« Higher Art of Rebellion »
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1 | Ne cheamă pămîntul 05:36
 | 2 | Tongue of Thorns 04:36
 | 3 | Glasul artei viitoare 08:38
 | 4 | When She Is Mute 04:04
 | 5 | A Death in Its Plenitude 04:59
 | 6 | Body of Clay 05:03
 | 7 | Novus Ordo Seclorum 06:05
 | 8 | Back into the Shadows 06:39
 | 9 | Les possédés 04:45
 | 10 | Neovampirism 06:12
 | 11 | Heaven's Coffin 05:09
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   Akaias - vocals
Byron - vocals
Vlad Dracul - vocals, keyboards
Hyperion - guitars
Sathonys - guitars
Marko T. - bass
Matthias R. - drums |
Lyrics by Vlad Dracul except Glasul artei viitoare
by Ion Minulescu and When she's mute by Mihai
Eminescur translalion by Corneliu M. Popescu (RIP)
Music by Agathodaimon
Produced bv Mihai Coman & Vlad Dracul
at Magic Sound Studio in Bucuresti, Romania
Executive Producer: Markus Staiger
A&R: Andy Siry
Cover Artwork: Tom Breuer & Satnonys
All photos except bandshots provided by Gerald Axelrod
Band photos bv Axel Jusseil |
 | 1. Ne Cheama Pamintul
[English translate: Earth Summoning Us]
to you I now descend, oh you, deluded souls.
and to purge your sorrow, you forlorn spirits,
the curse I shall invoke
the misanthropic curse, with its sordid, purple claws
to carve your forehead, instead of cattlebrand
with iron |
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 Симпатичный симфо-дум-блэк. Не быстрый, довольно размеренный ритм, местами переходящий в дум. Вокал преимущественно блэковый. Очень неплохие аранжировки, да и мелодии. Любителям блэка очень рекомендую. Некоторые говорят, что это блэк нового образца... |
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Вторая работа германского sympho black коллектива Agathodaimon все больше удивляет своей неординарной постановочной музыкальной линией и стремлением расширить достаточно узкие рамки 'черного жанра', для реализации собственных творческих идей. И должен признать, что у команды это действительно получается, по крайней мере, результат творческих изысканий на лицо, и, по-моему, очень достойный. Альбом "Higher Art Of Rebellion", совершенно не имеет ничего общего с классическими представлениями о black metal, и добавленный к стилистике элемент sympho, также не раскрывает данное углубленное направление стиля. Музыкальная картина произведения настолько пропитана атмосферностью и театрализованной производной, что создается впечатление, будто слушатель погружается в бархатные кулуары театра 'черной готики'. Гитарная линия работы немного отдает шершавостью и приглушенностью саунда, риффы не достаточно очерчены, но это не портит общего действа. Ритм секция, не отличаясь особыми техничными проявлениями, устанавливает средне-темповое продвижение всех постановок и позволяет воздвигать интересные звуковые декорации на своем фундаменте. Симфонические коллаборации клавишных пассажей не перегружают идейную картину рисунка и задают собой некоторое настроение. Вокальные сюжеты разделены на три роли, и каждый из поющих проявляется достаточно интересно, в своем тембральном ракурсе. В основном, на протяжении всей программы преобладает скриминг, который фрагментально сменяется чистым голосом. Самой неординарной композицией ко всему альбому станет 'Body Of Clay', представляющая из себя эпическую балладу колыбельного характера с чистым вокалом, это достаточно неожиданное решение, но оно того стоит. К этой же категории неординарности, можно отнести эпос 'Glasul Artei Viitoare', скримящий румынской лирикой и балладной постановкой. Все представленные треки отличаются своей уникальной формой собственной образности и характером. Программа полностью записана на территории Румынии в Magic Sound Studio (Buharest), и представляет из себя интересное музыкальное полотно в стилистике atmospheric gothic black, немного сыроватое и неотточенное, но при всем этом, несомненно, заслуживающее внимания. |
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Слабенький, на мой взгляд, альбом. Главный недостаток - явная затянутость вкупе с полным отсутсвием разнообразия. Песни похожи одна на другую до неприличия, к тому же, построенны на 2 риффах. Блэком тут особо и не пахнет, больше походит максимум на дарк. Не стоит тратить на это свое время, есть более достойные группы и альбомы. |
