 Этот двойной концертник времен тура Fires At Midnight был записан 3 мая 2002 г. в нидерландском Гронингене. Сет-лист из 13-ти лучших вещей группы с первых трех альбомов, а также пепловская "Soldier Of Fortune", которую Blackmore's Night много лет исполняли на своих выступлениях (она есть и на бутлеге 2000-го года "Abendberg Germany", и на концертнике "Castles & Dreams" 2004-го) и рэйнбовская "16th Century Greensleeves", вполне достойно (на фоне оригинала с Дио) исполненная Кэндис на пару то ли с Кармином Гильо, то ли с Сэром Робертом. Надо сказать, концерт этих менестрелей - не просто безукоризненное исполнение альбомного материала, нет, это куда более высокий уровень подхода к живому выступлению. Всевозможные эксперименты и импровизации, украшающие почти каждую вещь, всякие неожиданные ходы, на ура встречаемые публикой, и, конечно, позитив и отличное настроение, источаемые группой (это чувствуется даже без видеоряда) - вот основные составляющие, делающие каждый их концерт уникальным и непохожим ни на один из предыдущих (говорят Ричи специально следит за этим). Словом, очень качественный концертник, хотя это далеко не самое большое по продолжительности выступление Blackmore's Night (здесь всё зависит от настроения Ричи: может быть час, может быть 3).
Справедливости ради нужно упомянуть и о тех, кто помогает Ритчи и Кэндис вышивать это магическое полотно:
- Крис Дивайн (Chris Devine) - скрипач-мультиинструменталист, который во время своего пребывания в группе выделялся среди музыкантов не меньше Ричи. Его виртуозные партии были изюминкой этих шоу. "...приятно осознавать, что лидер группы поощряет экспериментаторство. Вот это мне больше всего и нравится в Blackmore's Night - всегда на следующем концерте будет что-нибудь новенькое. А когда Ричи и я обмениваемся соло - то для меня это просто вершина всего турне!"(одно из таких импровизационных перекидываний Криса и Ритчи можно услышать на двенадцатиминутной версии "Fires At Midnight" этого альбома). К сожалению, этот тур стал последним для Криса, он ушел по семейным обстоятельствам.
- Сэр Роберт из Нормандии (Sir Robert of Normandie) - возрастной музыкант-мультиинструменталист и акула шоу-бизнеса, продюссировавший множество групп и участник различных музыкальных проектов. В Blackmore's Night он играл на басу и акустической гитаре, а также исполнял часть партий бэк-вокала. В 2005-м он тоже уйдет по семейным обстоятельствам.
- Сквайр Малкольм из Ламли (Squire Malcolm of Lumley) - очень техничный и профессиональный драмер, за которыйм надолго закрепится роль постоянного ударника группы.
- Кармин Гильо (Carmin Giglio) - клавишник и бэк-вокалист, заменивший Адама Форджиони. Играет, естественно, классно (и ведет себя, приплясывая за клавишами), хотя Бард Дэвид, заменивший его в следующем году на порядок круче.
Также в составе группы на Past Times With Good Company значились Kevin Dunne (ударные на "16th Century Greensleeves") и Lady Rraine (бэк-вокал на "Writing On The Wall"), но их вклад общее дело незначителен.
Заключением добавлю, что одно из выступлений группы в этом составе (с разницей только в уже успевших присоединиться Лунных Сестрах) можно увидеть на записи "Beyond The Sunset", как всегда качественно сценически поставленное (правда там всего лишь 5 вещей). Приятного прослушивания и просмотра. |
Thinking of a lost romance...
Long ago...
Feeling lonely, feeling sad,
She cried in the moonlight.
Driven by a world gone mad
She took flight...
\"Feel no sorrow, feel no pain,
Feel no hurt, there\'s nothing gained...
Only love will then remain,\"
She would say.
Shadow of the Moon...
Shadow of the Moon...
Somewhere just beyond the mist
Spirits were seen flying
As the lightning led her way
Through the dark...
Shadow of the Moon..
2. Play Minstrel Play
Underneath the harvest moon
Where the ancient shadows will play and hide...
With a ghostly tune and the devil\'s pride...
\"Stranger\" whispered all the town
Has he come to save us from Satan\'s hand?
Leading them away to a foreign land...
Play for me, minstrel, play
And take away our sorrows...
Play for me, minstrel, play
And we\'ll follow...
Hear, listen, can you hear,
The haunting melody surrounding you,
Weaving a magic spell all around you...
Danger hidden in his eyes,
We should have seen it from far away,
Wearing such a thin disguise in the light of day...
He held the answer to our prayers,
Yet it was too good to be...
Proof before our very eyes, yet we could not see...
3. Minstrel Hall
4. Past Time With Good Company
Past time with good company
I love, and shall until I die
Grutch who lust, but none deny
So God be pleased, thus live will I
For my pastance
Hunt, sing and dance
My heart is set;
All goodly sport
For my comfort
Who shall me let?
Company with honesty
Is virtue, vices to flee;
Company is good and ill
But every man hath his free will
The best ensue
The worst eschew;
My mind shall be
Virtue to use
Vice to refuse
Thus shall I use me...
Past time with good company
I love, and shall until I die
Grutch who lust, but none deny
So God be pleased, thus live will I
For my pastance
Hunt, sing and dance
My heart is set;
All goodly sport
For my comfort
Who shall me let?
Youth must have some dalliance
Of good or ill some pastance
Company methinks then best
All thoughts and fancies to digest
For idleness is chief mistress
Of vices all; then who can say
But mirth and play
Is best of all?
