« Flies & Lies »
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1 | Flies & Lies 05:01
 | 2 | Rolling Chances 04:38
 | 3 | ApeIron 04:21
 | 4 | Rainbringer 04:01
 | 5 | Finally Me 04:34
 | 6 | Tears Of Sorrow 03:55
 | 7 | The Black Well 04:43
 | 8 | Beat It (Michael Jackson Cover) 03:44
 | 9 | Another Transition 04:27
 | 10 | Burning Doll 01:11
 | 11 | Matrioska 05:47
 | 12 | Butter-Fly (Japan bonus) |
   Claudio Coassin - Vocals
Matteo Di Bon - Guitars
Luca Michael Martina - Guitars
Michele Colussi - Bass
Enrico Fabris - Drums
Andrea Corona - Keyboards |
Produced by Tommy Hansen
Lifeforce Records (Europe), Replica Records, Soundholic Records (Japan), Bieler Bros (USA, Canada & UK) |
 | 1. Flies & Lies
Sometimes I can't recognize
My own self defaced by this mask
That kills my image worn out
By the fake and by the mistake
At times I look in the eyes
Of those who want me as a prize!
They ask for another one!
It seems they don't understand!
Debating a frustrating life
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 Прогресс, которого добилась итальянская команда Raintime со времени выхода своего дебютного альбома, не может не впечатлять. На "Flies & Lies" музыкантам удалось вывести взятый ими в качестве основы симбиоз мелодик-дэта и полупрогрессивного хэви/пауэра на принципиально новый уровень, в результате чего альбом удался на славу - энергичный, богатый на идеи, с насыщенными аранжировками и безупречной работой Клаудио Коассина, легко управляющегося как с гроулом, так и с чистым вокалом. Помимо этого музыка радует своей незаштампованностью и многогранностью: здесь нашлось место и мелодик-роковой балладе "Finally me", и хоровым распевкам а-ля Blind Guardian в "Another transition", и даже отменному каверу "Beat it" Майкла Джэксона. Ну а трек "Rolling chances" вместе с заглавной композицией смело можно причислить к категории песен топ-класса. |
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Что будет если скрестить гитарные партии In Flames и клавишные Children of Bodom? Ответ прост, получится группа Raintime, альбом «Flies & Lies». Именно о ней пойдет речь в данной рецензии. Поразительно то, что данная группа не из Скандинавии, а из Италии! Простите за такое восклицание, но согласитесь: группы, способные на равных конкурировать с шведско-финским мелодэтом, встречаются крайне редко. Причем это не просто мелодик-дэт, совмещающий в себе шведскую и финскую школы, тут есть элементы модерна, пауэра, хэви, прогрессива, а местами есть даже металкоровые вставки! Постарались итальянцы, что называется, на славу.
Что же собой представляет музыка Raintime? Это модерново звучащие гитары очень напоминающие Ин Флеймсовский саунд, разбавленный великолепными басами, придающими музыке мощь и энергетику. Замечательные клавишные пассажи и очень техничные соло-партии, придающие музыке отменный мелодизм. Вокалист одинаково хорошо владеет как гроулом, так и чистым вокалом, что довольно редко можно встретить, а грамотно вставленные бэки придают его голосу еще больший напор.
Композиции на данной работе пестрят разнообразием, первые три песни – «Flies & Lies», «Rolling Chances» и «ApeIron» - это 100% МДМ хиты. Так же хотелось бы обратить внимание на красивую балладу «Finally Me», модерновую песенку «Another Transition», интересный прогрессив-инструментал «Burning Doll» и песню «Matrioska». О чем поется в тексте последней, я думаю, вы по названию догадаетесь. Кстати, песня имеет характерное гимноподобное звучание, характерное для патриотических песен Советского Союза.
