
Fista corps
And now sweet corpse, one last caress
As I fondle a putrid breast
Now you fist bang the open vag-anus
Just kick the bucket, and we'll make ya famous
Fista corps
8. Anonymous Esophagus
Anonymous Esophagus
You love to scream and shout
Now suck it in the mouth
Could come from anyone
You don't know where that cum comes from
Anonymous Esophagus
Now hush, no time to talk
Just get down there and suck on my cock
No I don't want to know your name
Just as long as I came
Well my dick just wrote this song
Now swallow-balls and all!
Anonymous (Mouth) Esophagus
Open mouths across the nation
Accepting of my donation
It's all about my dong
My dick should sing this song!
Anonymous Esophagus
9. Alright
The iron horse will roll
More time in the saddle than on solid ground
The beast that feeds my soul
A lust for life you can't understand
Onward we will ride
The glorious sound of the hammer down
Keep on keeping on
Ahead of the pack with the wind at my back
Cut the road like a knife
What else are you doing with your life?
Saddle up and ride
I'm with you brother by your side
Absolution, live by the wheel
Chase the horizon, a triumph of will
The beast shakes the ground
Bark of thunder, an unholy sound
Screaming into the wind
Not for the weak, we'll deafen the meek
Take your life in your hands
If I have to explain you would not understand
10. Hair Doesn't Grow On Steel
Glory, defending with honour
Glory, Defenders of Truth
On steeds through pouring rain
To save the world again
And before us you may kneel
We know what's good and true
The fight for Metal is true
Your hair does not grow on my steel
Some they may stand and some they may tell
But few will rise up and claim all of hell
Swift is the steel, swing forth the blade
Our enemies fall, be only the brave
Glory, rise up from your knees!
Glory, Defenders of Truth
On steeds through pouring rain
To save Metal again
And before us you may kneel
We know what's good and true
The fight for music is true
Your hair does not grow on my steel
Into the fray, I'll die today
Not for the meek or afraid
Mighty the blade, in fire be forged
This is how heroes are made
On steeds through pouring rain
To save the world again
We need new heroes, not Vince Neil!!!
The legions and the hordes
We all will raise our swords
Your hair does not grow on my steel
Chaos is coming, it won't be long
All must bear witness, united as one
With courage we stand, only the strong
Fight for what's true
It lives within all of you...
11. What's My Name... Evil!
Enter into my domain
All I offer, lies and pain
Turning decent into swine
Mothers milk into wine
Be the wolf that culls the weak
Monster walks among the sheep
Turn young girls to Jezebels
Seething harlots straight from hell
What's my name...Evil!
Lust for life you can't relieve
The years you've spent upon your knees
Now's the time to dry your tears
I will confirm all your fears
Watch the fires burning bright
As my shadow swallows light
Flames consuming all the lies
You're nothing to me
Look to the skies and tell me what do you see?
I am the light that shines infernally
Lust for my name, my body, my mind, my seed
You can't deny the power coming from me
Living waste so unseen
Your pityful life is but dream
Reach out to me and take my hand
I'll lead you to the Promised Land
Laughing as the Kingdom burns
All is lost, nothing learned
Legions rise to claim the earth
Witness now the dark rebirth
What's my name...Evil!