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Второй релиз немецкой банды, который некоторые личности (не будем показывать пальцем на главного редактора Рок-Сити) называют современным блэком. Чичас мы смешаем это утверждение с грязью и вынесем вердикт. Итак - первая песня. Либо меня глючит, либо я слышу туповатый дэт-дум, с легкими попытками вокалиста выдать скриминг. Hо вот шестой трек - просто повод уписаться от счастья. Все замерли и внимательно слушаем - это БАЛЛАДА. Да-да, именно баллада. Пятиминутное размазывание соплей по грифу гитары, чистый вокал, скорость на уровне похоронной процессии. Давайте проведем блиц-опрос - Вы слишали баллады у Мардука? Hет. У Иммортала? Тоже как-то не характерно... Даже у кренделя баллад
не было. Про Lord Belial, Mystifier, Necromantia, Impaled Nazarene и других характерных и не очень представителей блека упоминать не будем - ну нет у них баллад. И не будет. Ибо это блэк-метал, а не металлика разлива 90 года. Остальные песни выдержаны в дэт-н-дум стиле, с полускриминговым вокалом... Если это современный блэк - имел я его раком на колокольне, без него жить проще будет. Скучноватый альбом, нафиг мне не упершийся. Вывод - 6/10, в морг. |
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просмотров: 13710 |
in vain will pride be seethed in veins dried up and scorched
in death-swallowed eyeballs, on foreheads purple-hued
by putrid blood that died
what can I ever chose from your exhausted entity
no fires free from dying, no undeceiving right
oh, you dead men walking
see, how urns now burst, the ashes resurrect
alike the past, which murmurs with the battle-cry
of the roman empire
see the far-off shadows, they dress in steely armour
and raise their noble foreheads that gone grey
great traian and great cesar
the rotten thrones are crumbling swept by tempests waters
the rulers iron scepters, the heavy chain of slaves
together are now crushed
the gates of the inferno outrageously wide-opened
engulfing now by thousands the filthy, depraved breaths
of tyrants grim who perish
oh, holy visionary minds, who set the stars to sing...
who create another world on this realms of mud and grime
fools and wise, young and old, sound, soul and light
all is dust, the world's like this, and so we all are
2. Tongue Of Thorns
A dying romance, bleeding for my sensation
Would Death unmask the azure of the creation?
Oh, stay far from my crown of certainties
A dying romance, the blindman's torch of ideals
Men of stories, don't try to robe my morningstar
Cause it will never shine in your eden
A dying romance, withered by your naivity
The scent that I perceive comes from words
Which escaped your mouth of flies
Selfish, fetid romance
You lick the shit of this world
Men's quintessence sways in streams of hope
Drowning in silvercups always used at funerals
Marvellous, when even Death tries to flee from you
The flames leave their candles, soon they will die, too
Immune to life... I'll always die
In the palms of heaven, where serpents lie
Bedeviled Paradise... web of all sin
Ethereal shadows rise, postmortem redeemed!
Selfish, fetid romance
You lick with a tongue of thorns!!!
3. Glasul Artei Viitoare
Strainule ce bati la poarta de unde vii si cine esti?
Strainule de lumea noastra, raspunde-ne de unde vii,
Prin care lumi traisi cosmarul nepovestitelor povesti
Si-n care stea gasisi culoarea decoloratei nebunii?
"De unde vin? De unde pot veni, cind ochii-mi
plini de regrete si tristeti par 2 candele-aprinse
in cripta mortilor poeti?"
Priviti sint gol, caci calea-mi fuse-atit de lunga
Si-n calea mea-ntilnii pe rind pe toti
Citi vrura sa va vinda podoabe noi ce nu se vind
Pe cei ce vrura sa va-ndrume spre mai bine
Spre-acel indepartat intrezarit
In armoniile eterne dintr-un sfirsit si-un infinit.
"De unde vin? Eu vin din lumea creata dincolo de zare
Din lumea-n care n-a fost nimeni din voi"
Deschideti poarta dar, veniti in jurul meu degraba
Porniti cu mine-mpreuna spre lumea-n care nu-s
castele cu punti si santuri feudale
Nici ruginite porti de-arama la care bat cei noi sositi
Veniti cu toti cit mai e vreme si mai puteti cinta!
