« ...from the Pagan Vastlands »
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1 | From The Hornedland To Lindisfarne
 | 2 | Thy Winter Kingdom
 | 3 | Summoning (Of The Ancient Ones)
 | 4 | The Dance Of The Pagan Flames
 | 5 | Blackvisions Of The Almighty
 | 6 | Fields Of Harr-Meggido
 | 7 | Deathcrush |
   Nergal - bass, guitars, main vocals
Baal - drums, backing vocals
Frost - guitar
S. K. - session bass
Czarek Morawski - session keyboards
Wind effects by Rob Darken (Graveland)
Recorded at Studio 4 in December 1993
Engineered by Kris
Executive produced by Tomasz Krajewski & Pagan Records
Cover artwork by Orcus & Tomasz Krajewski
Layout by Tomasz Krajewski & Artur Lech
Cassette version released by Pagan Records. The CD version was released in US
by Wild Rags and in Europe by Nazgul's Eyrie. |
 | 1. From Horned Lands To Lindisfarne
they came from the cold north
carried on the wings of waves
no one knows the cult
bloody acts were only a legend...
eternal hate and horned sodomy
came to the lands of virgin's goodness
moonless night showed me their return
I saw drakkars between the s |
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 Слушая ранние работы польской группы Behemoth, я всегда мысленно укоряю как себя, так и многих поклонников жанра в снобистском отношении к ненорвежскому старому блэку. «…From The Pagan Vastlands» – яркое доказательство того, что наши братья-славяне в начале 90-х тоже не были лыком шиты, и создавали замечательную, отнюдь не подражательную музыку. Особенно приятно, что поляки играли вещи близкие к «Dark Medieval Times» группы Satyricon, у них это получается здорово, порой даже искромётнее, чем у северных аксакалов. Звук – как полагается, непричёсанный, и слушается всё это очень приятно. Отдельно выделю вокал – он напоминает небезызвестного Dead'а на единственных студийных записях Mayhem с этим вокалистом (речь о «Freezing Moon» и «Carnage»). Я считаю подобный голос наиболее подходящим для такой музыки. Ах да, музыка. Величественно, холодно, вдохновляюще. Всё так, как и нужно! Кстати, о Mayhem. Последней песней на «…From The Pagan Vastlands» числится блестяще исполненный кавер на «Deathcrush».
Отличный альбом, рекомендую всем любителям "сатировского" «Dark Medieval Times», а также тем, кому интересно, чем занимались Нергал сотоварищи в 90-х. |
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Третье и последнее демо группы Behemoth. После этой демо у них выйдет первый EP. По поводу этой работы я постараюсь высказаться как можно короче, так как для меня она является представителем классической школы black metal, но при этом не является достаточно оригинальной по сравнению с предыдущими двумя работами. Я не говорю, что htkbp плох, как раз наоборот. Behemoth стали играть именно тот самый, яростный, злой, чёрный металл. На демо нет электронных вещей, нет медленных композиций, нет глубокого и зловещего вокала Нергала. Есть бешеная скорость, ярость, зло, высокий скрим Нергала, после двух работ с низким голосом. И это звучит! Звучит в рамках своего жанра. На демо также есть клавиши, но они имеются только в виде фона. Но там, где они есть, появляется та самая атмосфера магии, которой практически нет на "...From the Pagan Vastlands". Здесь именно холод, злость, северные леса… хотя это было понятно из названия демо. Behemoth перешли в стезю pagan black metal, которой будут следовать на первых двух альбомах. Хочется отметить обалденный кавер на песню… наберите воздуха в лёгкие… "Deathcrush", легендарных, неповторимых и самых тёмных людей на планете - MAYHEM!!! Но при этом для меня работа в целом оказалась не самой лучшей. Ставлю 8 из 10, так как пропала та индивидуальность, которая была на первых двух работах, но при этом демо является великолепным образцом классического, злого black metal.
P.S.: Местами, музыка напоминала ранний Satyricon. И это весьма недурно! |
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просмотров: 29014 |
when the witches called the spirits from forest
from hornedlands to lindisfarne...
lords of the fjord, turned daylight
into december frost, fathers of ice
proclaimed the new century, marked the paths
which I follow now, enter the forest
like you open your veins
in the night of the pagan union
witches among the night, lead me to the horned moon
I entered my evil soul to fortify my frosty hate
freezing breath of the blackheart fill the interior
pagan wings rise me over the evil palace
massacre will be the beginning of iron holocaust
evil enters the skies for the return of sodomy
black snow covers the horde of christ
winterwinds destroy jehova's palace
ancient spirits proclaimed the return
coldnights await like hungry wolves
the powers join among the mountains
the oaks sing funeral songs of frost
I drink the blood for all pagan souls
2. Thy Winter Kingdom
enslaved in a cloud above the vast sea
I've finished my journey through the 7 incarnations
the blaze of my glory die out for this world
as the blaze of my rustly steel died
dark forests, unknown vast lands
were my home, my dream which came true
wild as eternal fear of the blackness
I live primeval life under the horned one's rules
steeps resounded with the howl of the wolves
searching alone for the victim
and from the deep forest rised you chant
about the god of coldwinds and desire
crushing the last wound of the crucified one
I stalked the path of the sword, fire and blood
my armies of the ships like dragons
spread fear among the holy lands
altars were burning with black fire
for the master of eternal spaces
born for our blood and fiery steel
victorious wave of warfare and mayhem
immortal, invincible, dark warrior
(I) leaded my troops through countless battles
and the scream of the dying was our pride
I split a lot of blood, stole human souls, cruel
now it's time to finish my journey, to rest
I fall into oblivion with weapons
no one will feed my razor with blood again
and the ships sing the psalm of the immortal...
