Quiet Riot
« Metal Health »
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1 | Metal Health
 | 2 | Cum On Feel The Noize
 | 3 | Don't Wanna Let You Go
 | 4 | Slick Black Cadillac
 | 5 | Love's A Bitch
 | 6 | Breathless
 | 7 | Run For Cover
 | 8 | Battle Axe
 | 9 | Let's Get Crazy
 | 10 | Thunderbird |
   Vocals : Kevin DuBrow
Guitars : Carlos Cavazo
Bass : Rudy Sarzo
Drums : Frankie Banali |
 | 1. Metal Health
Well I'm an axe grinder Piledriver
Mother says that I never never mind her
Got no brains I'm insane
Teacher says that I'm one big pain
I'm like a laser 6-streamin' razor
I got a mouth like an alligator
I want it louder
More power
I'm gonna rock ya till it strikes the hour
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 Третьему альбому Quiet Riot суждено было стать первым альбомом в истории рок-музыки, взошедшим на первое место Billboard Top 200. Наверное, даже сами музыканты не ожидали от себя подобного, ибо предпосылки к успеху отсутствовали. Рэнди Роадс метнулся к Оззи Осборну, Quiet Riot развалились. Группа под руководством Кевина ДюБроу собралась вновь в обновленном составе: Карлос Кавазо (гитара), Руди Сарзо (бас) и Фрэнки Банали (ударные) и, разумеется, сам Кевин на вокале. С таким составом QR отправились в студию на запись третьей пластинки. Дуплет из "Metal Health" и "Cum on Feel the Noize" открывает альбом. На подхвате "Don't Wanna Let You Go", затем середнячок "Slick Black Cadillac". После идут замечательные "Love's Bitch", "Breathless" и "Run for Cover". Остальные же треки не настолько примечательны, но не менее хороши. Саунд альбома уникален за счет вокала ДюБроу - пусть и не из числа лучших, но довольно оригинальным. Мультиплатиновый "Metal Health" стал пиком группы, дальше, увы, QR сбавили обороты. В конце-концов ДюБроу (к тому времени уже ставший алкоголиком и наркоманом) был заменен на Пола Шортино, а позже Банали ушел в W.A.S.P. Группа распалась... Но именно "Метал Хелсом" группа застолбила себе место в числе рок-звезд 80-х. Не побоюсь поставить альбому наивысшую оценку - "Metal Health" заслужил это. |
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Альбом в свое время произвел эффект разорвавшейся бомбы, правда, на мой взгляд, благодаря убойной кавер-версии хита "Slade Cum Feel The Noise". Собственные композиции Quiet Riot все-таки уступают бессмертному хиту, но, так или иначе, именно "Metal Health" стал первым альбомом "металлической" группы, взлетевшим на первое место "биллбордовских" чартов. К традиционному "металлу" музыка Quiet Riot имеет весьма натянутое отношение. Группа играет утяжеленную версию глэм-рока, похожую на Twisted Sister. Изюминка песен Quiet Riot в неподражаемом голосе вокалиста Кевина Дю Броу, так же, как и голос Ди Снайдера - визитная карточка T. S. У этих команд и судьба получилась схожей - запаса популярности обоих коллективов хватило на пару лет. Правда, в отличие от "Сестры", музыканты Quiet Riot Rudy Sarzo и Frankie Banali впоследствии проявили себя в таких группах, как WASP и Whitesnake. |
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Альбом действительно одно время был очень популярным и знаменитым. Думаю, что не погрешу против истины сказав, что эта запись одна из лучших и самая известная в творчестве американских хэви-глэм металлеров. Однако я б не сказал, что он идеален во всем. Грубоватый, но очень харизматичный вокал - главное достоинство и фишка музыки Quiet Riot. Да, великолепный убойный и тяжелый кавер Slade безусловно просто пропитан сногсшибательной энергетикой и самое главное, что слушается как полностью самостоятельная песня группы Quiet Riot! Есть тут и свои собственные хорошие песни, например, мелодичная и быстрая "Breathless", недурственные раздолбайские хэви боевики "Metal Health", претендующий на звание одного из главных хитов группы, полубаллада "Love's A Bitch" с прикольным текстом и пофигистическим настроением и самая тяжелая хэви-металлическая композиция "Run For Cover". Остальные же являют собой неплохой, но отнюдь не революционный американский хэви метал с небольшими влияниями глэма по типу тогдашних Motley Crue или Riot. Что ж, альбом все равно хорош как технически, так и мелодически и несет в себе неплохой заряд раздолбайской рок-н-ролльной энергетики, поэтому получает заслуженно довольно высокий балл. Как призывают нас музыканты, "Bang your head! Metal Health'll drive you mad"! |
