 Знаменитый стрейт-эйдж-хардкор из Штатов. Да ещё и альбом неплохой. Сменив продюссера, банда немного сменила звук. Звук стал чище, яснее, композиции прозрачней, что, с одной стороны, увеличило аудиторию, принесло радио-эфир, но с другой – тут же начались упрёки в опопсении и т.д., как обычно бывает в таких случаях... Если быть честным, то "Slither" не представляет собой ничего принципиально нового: музыкально он движется где-то между Biohazard времён «New World Disorder» (1999), Machine Head времён «The More Things Change» (1997) и «Roots» (1996) от Sepultura. Иногда попахивает Korn. А временами даже Fear Factory с альбома «Digimortal» (2001), из-за прилизанного звука и примитивных отрывистых риффов вкупе с чистым неэмоциональным вокалом. Как видите (и, надеюсь, слышите), стандартные по тем временам риффы, гитарные эффекты, полукрик-получитка идейного вегана и борца за права животных Карла Бюхнера. Продукт почти ничем не примечательный и от того же Biohazard едва отличимый. Только, как уже было сказано, Earth Crisis сделали себе имя в узких кругах почитателей политически грамотного хардкора, поддержав радикальных защитников животных и выступив с критикой бесчеловечного капиталистического общества. О том и наполненные вербальным террором тексты. Что ж, спасибо Vistory Records за то, что вытащили банду из андерграунда. Потенциальные хиты с альбома, на мой взгляд: "Agress", "Killing Brain Cells", "Arc Of Descent" и "Behind The Wire". Но не могу отделаться от ощущения, что я это уже где-то слышал... |
Slither, can't deny it's real.
Slither, can't deny it's real.
Resist mind control.
Something sinister behind the scenes, formulas for suppression pushed into brains.
Sheeple accept without questioning, reactionaries swallow the whole thing.
Won't be rendered defenseless to the predators, won't be left without the modern equalizer to deter.
Criminals hell bent to victimize, there's a lawless law out to brutalize.
Slither, can't deny it's real.
Slither, can't deny it's real.
Resist mind control.
Ten thousand eyes follow from above and from below.
Categorizing all to find the ones to push against the wall.
Stand up or die, while there's still time, while there's still time, while there's still time.
There is no reason the law abiding should not possess the means to defend themselves.
Resist mind control
Try to slither in my soul, is to take and twist me, their only goal.
Won't let the wicked of the world have their way, seen the traps they've set, so I won't fall prey.
It's the end of this era in time, no respect for life, it's all crossed the line.
Human wolves slowly train the human cows to repress instinct and run into their mouths.
Slither, can't deny it's real.
Slither, can't deny it's real.
Resist mind control.
3. Provoke
A fraction of a fraction sets the new rules to follow.
Bind the hands of those who resist, to gag the mouths of all the rest.
Crush the fight out of the those who persist, censor beliefs not allowed to exist.
Create a state of mass confusion, provoke a response from the trapped victim.
Last of the last of the last of the sane.
Hated and scorned for the truth that's possessed.
Last of the last of the last of the sane.
Now the most persecuted.
A fraction of a fraction sets the new rules to follow.
Bind the hands of those who resist, to gag the mouths of all the rest.
Crush the fight out of the those who persist, censor beliefs not allowed to exist.
Create a state of mass confusion, provoke a response from the trapped victim.
Last of the last of the last of the sane.
Hated and scorned for the truth that's possessed.
Last of the last of the last of the sane.
Now the most persecuted.
Created an illusion to trap the prey inside of the delusion that is forced into our minds.
The thought police are winning, infiltrating the brain, to own the soul and body is the point of their game.
Surest way to bring them down is to beat the negativity into them, watch them lock into self-destruct mode.
Created an illusion to trap the prey inside of the delusion that is forced into our minds.
The thought police are winning, infiltrating the brain, to own the soul and body is the point of their game.
Last of the last of the last of the sane.
Hated and scorned for the truth that's possessed.
Last of the last of the last of the sane.
Now the most persecuted.
Crush the fight out of the demons while there is still time.
4. Nemesis
Force-fed delusions from the overseer's hands.
Won't swallow a doctrine that denies the truth.
Most absorb the sickness, saturated in the vile, immersed.
The weak fall quickly to blind conformity, in line.
I turned myself into a monster to fight against the monsters of the world.
I spared myself the pain they'll suffer when it all finally comes to haunt.
The source of the collapse, is what is taught to pity.
Portray themselves as victims, they're the antagonists.
Dilute to breakdown the ones who resisted with force.
Paint their self-defense as acts of aggression to all.
I turned myself into a monster to fight against the monsters of the world.
I spared myself the pain they'll suffer when it all finally comes to haunt.
Surrounded by demons that brand me a devil, each single one thirsts for my blood.
Encircled by demons that rush from the shadows, I hold strong and repel their attack.
Surrounded by demons that brand me a devil, each single one thirsts for my blood.
Encircled by demons that rush from the shadows, I hold strong and repel their attack.
