 Странно, что никто не написал рецензию на такой прекрасный альбом, как мне кажется, выделяющийся на фоне остальных симфо-блэк металлических творений 2007 года. К приставке симфо я бы добавил ещё и викинг, так как ребята разбавляют свою музыку очень интересными характерными именно для викинг метала фрагментами. На последнем альбоме венгры, наконец, добились практически идеального звука, так как диск записывался в лучшей венгерской студии и музыканты, по слухам, работали над альбомом целый год. Опять таки жалко, что такие интересные релизы не дойдут до уха большого количества слушателей, так как Sear Bliss не имеют такой же мощной раскрутки, как те же самые Cradle Of Filth и Dimmu Borgir, которые на своих последних студийниках явно схалтурили. Sear Bliss же выпустили прекрасный альбом на котором, на мой взгляд нет слабых песен, но есть одна, которая особенно великолепна - "A Deathly Illusion". В начале этой композиции звучит очень интересная акустическая мелодия, а затем хрестоматийное рубилово разбавленное прекрасными симфоническими аранжировками, аж мурашки по коже бегут. Эти самые аранжировки и выделяют венгров на фоне других групп данного жанра. Во всех композициях чувствуется эпическое, воинственное настроение, именно под такую музыку, как мне кажется, викингам не стыдно было бы пойти в атаку. |
Millions of stars are born tonight
The inevitability of dream
In front of our eyes
But the captures of our instincts we are
And we won’t surrender
This is a miracle in the night
The great black sky opens wide
And the hooves thundering dreams near
We can’t loose, we must win
Trust in your visions, follow the sign
Beyond the wall of dreams truth you will find
Ancient wisdom of our forefathers
Endless stream of knowledge
A prophetic revelation
Thousands of flaming arrow like falling stars
Hear their screams before they hit the ground
There is no place to hide in the dark
This is the last night of our enemies
And a glorious dawn for us
It’s written in the stars
Carved in the dreams
For generations to come
2. A Deathly Illusion
Walk the forbidden path
Fail the war of wrath
You are what you hide inside
In the most sombre corner of your heart
Darkness gives you a sense of wonder
A calm eternal
Awakening of feelings unknown
Your mind changes,your soul turns to stone
You are stigmatized
You will have to take a long journey
To understand darkness is not invading
But embrace you with its wrath
On the last days of your life
At your funeral will you comprehend
You are a victim of a fatal illusion
When you dive into the depths of sorrow
Where light fears to enter
You will find the truth you have always scared of
On the last day of your life
explore the edges of your soul and mind
No one wins at this game
But you will be relieved
3. Lost And Not Found
Welcome to my dreams
A fragile place with fragile thrills
Shadow that hide
In the loneliest part of my mind
A spirit lost and found
In the forest of eternal entirety
Rise of an untamed soul
The fire that burns within
Gives me the will to live
But the shreds of past haunt me still
Like blackest clouds they cover me
There is no place to hide from myself
I feel lost, I’m cursed
The blood slowing down in my veins
Whenever I look back I see nothing but hate
Whatever I try to hide or pretend
I’ll always be who I am
Gaze into my eyes, what you see is a shadow in the blackest forest
Someone who fears to touch the light
4. Thorns Of Deception
I saw it with my mind’s eye
And sensed the growing serenity
The divine order of a higher being
Procreation of an unknown breed
A menace in disguise
A dagger behind symphaty’s back
Welcome to fools paradise
The snake coiling around your neck
I see a future that is black and white
Thorns of my skin restricts me to find
My peace of mind
The birth of something new and sinister
Wrapped in deception’s cloth
On the fields of glamour
Our feet will not tread
In a senseless peace of mind
Eliminated we are from the circle of happiness and delight
These words repeating in my head again and again
Sometimes love is the key that unlocks hate
A merace in disguise
A dagger behind sympathy’s back
Welcome to fools paradise
The snake coiling around your neck
I see a future that is black and white
Thorns on your skin restricts me to find
The calm in you
5. The Venomous Grace
Locked inside the serpent’s den
We are depraved and possessed
By a temptation we can’t explain
The venomous grace flowing through our veins
Everything we see cannot be real
The infinite flow of tears, an ocean of sorrow
Emotions departed
You are deceived by some illfated vision
Which cannot be erased from your brain
Behold the flames arising
Let the beast control your body
Let the poison work in your veins
Infinite lust and hunger I feel
The earth will crumble
When I oppress what should be released
A wondering soul
Never finds its home in this world
Never finds rest in this slumber
Behold the flames arising
Let the beast control your body
Everything we see vannot be real
The infinite flow of tears, an ocean of sorrow
Emotions departed
You are deceived by some illfated vision
Which cannot be erased from your brain
6. Omen Of Doom
Prelude to disorder
Loosing the sense of time
A fatal interruption in continuity
The guilt, a subtle addiction
An endless river that falls into nowhere
Hoping for better days to come
To replace the years of woe
A higher sense to fear
Turns us to someone we are not
The arms of destiny fondling me
Caressing but then choking
A cold touch of thousands hands around my neck
Waiting for my final breath
Misshaper illusion
Like a mirror that always fakes
The pain that time does not heal
The worst nightmare from which you’ll never wake
This is surely an omen of doom
We all try to comprehend
The deepest fears of life and death
But we always fail in this game
You believe in eternity
When tomorrow is uncertain
A false idol you follow
Welcome to cold reality
I don’t know reasons
All the questions unanswered
Only sorrow and despair remain
The bells toll, this ain’t worth a tear
The doors begin to close and we all disappear
7. Somewhere
The arcane path we walk
Our consciousness is clear and our heart is cold
Through the valley of shadows
A journey that lasts a lifetime
The memories of yesterdays with us on this lonely road
In between shackles and deadly traps
Would you sacrifice your soul?
Striving and fighting till death
We are the legion of the damned
These wounds will heal in our soul
Through nightmarish visions
Our hearts are filled with blackest woe
Stormclouds gather wherever both we roam
You’ll never know when this journey ends
Or if it will ever end at all
The seeds of joy planted into barren soil
Sorrow embrace both of us anywhere we go
8. Path To The Motherland
Path to the divine ground
Where sacred blood flowed to feed the soil
And the flowers of glory blossomed
Though our path is full of tragedies and obstacles
The roots are deep beneath the ground
Carry on the heritage of our forefathers
And follow the path to the motherland
Path to divine ground
Where sacred blood flowed to feed the soil
Torches sine in the dark
Our sword is drawn
In our soul and our arrow we trust
We march through the nightsky
Our hearts filled with joy and pride
Our anger will strike down from above
To help our brothers and fight by their side
To find a way to your soul
Is to find the path to the motherland
Torches sine in the dark
Our sword is drawn
On our soul and our arrow we trust