Микшированием и сведением альбома занимался известный нам товарищ Томми Ньютон, поэтому за качество звука, которое в данном жанре очень важно, можете не волноваться. Все на наивысшем уровне. Альбом великолепен по всем параметрам, однозначно «десятка». Так держать, ждем продолжения! |
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Итальянской группе Raintime удалось скрестить традиционный power metal с мелодичным дэтом. При этом хоть группа и следует в фарватере Children of Bodom времен альбома «Follow the Ripper», но композиции итальянцев имеют собственное лицо. Если «Дети озера Бодом» делали больший акцент на melodic death, то у Raintime во главу угла все- таки поставлен пауэр. Органично соединить два стиля удалось во многом благодаря вокалисту Cludio Coassin' у, который одинаково хорошо исполнил и power, и death-вокальные партии. Ни разу не встречал в рок-музыке такого универсального певца. Помимо power и death в альбом очень органично вписываются и метал-коровые вкрапления, в то же время музыканты этим не злоупотребляют. Альбом «Flies & Lies» - очень достойная работа, совместившая в себе как новаторский подход, так и высокое исполнительское мастерство музыкантов. |
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Очень редко можно встретить по-настоящему хорошие альбомы при скрещивании стилей. Raintime это удалось! Драйв и мелодику heavy/power они очень удачно скрестили с агрессией death-метала. После ознакомления с этим творением возникает желание слушать его снова и снова. Практически все песни - 100%ные хиты. Вокал очень приятен даже при исполнении партий гроулинга. В куплетах вокалист поет гроулом, а в припевах чистым голосом. Клавишных в альбоме довольно много, но в отличие от многих других команд, они вступают там, где действительно нужно. Профессиональность игры на гитаре на высшем уровне. Драйва в куплетах песен очень много, благодаря ритм-гитаре. Ударник играет на своем инструменте очень грамотно. Разнообразие и уместность ударных партий удивляет! Но самой главной особенностью альбома является его ураганная душераздирающая мелодика! Ничего похоже на Raintime я не слышал, сравнить их творчество ни с чем не выходит. Могу лишь посоветовать команду под названием NAILDOWN, играющую в таком же стиле, но до Raintime они не дотягивают. |
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просмотров: 16277 |
They want another one!
They want to kill my pride!
They want another one!
They want to kill my pride!
Never surrounded by this wall of pride
But I'm living in it
Always avoided by this hall of fame
But it rolls around me
I see people like flies
Landing on shit: "What a surprise!"
They ask me if I wanna be fed
But I'd rather be dead
I've always recognized
That they've only lies
They ask for another one!
It seems they don't understand!
2. Rolling Chances
Once again I've breathed the fire
Awaking inside those feelings
That won't go!
I've sensed this before
Another weak and cruel desire
Bothering me and it won't leave me alone!
I won't pay this toll
I always felt that this could be
A good chance for me to see
If I could fit into a world
That moves
I fell so strange and so deranged
One other chance flew by
To solve my shit I only need a try
I am so stressed and so depressed
'Cause I keep hiding from
A thing that could be a new dawn
I gonna try to see if I
Can make up my mind and live this crazy show!
I will need it all
All the strength and will that I
Will gather from my trembling little soul!
I will need it all!
3. Apeiron
When the flame inside you burns out
A gust of cold wind freezes your breath:
A prelude for the Dark Hand
To catch your soul,
you can imagine will happen to all
It comes dressed in shades
From the silence of nowhere
A black face without a face
Its Dark Hand points at you
A deep voice echoes around
Listen to the call:
Come with me, follow me
Let your pain behind
Don't be afraid to step
Into the silent land where
Twisted souls dance with the dark
After you've left behind
Your chances and dreams
You realize and ask:
"What does it mean?" putting aside
Your problems and please
Will take you away from the following days
4. Rainbringer
Don't want your dirty eyes pointing on me!
Don't wanna see your face tricking me another time!
My life reached it's pinnacle
But your wet touch isn't my goal.
I fly to different skies,
I can't stand no more your lies!
Another stupid soul has fallen into my trick again!
Another pure soul will increase my reign!
I am the rain bringer, the ruler stronger than your god!
And you will drown forever lost!
It once seemed love...
But was all a lie!
Will someone else need a try?
I feel like a dove
So far away
But I forgotten all the rain!
Don't wanna touch your dirty hand
That write false words on the sand!
I am the wind that cleans 'em up!
I will blow until you'll drown in pain!
My life reached it's pinnacle
But your wet touch isn't my goal.
I fly to different skies,
I can't stand no more your lies!
I'll break the glass of pain that you
Make from kidnapped souls!
I'll run for my new life that you
Won't rule or destroy!