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просмотров: 29812 |
Bang your head! Metal Health'll drive you mad
Band your head! Metal Health'll drive you mad
Well I'm remonstrated
Outdated I really want to be over-rated
I'm a finder and I'm a keeper
I'm not a loser and I ain't no weeper
I got the boys to make the noise
Won't ever let up
Hope it annoys you
Join the pack
Fill the crack
Well now you're here
There's no way back
Bang your head! Metal Health'll drive you mad
Bang your head! Metal Health'll drive you mad
Metal Health'll cure your crazy
Metal Health'll cure your mad
Metal Health is what we all need
It's what you have to have
Bang your head
Wake the dead
We're all metal mad
It's all you have
So bang your head
And raise the dead
Oh yeah!
Metal Health
It's not too bad
Bad Bad
Oh get your straight-jackets on tonight Oh
Bang your head! Metal health'll drive you mad
The bad boys are gonna set you right Rock on Rock on Rock on
Bang your head! Metal health'll drive you mad
Bang your head!
2. Cum On Feel The Noize
Cum on feel the noize
Girls rock your boys
We'll get wild, wild, wild
Wild, wild, wild
So you think I got an evil mind
I tell you honey
I don't know why
I don't know why
So you think my singin's out of time
It makes me money
I don't know why
I don't know why
Oh no
So cum on feel the noize
Girls rock your boys
We'll get wild, wild, wild
Wild, wild, wild
Cum on feel the noize
Girls rock your boys
We'll get wild, wild, wild
So you say I got a funny face
I got no worries
And I don't know why
I don't know why
Oh I gotta sing with some disgrace
I'm in no hurry
And I don't know why
I don't know why
No no no
Cum on feel the noize
Girls rock your boys
We'll get wild, wild, wild
Wild, wild, wild
Cum on feel the noize
Girls rock your boys
We get wild, wild, wild
Come on!
Well you think we have a lazy time
You should know better
I don't know why
I don't know why
So you say I got a dirty mind
I'm a mean go getter
I don't know why
I don't know why
Oh no
Cum on feel the noize
Girls rock your boys
We'll get wild, wild, wild
Wild, wild, wild
Cum on feel the noize
Girls rock your boys
We'll get wild, wild, wild
Come on, (come on) feel it
Girls rock your boys (come on, rock it!)
We'll get wild, wild, wild
We're gonna get wild! (wild, wild, wild)
We're gonna get rocked tonight (cum on feel the noize)
Rock it tonight (girls rock your boys)
We'll get wild, wild, wild
Ah, ah, ah (woooo)
Ah, ah, ah
Cum on feel the noize
Girls rock your boys
We'll get wild, wild, wild
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
3. Don't Wanna Let You Go
Everybody wants to have a girl like you
But I'm the one and it's right
Somebody comes along and says they play your song
My wish becomes his delight
He'll try to take you from me
Don't wanna let you go
Not gonna get far from me
Don't wanna let you go
Your special your one of a kind (so...)
Don't wanna let you go
Some things money can't buy
Your smiles pasted
My time is wasted
You say I told you so, told you so
You can't tell lies from facts
He'll try to hold you back
You make the tension grow, grow and grow
He'll try to take you from me
Don't wanna let you go
Your not gonna get far from me
Don't wanna let you go
Your special your one of a kind (so...)
Don't wanna let you go
Some things money can't buy...
