 Слушая этот альбом, хочется спросить: «Есть ли хоть что-то, что итальянцы не превратили бы в произведение искусства?» Прекрасное и техничное исполнение, использование всех возможностей вокала, нетривиальные мотивы и переборы, нескончаемое переплетение мелодий, использование нетрадиционных музыкальных инструментов и даже вкрапления классических произведений!!!
Я бы сравнил их музыку с произведениями искусства ювелиров: многогранность, блеск и твердость алмаза в изящной оправе из благородного золота и серебра. Это уже не товар, расчитанный на массового потребителя, а крупица, вобравшая в себя все краски Мира, расчитанная на искателя красоты, изящества и едва уловимых нюансов... Сколько я его не слушаю, всегда нахожу что-то новое.
Советую послушать всем. |
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И всё же, это был застой. Да, именно застой. После того как я наконец переслушал все творения этой команды, я с уверенностью могу сказать, что года выхода альбомов "Classica" и "Novembrine Waltz" - это года застоя и даже некоторой творческой импотенции, которая, правда, кончилась очень крепкой перезаписью дебютника, и слава богу. Собственно о "Классике" мой отзыв можно прочитать рядом. Теперь же о данном творении.
Ничего особо о том, что из себя в музыкальном плане представляет альбом, я не буду говорить, ибо от "Классики" он сильно в этом аспекте не отличается. Вся проблема, собственно, в плане композиции песен. Для начала выделю несколько бесспорно отличных вещей: это "Everasia" и "Valentine" (даром что первая самая длинная на альбоме, а вторая - почти инструментал, эти композиции наполнены нетривиальными ходами и интересными мелодиями по самое не хочу, а именно за это я и люблю Novembre). Всё остальное же слабовато. "Distances", "Come Pierrot" и "Venezia Dismal" жутко перенасыщены голимой долбёжкой и постной акустикой, они не вызывают ничего кроме уныния. Во "Flower" неожиданно долба сменилась вменяемыми риффами, но всё равно, ничего интересного нет и тут. "Conservatory Resonance", правда, получилась скорее стоящей, чем нет, - ураган эмоций переходит в успокаивающую концовку, и за удачное завершение альбома я балл накину. Но вот за что я этот балл отберу обратно, так это за кавер на Кейт Буш - получилось крайне безыдейно и скучно, кавер на "депешмодовский" "Stripped" на альбоме 96 года, например, на голову выше. Также хочется отметить, что как и на "Классике", здесь очень много довольно-таки средненького гроула. Зачем его в таких количествах использовать, когда чистый вокал настолько прекрасен и подходит к музыке, я, честно, не знаю. Хорошо, что дальше его становилось всё меньше и меньше. Также похвалы заслуживают тексты - слегка абстрактные и часто не рифмованные совсем никак, но жутко красивые.
В итоге поставлю семёрку - здесь явно больше интересных моментов, чем на "Классике", но альбом всё так же безумно далёк от гениальных "Materia" и "Arte Novecento". |
the mirage of a forgotten town rescuse me
in storms religions lost and empty sanctuaries
I let my body being slowly buries along other fools
To the silence we belong,
and the silence in this wilderness throve
the Via Crucis across the Dead Sea
then caught in Samarkand bazaar dream
No, don't search for me at North
where the nonsense of my frienzied notes lead
as now I am the Czar
In sleep I spread my veils
as day is much too harsh to sail
while dream are bright and manifold
2. Everasia
Si inizia un nuovo viaggio
di terra, aria, e mare
e poi volare, sino a quasi il sole sfiorare
(A new jurney begins,
by earth, air and sea
and then flying 'till almost caressing the sun)
Issa oh, oh issa
issa oh, oh issa
issa oh, oh issa
issa oh, oh
Da padre a figlio
da padre a figlio
da padre al figlio del figlio
(From father to son
form father to the son of the son)
Feel the summer in this morning
and it's thousands passions riding
riding us to farther seas and rising
dreams of Everasia
And the gold is there, just cross that
bridge of clay, damn!
be brave an take that treasure where
your father spent strength
And I avoid the mire in which
my legs has falter
the boots are laced,the eastwind
leads you,dear old ship,
way Everasia
Alla fine delle righe,solo il
tempo per capire
che si muore e il tempo non si ferma mai
ma per te che sai gioire son
bugie da ignorare
vivi sempre non morire mai
(In the end of the lines thre's just the
time to realise
that we die and the time never stops.
These are nothing but lies to you, who bear joy.
Do never die, live forever)
Oceanheart, non-forgotten
soon will rise from its deepest self,
it will rise
to its primal splendour, it will rise back
Atlantis, new knowledge
new geometry, new astronomy, magic
Religion of the science
erecting its churches
devoid of heavens
It's fire, what we need it's fire,
for this world gone, fire, fire
3. Come Pierrot
Dream sweetest dreams
aqualunae dreams
Come with me up the stairs of the rainbow at the horizon
made of drops of down
don't worry,I'm just the guardian of your playground
when the day has gone down
But I'm closing dawn of me, closing down on me
I'm wondering who's my guide towards the horizon
Will I ever know?