5. Finally Me
I can feel that thing again
It lurks down in my pain
Every morning it's the same
I can't stand no more
And I've walked and walked alone
Until the smile if who knows
How to put up with my jokes
All the tears that I kept
From falling down
Now I can
Let them shiver away
And leave aside the
There are stupid little things
Than no one understands
I can sense a new sunrise
That is framed by your eyes
And I walk and walk with you
Slightly embarrassed for my words
That I've never used before
I breathe those whispers that are Guiding me so above
I feel those shivers caressing me like the rain that falls
6. Tears Of Sorrow
Another drop falls from a flower
And it seems it could take an hour
(I'm) drowning I wish I can't breathe
I can't cope with this bleak sensation
I feel killed by anger and frustration
This won't be our last good-bye
Only now I realize how precious is the light
It's so cold without your smile
Hope will suffocate my pain again tomorrow
Though my lonely dreams you'll soon live again
Let my tears create a shadow on your sorrow
(I'll) always fell inside a never-ending stain
A blast of wind has blown out your candle
It's a pain that I couldn’t handle
Tears are bursting out of my bleeding eyes
I can’t cope with this situation
I am filled with anger and frustration
This can’t be our last good-bye
Don't wanna meet the other side
'til I get to find myself
Gonna say it one more time
I must live again!
7. The Black Well
Caught by the smile of the moon,
Wandering through the unknown,
Remembering how was my home,
Raped by the cold of the
Solitude that I detest,
It aches inside when I can't rest... I Fear!
Voices whispering my name,
Chasing dreams that look so vane...
The well behind the gate will soon change my fate!
Frost... getting inside of my wounds,
The well... reflecting the shine of the moon!
The shimmering light of the moon, so pale!
Allows to look directly in it's face!
Leading me into an immortal state of grace,
Not as her radiant brother,,, the sun!!!
The sun... who keeps my eyes away from him,
His blinding light, it's inhibition for my dreams, it seems...
At night I feel pleased,
But now I need.........
Forever to keep me alive!
I won't be able to stand
Another day of the light...
Awaking inside of the
8. Beat It
They told him don't you ever come around here
Don't wanna see your face, you better disappear
The fires in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it, just beat it
You better run, you better do what you can
Don't wanna see no blood, don't be a macho man
You wanna be tough, better do what you can
So beat it, but you wanna be bad
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showing how funky strong is your fighter
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
They're out to get you, better leave while you can
Don't wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man
You wanna stay alive, better do what you can
So beat it, just beat it
You have to show them that you're really not scared
You're playing with your life, this ain't no truth or dare
They'll kick you, then they beat you,
Then they'll tell you its fair
So beat it, but you wanna be bad
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showing how funky strong is your fighter
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showing how funky strong is your fighter
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showing how funky strong is your fighter
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showing how funky strong is your fighter
It doesn't matter who's wrong or who's right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showing how funky strong is your fighter
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showing how funky strong is your fighter
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it
9. Another Transition
Looking out from my isolation
Deep inside from my alienation
The night will heal my morbid fascination
Another day has gone away
My disintegration, it's not just a sensation
But another accusation
After I've been bruised, lost and so confused
I practiced so much violation
Violation that was, always present because
I used to dream blindfold
All the people I've been, all the faces you've seen
Are not what I really am
Running away from another transition
After discovering new points of view
Getting away with another sensation
After discovering that I'm so true
Looking out from my isolation
Deep inside from my alienation
This day will kill my false illumination
Another day has gone away
I decide to light again my own fire
I gonna try to step away from the liars
I understood that I must have been crazy
To waste my time and be so lazy
Mirrors showing a new side of sorrowful revenge
Through the silence of who understands
I know it could be another transition of pain
I know it could be another injection in vein
I'll try not to be bothered by other insanes
I'll go much more further than your dead brains
10. Burning Doll
11. Matrioska
Analyzing and recognizing
How people are, takes a whole
Lot of time
But in a way or in the other
You can undress them from their wall of pride
Do you there's a girl
Do you there's a girl
Who can glance in you
And steal you mind
No deception can be a secret
In your smallest Russian doll
So while
You put up
You show
She knows
No time
For you
Don't mind
She knows
She always trying to reach
Some kind of friendship with some-other
but knowing how
Things go she can't
An illusion, a reclusion,
A prisoner in her own
State of mind
Nothing new to.. to discover
Has taken her away from "life"
Do you know there are ways
And ways, and ways
To uncover layers of your mind
No deception can be a secret
In your smallest Russian doll
Omniscient relations
Between mind and veiled sensations
The colours faded to grey
Like in Russian movies
Images are moving
Slowly and gasping in pain