Don't wanna let you go
Don't wanna let you go
Everybody wants to have a girl like you
But I'm the one and it's right
And somebody comes along and says he plays your song
My wish becomes his delight
He'll try to take you from me
Don't wanna let you go
Your not gonna get far from me
Don't wanna let you go
Your special your one of a kind (so...)
Don't wanna let you go
Some things money can't buy...
Don't wanna let you go
Your special your one of a kind (so...)
Don't wanna let you go
Some things money can't buy...
Don't wanna let you go
Don't wanna let you go
Don't wanna let you go
He'll try to take you away from me
Don't wanna let you go, let you go, oh no no no (yeah)
4. Slick Black Cadillac
Ooooo, Just a mean black set of wheels
What it takes to get me off
I'm gonna drive all night
Spin my wheels of light
It feels all right
It feels all right
I don't need no drivers license
I'm too reckless to survive
It's like a carburetor instigator
Feels all right
Feels all right
Drivin' in a Slick Black Cadillac
It's got solid gold hubcaps
It makes me feel like a king
I only need one thing
And that's a Slick Black Cadillac (get it up)
Slow down
You know I got a fully equipped rock 'n' roll machine
At speeds that take me high, high, high
At dead man's curve
I only hear one word drive, drive, drive
Drive, drive, drive
My machine is making headlines
It gives me love and everything
It's like an institution of revolution
It feels all right
Feels all right
Drivin' in a Slick Black Cadillac
It's got solid gold hubcaps
It makes me feel like a king
I only need one thing
And that's a Slick Black Cadillac (pull over, woooo)
Cadillac, Cadillac, Cadillac
Got the coppers on my trail
Just for me an A.P.B., yeah yeah
The sirens spinnin'
It's me who's winnin'
There're after me
There're after me
Oh, I know just what happened
I disappeared to their surprise
I got a Cadillac marquee by my back
And I don't mind
No, I don't mind
Drivin' in a Slick Black Cadillac
It's got solid gold hubcaps
It makes me feel like a king
I only need one thing
And that's a Slick Black Cadillac (wait a minute)
Slick Black Cadillac
It's got solid gold hubcaps
Slick Black Cadillac
I lay it down, spin em wide and get laid in back, oh yeah
Drivin' in a Slick Black Cadillac
It makes me feel like a king, alright!
5. Love's A Bitch
Loves got me by the ass again
I've been in love since I don't know when
I keep a-runnin' and I don't know why
Love's givin' me a crock of lies
Out of breath and I'm out of time
Misery is what I find
Love's a bitch, baby
Love's a bitch, yes it's crazy
Love's a bitch, baby
Love's a bitch, yeah it's crazy
Love's a bitch!
Like a cat with diamond eyes
Love's power it can hypnotize
Done me in (ha)
More than twice
She'll make you think that it's over night
Your all alone in a room that's wrong
Your body shakes
Your feet are cold
Love's a bitch, baby
Love's a bitch, yeah it's crazy
Love's a bitch, baby
Love's a bitch, yes it's crazy
Love's a bitch! (whoa, ooh ooh, yes it is)
(Oh, oh, oh)
Such a bitch (oh)
Don't you wait, don't stand still
Gotta keepa movin' or you'll pay the bill
Go by car, go by train
You gotta keepa runnin' or you'll feel the pain
Keepa runnin', keepa runnin'
Love's a bitch, baby
Love's a bitch, yes it's crazy
Love's a bitch, bitch, bitch, baby
Love's a bitch, it's crazy
Love's a bitch! (NO!)
It's a bitch!!!!
6. Breathless
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!!