No I, I won't submit.
No I, I won't relent.
I turned myself into a monster to fight against the monsters of the world.
I spared myself the pain they'll suffer when it all finally comes to haunt.
Madness is now what is seen as normal, impulsiveness has been set unchained.
So few question what is encouraged, locked inside of the alien's cage.
5. Agress
Tried to stop my progress, set a wall in my path.
Tried everything possible to make me come in last.
Wanted so hard to see me fall and to stay down.
Every time I am the one that picks myself up off the ground.
I can feel their eyes on my.
I can sense they're watching me.
Pushed past the point where all the rest expired.
I know I'll win, all will be mine in time.
Too much speed to stop the momentum now.
When I succeed it is not just my victory.
I can feel their eyes on my. (Agress upon the antagonists.)
I can sense they're watching me. (Agress upon the antagonists.)
Pushed past the point where all the rest expired.
I know I'll win, all will be mine in time.
Too much speed to stop the momentum now.
When I succeed it is not just my victory.
Time is going to teach what truly matters, if they live long enough to understand it.
Time is going to teach what truly matters, if they live long enough to understand it.
Time is going to teach what truly matters.
Tried to stop my progress, set a wall in my path.
Tried everything possible to make me come in last.
Wanted so hard to see me fall and to stay down.
Every time I am the one that picks myself up off the ground.
I can feel their eyes on my. (Agress upon the antagonists.)
I can sense they're watching me. (Agress upon the antagonists.)
6. Biomachines
Dawn of the biomachines.
Experiments to spawn the new breed of half living creatures to butcher for organs.
Transplants extend another's life span, re-created, twisted in neo-god's hands.
Animals physiologically altered to increase their output for human usage.
Left immobile as designed, trapped in a tortuous unexistence.
Monstrosities brought into being.
Behind the walls of laboratories, crimes go unseen.
Dawn of the biomachines.
Horrific cruelty inflicted, demons in white coats leer down on their prey.
Trapped in a hell on earth that's unknown - not heard not seen: until death they'll stay.
Helpless beings brutalized by madmen, trained to deny that they're even alive.
The basic motive financial gain, profit estimates drown the cries of pain.
Monstrosities brought into being.
Behind the walls of laboratories, crimes go unseen.
Medical Research, subjects aren't even seen as alive.
Behold the dawn, behold the dawn
Behold the dawn, behold the dawn
Behold the dawn, behold the dawn
Behold the dawn of the biomachines.
Monstrosities brought into being.
Behind the walls of laboratories, crimes go unseen.
7. Killing Brain Cells
Roaches crawl in the filth of vice, what is deserved is what they receive.
Suffer the pain they bring to themselves then deny the ruin.
Try to shift the blame onto those who are unresponsible.
Sink down in a listless state, a complacent half-life.
Vicious barbaric impulsiveness, walking corpses decay in the torment that they have made.
Let them sink to the bottom, those who won't stand, let it be their grave.
Reach up for a hand but they're all bitten, so now they're drawn away.
Killing brain cells, wasting away.
Killing brain cells, pure misery.
Killing brain cells, renounce, relapse.
Killing brain cells, over and over again.
See them scatter as weak promises shatter.
Used up all the second chances given by the ones who matter.
Pathetic excuses have all worn thin and through.
The escape route transformed, changed into a death trap.
Killing brain cells, wasting away.
Killing brain cells, pure misery.
Killing brain cells, renounce, relapse.
Killing brain cells, over and over again.
Through free will it was chosen, can't pin it on anyone else.
Can't pin it on anyone else, except yourself.
Broke through the thin ice once stood on.
Fall down into the nothingness.
Die from the venom intaken.
Now there's no one else to be blamed.
Killing brain cells, wasting away.
Killing brain cells, pure misery.
Killing brain cells, renounce, relapse.
Killing brain cells, over and over again.
Roaches crawl in the filth of vice, what is deserved is what they receive.
Suffer the pain they bring to themselves then deny the ruin.
8. Arc Of Descent
Time's up to decide, now it's time to choose a side.
Time's up to decide, now it's time to choose a side.
Time's up to decide, now it's time to choose a side.
Time's up to decide, now it's time to choose a side.
Truth serum injected into the situation, so now I know.
Separated the real from the false and now I am better off than I ever was.
Time's up to decide, now it's time to choose a side.
Time's up to decide, now it's time to choose a side.
Time's up to decide, now it's time to choose a side.
Time's up to decide, now it's time to choose a side.
Standing where the ground beneath gives way.
Disappearing into the abyss.
Holding onto lies that speed descent.
They're all falling, I'm the only one who's left.
Time's up to decide, now it's time to choose a side.
Time's up to decide, now it's time to choose a side.
Time's up to decide, now it's time to choose a side.
Time's up to decide, now it's time to choose a side.
Standing where the ground beneath gives way.
Disappearing into the abyss.
Holding onto lies that speed descent.
They're all falling, I'm the only one who's left.
Slow arc of descent begins, the test of time tells all.