Veniti, sa V-aprind in suflet lumina stinselor faclii
Si-n versuri fantasmagoria si vraja noilor magii
Iar cinturile voastre cu care azi cersiti o piine
Sa le cunun cu stralucirea aurorelor de miine
Dar poarta a ramas inchisa la glasul artei viitoare!
[English translate: Chant Of 'Morrow's Art]
Oh, stranger, who's knocking on the portal
Who are you, and where are you from?
Oh, stranger to our world
Answer, where do you come from?
Where have you been living the nightmare
Of these untold stories...?
And in which star have you finally found
The colour of our faded madness?
..."Where I come from? Where could I come from,
when my eyes, full of sadness and regrets,
look like two candles glowing
in the crypt of the dead poets!!!"
Behold, naked I am now, as I've trodden a long way
Where I've been encountering, one by one, all those,
- who wanted to sell jewels, that cannot be sold...
- who wanted to lead the world towards "better times"
towards that distant horizon...
...within the eternal harmony between end and infinity...
"Where do I come from? I come from the world beyond horizons
from the world, where no one of you has ever been before!!!"
So open up the gates, gather all around me
And we'll walk together towards the world
Where no castles and bridges exist, nor feudal ditches...
Nor corroded bronze porches, which newcomers knock at
Arrive yet, while time's not up and you still may chant
Come now, let me set ablaze the xtinguished torches in your soul
Its phantasmagoria and the spell of new magiks,
And those chants, you're begging today for bread with
I shall put together with the glowing of 'morrow's aurorae...
Though, the gates are still closed to the chant of 'future art...
4. When She Is Mute
Although the world would call me free
Each day the more her slave am I
For in her very way to be
There's I don't know what
I don't know why
Already from the day we met
Was my freedom mortal shot
She's but a girl as they, and yet
There's something more, I don't know what
No matter what we speak or do
The moments in sweet silence fly
For somehow there is music, too
When she is mute, I don't know why
So likely to my dying day
To follow her will be my lot
For in her sweet and candid way
There's I don't know why
I don't know what
5. A Death In Its Plenitude
Screaming day and night at the dark-forboding walls
Lights dim before me and enthralls all
I'll always look the same in this cold, forsaken dark
Teach me to drip own tears
For the pain of other's hearts
Not the essence, but the woe of mankind
To weep within my crying
Root the strength of love and hatred
Let blood flow in purest red
Root the angels' rage into my soul
Let it grow
There is something infidel that's gonna happen today
Be the witness, now and ever, abandoned angel of decay
The obscurity's curtain I paint as the blind
Life's tumult in the free fall
The ghouls chasing its trace
Oh, dreams, here ended all
Is there something in us all
That can last forever?
I feel the strange penetrating my fibres
Mocking at my vacant sferes
Body parts cut cold evolving to a rotting culture
A death in its plenitude!!!
6. Body Of Clay
Cry with my tears
Cry with my pain
Still in the cold
Neverending rain
With one of your kisses
My words you'd freeze
From one of your kisses
My bleeding would cease
Shed all my tears
The flood devours all
The earth, us, rushing...
A shy, whispered call
Death becomes angels
And they won't turn away
Defying all my yearing
And my body of clay
Cry with my crying
You end up like (a) mole
Death loves the angels
Retired into my soul
As I'm drained and welken
My last wish I sigh
Let me be, darling
Tears in your eye.
7. Novus Ordo Seclorum
Putrid cross of ignorance, loss of reverence, whip of innocence
Been listening to your mourning, watching you falling
Deeper, farer, until your calling
Evoked an eerie tone, that only you alone
As a warning have known
Guess, you've tried everything
To be as me, to winback the soul I've kindly been
Treating like my only son
God's shiny angel, I am gone
and you what the hell have you become?
Abandoned son, my fairly fallen angel, come on
And tell your father, what will we become!?
Angels, we dwell in hell, humiliating and sad as well
The world succumbed, some tell
And there I stand stone-still, hence
In my own non-existance and muse upon consequence!
Blood stained clay, forth from our sacred dissaray
Someone will walk a new way
And will close the door 'twixt us and common core
Angel, did you really want this war?
Scarlet lips of indecency (Scarlet lips of perversity)
In search for a splintered tongue (Matching each face disguised)
Sharpened words of intimacy
They'll need (all) my love (They'll need my hatred)
Sapience, pierce my flesh with your thorns of irony
Angel falls and twists her wings and her gleaming breasts
will rot like foul flesh, hence worms will dance
to a macabre romance... the rape of sweetness in my eyes
Decrepitude, pierce my tongue with your womanliness
Suck the honey of my breath and tear faith apart
Scratching suicidal love on life's putrid skin
I am your mortal son, so I am sin!!!