'cause I'm not allowed to have dreams except for one
Please be my only one
And it seemed so long and shining bright
Stasera piovon gocce d'acqua di luna
ed io arroccato quassщ come Pierrot...
(Tonight moonwater drops are falling
as I'm sheltered un here just like Pierrot...)
Farewell oh my dear moon, goodbye
You gave me shelter when dogs howled
The time has come,my task is now done
keep shining forever!
A sweet tune accompanies my last bits of life
lulling my passing away
Dream the sweetest dreams
Aqualunae dreams
Take my hand ahd dream
Aqualunae dreams
4. Child Of The Twilight
This is now, since and then
and this is where we unendingly
forever stand
And then I saw your smile,
the origin of the sun
which cracks the stone
of which we gods are made
now that I saw your smile
I'd step out from this stump
This is where we unendingly forever stand
E' come impazzire in un mare dorato
(It feels like going crazy in a golden sea)
Running from light
dive in the wonders of twilight
like children of dusk
on the run from the day
Do you remember the exspanse of desks and th
smell of the first days?
tears dense and in plenty,
while far behind, the world punished you
against the wall
for noting but just being
Now, taht after all this years
I'm no longer sure
if you had really existed,
or if I just invented you
tell me what's left to trust
I face that place again
but this time in depth of the self
and I'm weaker without your sad smile, the
same as mine
Sometimes the sight of the town through
the rain fills the pit of
a failure of life
when the sight of the town
through the rain
fills the pit of a life that has failed
This is now, since and than
and this is where we unendingly
forever stand
5. Cloudbusting
[Kate Bush Cover]
I still dream of Orgonon.
I wake up crying.
You're making rain,
And you're just in reach,
When you and sleep escape me.
You're like my yo-yo
That glowed in the dark.
What made it special
Made it dangerous,
So I bury it
And forget.
But every time it rains,
You're here in my head,
Like the sun coming out--
Ooh, I just know that something good is going to happen.
And I don't know when,
But just saying it could even make it happen.
On top of the world,
Looking over the edge,
You could see them coming.
You looked too small
In their big, black car,
To be a threat to the men in power.
I hid my yo-yo
In the garden.
I can't hide you
From the government.
Oh, God, Daddy--
I won't forget,
'Cause every time it rains,
You're here in my head,
Like the sun coming out--
Ooh, I just know that something good is going to happen.
And I don't know when,
But just saying it could even make it happen.
The sun's coming out.
Your son's coming out
6. Flower
Lost in the storming of the north
someone warm up his own beloved
a feeble flower of the north
No one can hear their sos
but could someone ever care less,
of those two flowers grown in frozen grass?
She was brighter than a star
he loved to watch the rain
and just like a trick of life
they departed in winter
Two frozen hearts sleep in the dust
bonded by time in tears and rust
in the darkest hall of winter lust
No one could hear their sos
and no-one could ever care less,
about two creatures laid to rest
7. Valentine
[almost an instrumental]
Come on, rag-doll ballerina
Return in your theatre made of tin
Do not forget one day you'll fly
The doors of the theatre open wide
The wind shakes your beautiful hair in this morning in Paris
I try to get closer to you with tears in the eyes
And then a myriad glints of rain in this old picture of your smile
Look at that seagull in the sky, it's my Valentine
8. Venezia Dismal
Enigma carnival
dancers in the black
Venezia dismal land
countess dour, faceless in her mask
A duel of silhouettes tonight
a rondo rapture breaks the light
As the gondola sails high
by the wake of milky way
a romantic tune we cry
ina misty and faded day
As the music leads our eyes
it echoes in cathedrals grey
when december leaves us dry
then the belfry's stuck again
When the magic rain of this marry confetti dance
is nothing but our icy tears from beyond our skyclad masks
skyclad masks, or starclad, infinite-clad
A venetian oldmen sighs
Reeling to the canal bench
when the season tide is night
Then december leaves fall dry
upon this melancholic place
some romantic tune we cry
9. Conservatory Resonance
Through the painting and the wite busts
in the corridor of the fountain
from a century I try to find you, I try
The veil, the veil of the night descends
heavy upon our school
Where the music found shelter
from the havoc of the plebeians thirst
And I wonder why
birds are silent now
and our tools of notes worn as your love
A young boy takes a violin
and puts all his dreams in it
and turns towards the dusky skyline, smiling
Smiling, as yet he ignores the minstrels fate
to need for a love vast as sky
impossible to find
Or maybe he'll find flower
on which you'll share some joy
the kind of those
greeting the end