One by one they dissolve into the dark, until the cowards are no more.
I'd rather live in a state of war than the hell of artificial peace.
Divide myself from the liars, now it's time to choose a side.
Standing where the ground beneath gives way.
Disappearing into the abyss.
Holding onto lies that speed descent.
They're all falling, I'm the only one who's left.
Standing, standing.
9. Mechanism
Won't look beyond their own existence, don't understand difficult circumstances.
Only know what little they've experienced, won't waste my breath because they lack sense.
Plague of the earth, a propaganda fantasy, that never gels in the test of reality.
Infiltrated every aspect, infiltrated every aspect, mechanisms.
Infiltrated every aspect, infiltrated every aspect, inject brainwash.
Look back through the past, see the mass grave filled with corpses of the helpless slain.
Once established always ends the same, expansion expansion is the next stage of their game.
Invasion forces capture a country, occupy the territory.
Infiltrated every aspect, infiltrated every aspect, mechanisms.
Infiltrated every aspect, infiltrated every aspect, inject brainwash.
Theories in practice, demons run wild, skulls on skulls are stacked and piled.
Master creator, human nature denied, kills the incentives for the best to strive.
Infiltrated every aspect, infiltrated every aspect, mechanisms.
Infiltrated every aspect, infiltrated every aspect, inject brainwash.
Only know what little they've experienced, won't waste my breath because they lack sense.
Plague of the earth, a propaganda fantasy, that never gels in the test.
10. Behind The Wire
Imprisoned behind the wire, the doomed await their end.
Tangled corpses fill the pits, starved, shot, or poisoned.
To the horrors the world turns away from the suffering in apathy.
A blind eye to the victim's pain that they choose not to see.
Unless there's money to be made, unless territory is gained.
Imprisoned behind the wire, the doomed await.
Imprisoned behind the wire, the doomed await their end.
Tangled corpses fill the pits, starved, shot, or poisoned.
To the horrors the world turns away from the suffering in apathy.
A blind eye to the victim's pain that they choose not to see.
Unless there's money to be made, unless territory is gained.
Annihilation reigns.
Annihilation reigns, unless there's money to be made, unless territory is gained.
Unless there's money to be made, unless territory is gained.
11. Mass Arrest
The course set for complete oppression, an explosive destination.
Fast forward ahead into time, technology metamorphasizing.
Beware...beware imposed serfdom.
Beware...beware inputted serfdom.
Robotics and machinery, could tip the scales of power to an elite few.
Their wealth upon wealth amassed, a post-industrial plantation enforced by a
surveillance police state.
Beware...beware inputted serfdom.
Beware...beware inputted serfdom.
Robotics and machinery, could tip the scales of power to an elite few.
Their wealth upon wealth amassed, a post-industrial plantation enforced by a surveillance police state.
Police state, police state, police state.
Is the 2 A.M. and the last of the patriots all that stands between this plot's existence?
Is there an escape from the mass arrest procedure?
Robotics and machinery, could tip the scales of power to an elite few.
Their wealth upon wealth amassed, a post-industrial plantation enforced by a surveillance police state.
12. Hairtrigger
Can feel it sleeping deep inside my brain on hairtrigger setup.
To trip off my nerves are pulled taught as wire.
There's not one real reason for the disrespect cast down as I climb out.
Content to believe the lies, so eager to spread them on without a care.
Don't know what I've survived, don't care about the ones I've saved.
Can't deny me my due credit, can't make me the hate object.
Cannot stop me.
Can feel it sleeping deep inside my brain on hairtrigger setup.
To trip off my nerves are pulled taught as wire.
Don't know what I've survived, don't care about the ones I've saved.
Can't deny me my due credit, can't make me the hate object.
There's not one real reason for the disrespect cast down as I climb out.
Content to believe the lies, so eager to spread them on without a care.
Won't throw myself away on a fool, declared my laws, I live by my own rules.
Time will show their antics never mattered when the walls they built up are left shattered.
There's not one real reason for the disrespect cast down as I climb out.
Content to believe the lies, so eager to spread them on without a care.
Don't know what I've survived, don't care about the ones I've saved.
Can't deny me my due credit, can't make me the hate object.
Cannot stop me.
13. Escape
Conditioned to turn away from all that was meant to be.
Programmed to be a machine locked into a chemical captivity.
Swim out into the darkness, won't return till it's accomplished.
Sanity lost in madness, obey the orders transmitted.
Obsessed to tranquilize, white light satiates.
The fury that possesses, in their hands there is no escape.
Controlled by the ones above, from afar they watch and wait.
Through the deep search and locate, lock on assault exterminate.
For the ones killed their was no hate, sent on a mission to obliterate.
Return to enemy hands, the ones who dictate my commands.
Obsessed to tranquilize, white light satiates.
The fury that possesses, in their hands there is no escape.
Break free, evade the masters, not theirs to dominate.
Overcome conditioning, realize time to escape.
Break free, evade the masters, not theirs to dominate.
Overcome conditioning, realize time to escape.