Oh ye, in hell we are, humiliated and bizarre
How only I have reached so far, my star
And you, across that melting sky
Waiting for me to die
For everything must die, and within everything am I
8. Back Into The Shadows
In the night of my final sacrifice I sent my soul
Into the vast and fathomless unknown to find a word
A word, that indicates the beyond.
It came back later and spoke:
"I am myself heaven and hell!"
Sculptured in time as another chapter of life
Sharp are the thorns of the roses, which lay dank upon me
For too long I knew that I had to arrive
Yet destination isn't as linear as humanity
Touch the feeling - touch the soul
Touch the morning dew and see the glamour
In my stark eyes reflecting
The icon of a setting in a serene summer
So many flowers give away to mystery and loneliness
Their subtle perfume and their indifference
So much jewelry's forgotten in the soil, in darkness
But who dares to tread the silent meadows
That lie beyond the mirror of one's self?
Who dares to reach the phantoms of one's heart?
To behold the murderer of life and art?
And what is death?
What gives birth?
What sells good or has no worth,
When everything you feel is cold?
Why am I? Who's this hand?
Whose decisions I can't comprehend...
But isn't history foretold?
There's a tide... in the affairs of men
Which, taken of it's flood, leads on to fortune
But all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and miseries...
But if you desire to see the light...
As it truly is, clear and bright
You must move - back into the shadows
9. Les Possedes
Deep into the darkness peering
Long I stood there fearing
Dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before...
But the silence was unbroken
And the stillness gave no token
And the only word there spoken
Was the whispered word: "Veritas"
This the dark whispered
And an echo murmured back the word
Merely this and nothing more!
Fools and faith conspire
Questions of desire
That they never owned before
Kings without their armour
Men without their honour
We all slip into oblivion
We are the dark inside the night
The ghosts about which the poets write
And the dreams that night's embrace
That slowly leave without a trace...
O, suflet sparge-odata, ingusta-ti inchisoare
Si scutura-te-odata de-acest lut pamintesc!
Vreau sa m-agat de tine, spre cer navala dind
Cum viermii de-un cadavru s-agata misunind!
English translation of last verse:
O, soul, break away from your tiny cage
And shake off your body of clay
I want to cling on to you, rushing towards heavens
As maggots cling on to a dead body, creeping!!!
10. Neovampirism
Grele ginduri, anemie, nocturn complot
Noaptea-I vie, iar o mie de stele
Ma privesc si eu tinjesc la ele
Oglinda-I sparta si in ea se oglindeste tot!
Desarte ginduri, lacomie, in mine tu
Un inger, un demon, un univers apus
Ca Marte de rosu, de moarte sedus
Oglinda-s eu si in ea te oglindesti si tu
Apropie-te, tirindu-te spre sinul natiunii
In somnul calm al nestiutorilor
Se vaita sufletele blestematilor
Ce ca lacrimi rosii se scurg din cupa ratiunii
Sterse pleoape-n adormire
Peste voi, razvratire, iara mie
Eyes I've kept always open, never meaning to see
Your white wings dipping into my crescent agony
I love your bleeding, for it keeps me seeking
And I won't ever cease, cause it tastes like honey
On my wounded lips
For whom was that smile
You wiped off so unpleased
With your indecent fingertips?
Would you bleed for me again
For I adore its pounding on my seared tongue
11. Heaven's Coffin
Deep into the darkness peering
Long I stood there fearing
Dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before...
But the silence was unbroken
And the stillness gave no token
And the only word there spoken
Was the whispered word: "Veritas"
This the dark whispered
And an echo murmured back the word
Merely this and nothing more!
Fools and faith conspire
Questions of desire
That they never owned before
Kings without their armour
Men without their honour
We all slip into oblivion
We are the dark inside the night
The ghosts about which the poets write
And the dreams that night's embrace
That slowly leave without a trace...
O, suflet sparge-odata, ingustati inchisoare
Si scutura-te-odata de-acest lut pamintesc!
Vreau sa m-agat de tine, spre cer navala dind
Cum viermii de-un cadavru s-agata misunind!