3. Summoning Of The Ancient Gods
mystic voices lead me to suicide
I will unite my flesh with him tonight
blasphemous son in my veins
into the magic circle
lord of dark winds
obscure my soul
burn my eyes
make me see illusions
burning in black flames forever
the child of my morbid perversion
is screaming glory of darkness
sing the occultic psalm
with the book of eternal oath
I created the face of the goat
unholy psalm to lead the souls
blood means the pact with my lord
cold winds of doom prevail
7 horns sing the prophecy
glory to the darkest depth
revelate my eternal prayer
4. The Dance Of The Pagan Slaves
oh, cursed profanated thougths of glory return to me
receive my every fall, my every pain and misfortune
and wrath will born inside you
stronger than sounds of bells
primeval instincts will wake
pagan brothers of our blood
professing to the majesty of horned evil
the war we'll begin
will be the final fall of god's flock
we'll have a bloodbath and covered with gore
we'll praise the name of the highest
what's you fallen god for us
he had leaded people to eternal slavery
his angels falling into night like dead swans
to rise never again
pagan around the wooden symbols
transmitting the power from hands to hands
blood for god of gods, king of kings
unholy master
5. Black Visions Of The Almighty
flames reflects in my eyes
the wildness and hate are born
I draw the magic signs in the air
the pride, act of holy bastards burnt
here's no more place for them
there's no day, only the moon and the night
I turn into ashes all the holyness
I destroy the altars of contempt with my sword
then I hide in a blackrain, naked trees
the depths of the forests are my home
as the wolf I appear this night
as the wild dog I'm howling with lust for blood and hunger
I'm the warrior of the night obsessed by hell
bringing hate, pain and desire
I observe the blackwitches of beauty
protected with the shadow of my sword
they gave me the wisdom, fed with blasphemy
they assist in my every journey, my heart belongs to them
at midnight I call the winds of mayhem
the power of the horned evil protects me
I see how jesus tears mix with angel's blood
in my visions I observe...
how the skies turn to black, with the upcoming fire
I'm playing with the view of this night
I love the gloomy landscapes of my world
obsessed like an animal, old as the planet
I speak words of the ancient knowledge
I give you things, which in paradise
could be only a dream...
6. Fields Of Haar-Meggido
observe the message from the darkside of the moon
spectral warrior all in icy steel
as I proudly touch my cold weapon
the pagan steel sighs with the fullmoon
so the war has just began
enslaved nations of the tombworld
can finally reach their weapons
evil arrives in glory, comes on the four winds
and the masters of hellthrones
ride the darkness on devilwings
forces of the earth unleash the storms
final day is here my children
lambs of christ, my believers
we must destroy the reign of evil
and the holy armies of heaven rode the sky
all the angels saw the abyssic fire
and some of them threw the swords in fear
and fell down into the pit
our mayhemic, bloody steel
with the thunders of the drums
wil crush the weak holyness
the forces gathered down the haar-meggido
spilt with hate all the angels blood
in black chaos hell reigns
so we won together with the evil winds
streams of blood flow through the land
open for the sons of satan
7. Deathcrush
[Mayhem cover]
Demonic laughter your cremation
Your lungs gasp for air but are filled with blood
A sudden crack as I crushed your skull
The remind of your life flashes by
A life that soon won't be
Smiling with axe in my hand
Evil's rotten hand you'll see
I come forward
I'll send you to your maker
I'll send you to your death
Death nicely crucified
Death, heads on stakes
The barbeque has just begun
Deathcrush - Deathcrush - Deathcrush
Crush - Crush
Produced by Thomasz Krajewski. Engineered by Kris.
This album was created with the full moon in night of December frost 1993 at
Studio "8"
Official demo tape, Recorded in December 1993, Released by PAGAN REC. on a
cassette, licensed to NAZGUL'S EYRIE (Ger.) for a CD version (European
edition), and to WILD RAGS for a CD version (U.S. edition).
Line-up: NERGAL - guitars, voices from hell
BAAL RAVENLOCK - drums and percussion
Nergal's comment
"The demo tape which lead us to a professional record deal and I must admit it
was something we worked really hard to achieve. I think it differed a lot from
what we can observe thesedays...back in 1993/94 there were not that many black
metal bands nor albums available and yet it was quite difficult to get a
record deal. We succeeded because we did our best all the time, we spent a few
years on learning how to play on our instruments and recorded a couple of demo
tapes...it gained us a positive and sometimes enthusiastic response which
caused that some labels offered us a professional deal. I even remember there
were some more established companies (like Avantgarde or Adipocare) rivalling
for us. It was truly motivating us to work harder and to believe in our
dreams...which finally came true. But in result we chose a polish label 'coz
it was much easier for us at that time to cooperate with countryfellows, to
have a closer contact, small distance etc. And we don't regret this move as it
helped us a lot. Hm, from what I've heard this demo sold really well...and
saying really I don't mean one or two thousands, no, only PAGAN REC. has sold
four thousands of a cassette version. We should add to this an American and
European licence which both sold about three or four thousands, and this gives
us 7-8 thousands of sold items...And noticing the fact that VADER's demo
"Morbid reich" was the best selling demo ever released (15 thousands) we can
be proud of our result, can't we?"