My control
That's what you take from me
Damned my soul
And you won't let me be
Stop me in my tracks, there's no looking back
I can't see (no)
It's much too late
I feel faint
You take my breath away
You leave me breathless
You got me helpless
You take my breath away
You leave me breathless
You got me helpless
You take my breath away
Inside-out, that's how she turns my head
All my doubts are never put to bed
She's got me runnin' blind, never think I'll find sanity (oh)
Hyperventilate, nothing's a in her place
She takes my breath away
And leaves me breathless
Yes I'm so helpless
She takes my breath away
You leave me breathless
I'm so helpless
You take my breath away
You change the air I breathe
And never let me know
You cast a spell on me, and you don't let me go go go go go
You leave me breathless
You got me helpless
You take my breath away
You leave me breathless
I'm so helpless
You take my breath away
You leave me breathless (oh, oh)
You leave me breathless
I'm breathless, breathless
You leave me breathless
Leave me breathless!
7. Run For Cover
Watch out!
You better get yourself runnin'
I got hurricane comin'
No warning surprise
I'm gonna take my leave
I wanna plant my seed
Don't let it shock you hold tight, hold tight
You better run for cover
I'm a hit-n-run lover
Run for cover tonight (get ready!)
So you think it's easy
Try to be this sleazy
Well I'll tell you it's nice (ha ha)
We're gonna make a name
Ain't gonna play no games
You'd better take the first flight tonight
You better run for cover
I'm the hit-n-run lover
Run for cover tonight
Find some shelter and hide
No survivors tonight, hold tight, tonight (yeah watch out!)
You better get yourself runnin'
I got hurricane comin'
No warning surprise
I'm gonna take my leave
I wanna plant my seed
Don't let it shock you hold tight, hold tight
Run for cover
I'm the hit-n-run lover
You better run for cover tonight (yeah)
Run for cover
I'm the hit-n-run lover
Run for cover tonight
Look out
Watch out
Get out
Hold out
Run for cover tonight
Run for cover! Woo!
8. Battle Axe
9. Let's Get Crazy
Oh yeah!!!
Lookin' for some action, want a mean machine
Gettin' hot 'n' nasty, climbin' in-between
I'm-a rockin' in the mornin' and in the night
I'm gonna find a mama makes me feel right
Get down
Let's get crazy
Right now
Let's get crazy (alright)
Wanna kiss your lips, not the ones on your face
Your innocent jive is really out of place (yeah)
In need of assistance
A dog for my bone
Ain't no way tonight I go home alone
Get down
Let's get crazy
Right now
Let's get crazy (hahahahahahaha)
Oh rock on!
Get crazy
Intoxication runnin' through my veins
A shot of the past keep runnin' in my brain wave
I'm rockin' in the mornin' and in the night
I'm gonna find a rocker makes me feel right
Get down
Let's get crazy
Right now
Let's get crazy (ah come on get down to business)
Get down (ha)
Let's get crazy
Right now
Let's get crazy (crazy)
Oh right now
Get down (oh come on)
We're gonna get crazy (we're gonna rock on tonight)
Right now (ooh yeah)
Let's get crazy (hoohoohoohoohoo)
Get down (well well well well well well)
Let's get crazy (get insane)
Right now (oh sometime tonight)
Let's get crazy (CRAZY!)
Get down
10. Thunderbird
Hello you
yes it's me
You can't come back
Your flyin' free
You think you found
Everything that you need
Fly away, fly away
To your new home
Across the seas
Oh leave your nest
Oh baby leave the best thing
That you've been
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Fly on, Thunderbird fly
Fly on, spread your wings to the sky
Fly on, Thunderbird fly
On your own
And I'm alone
In the shadow
Of what we done
And I can't help but think
That someday
You'll be back home (whoa)
Fly away, fly away
To your new home
Across the bay
And give your best
Ooh baby leave the best thing
That you've been
Oh, oh, oh
Fly on, Thunderbird fly
Fly on, spread your wings to the sky
Fly on, Thunderbird fly (fly on)
(Ah, ah, ah, ah)
(Ah, ah, ah, ah ah ah ah)
When all is said
All is done
Still I live
And carry on
Don't look back
But think of me
We'll meet again
Fly away (oh)
Fly on, Thunderbird fly
Fly on, spread your wings to the sky
Fly on, Thunderbird fly
Fly on, Thunderbird fly
You've got fly away
Fly on, spread your wings to the sky
On to the sky
Fly on Thunderbird...