Past time with good company
I love, and shall until I die
Grutch who lust, but none deny
So God be pleased, thus live will I
For my pastance
Hunt, sing and dance
My heart is set;
All goodly sport
For my comfort
Who shall me let?
Company with honesty
Is virtue, vices to flee;
Company is good and ill
But every man hath his free will
The best ensue
The worst eschew;
My mind shall be
Virtue to use
Vice to refuse
Thus shall I use me...
5. Fires At Midnight
I stood out here once before
With my head held in my hands
For all that I had known of this place
I could never understand…
On the hills the fires burn at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
The stars are out and magic is here…
I wished on the seven sisters
Bring to me wisdom of age
All that\'s locked within the book of secrets
I long for the knowledge of a sage…
On the hills the fires burn at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
Stars are out and magic is here
The stars are out and magic is here…
So, the sisters smiled to themselves
And they whispered as they shone
And it was from that very instant
I knew I would never be alone…
While on the hills
The fires burn at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
Stars are out and magic is here
The stars are out and the magic is here…
Many stars were long forgotten
Many faded and became ghosts
Still my sisters glittered down from heaven
Always there when I needed them most…
And on the hills the fires burn at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
Stars are out and magic is here
The stars are out and magic is here…
I stood out here once before
With my head held in my hands
For all that I had known of this place
I could never understand
On the hills the fires burn at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
Stars are out and magic is here
Stars are out and magic is here
Stars are out and magic is here
Stars are out and magic is here
6. Under A Violet Moon
ng bright
Under a Violet Moon
Raise your hats and your glasses too
We will dance the whole night through
We\'re going back to a time we knew
Under a Violet Moon
Raise your hats and your glasses too
We will dance the whole night through
We\'re going back to a time we knew
Under a Violet Moon
Raise your hats and your glasses too
We will dance the whole night through
We\'re going back to a time we knew
Under a Violet Moon
Raise your hats and your glasses too
We will dance the whole night through
We\'re going back to a time we knew
Under a Violet Moon
Raise your hats and your glasses too
We will dance the whole night through
We\'re going back to a time we knew
Under a Violet Moon
7. Soldier Of Fortune
I have often told you stories
About the way
I lived the life of a drifter
Waiting for the day
When Id take your hand
And sing you songs
Then maybe you would say
Come lay with me love me
And I would surely stay
But I feel Im growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin round
I guess Ill always be
A soldier of fortune
Many times Ive been a traveller
I looked for something new
In days of old
When nights were cold
I wandered without you
But those days I thougt my eyes
Had seen you standing near
Though blindness is confusing
It shows that youre not here
Now I feel Im growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin round
I guess Ill always be
A soldier of fortune
Yes, I can hear the sound
Of a windmill goin round
I guess Ill always be
A soldier of fortune
Disc: 2
1. 16th Century Greensleeves
It\'s only been an hour
Since he locked her in the tower
The time has come
He must be undone
By the morning
Many times before
The tyrant\'s opened up the door
Then someone cries
Still we close our eyes
Not again
Meet me when the sun is in the Western skies
The fighting must begin before another someone dies
Crossbows in the fire light
Green sleeves waving
Madmen raving
Through the shattered night
Flames are getting higher
Make it leap unto the spire
Draw bridge down
Cut it to the ground
We shall dance around the fire
No more night
We have seen the light
Let it shine on bright
Hang him higher
2. Beyond The Sunset
3. Morning Star
There are shadows in the sky
Dancing in the air
Calling to my heart
Saying, \"If you dare,
We\'re running fast
We\'re running far
Trying to catch the morning star...\"
And time and space
Our only shield
Keeping secrets
Falling night
Breathes in the dark
Trying to catch the morning star...
I can fly through my mind when I see them as they shine
Can it be so hard to try and charm the elusive morning star...
So within the chase
We soon will find
The light of the moon
Those left behind
Try to free the gypsy in their hearts
By trying to catch the morning star...
Now that the time
Has come and gone
Illusion has past
And we\'re on our own
Know the dream is never far...
When trying to catch the Morning Star...
4. Home Again
I\'ve been many places
I\'ve traveled \'round the world
Always on the search for something new
But what does it matter
When all the roads I\'ve crossed
Always seem to reback to you…
Old familiar faces
Everyone you meet
Following the ways of the land
Cobblestones and lanterns
Lining every street
Calling me to come home again
Dancing in the moonlight
Singing in the rain
Oh, it\'s good to be back home again
Laughing in the sunlight
Running down the lane
Oh, it\'s good to be back home again
When you play with fire
Sometimes you get burned
It happens when you take a chance or two
But time is never wasted
When you\'ve lived and learned
And in time, it all comes back to you…
And when I got weary
I\'d sit a while and rest
Memories invading my mind
All the things I\'d treasured
The ones I\'d loved the best
Were the things that I\'d left behind…
5. Renaissance Faire
I was told once, by a friend of mine,
She had seen an olden sign,
Said she was not from this time,
And did I feel the same?
So I told her, \"Yes\", I knew her fear
As I felt the truth draw near
Told her back three hundred years,
Was the time that I held dear...
Gather lords and ladies fair,
Come with me to the Renaissance Faire
Hurry now,
We\'re almost there...
Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la,la, la, la...
Through the shroud of mystery,
Turn a page of history,
Feeling more than you can see,
Down at the Renaissance Faire.
Hear the minstrels play their tunes,
They will play the whole night through,
Special songs for me and for you,
And anyone whose heart is true...
Gather lords and ladies fair,
Come with me to the Renaissance Faire
Hurry now,
We\'re almost there...
Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la,la, la, la...
There\'s too many stars for one sky to hold,
Some will fall, others are sold,
As the fields turn to gold
Down at the Renaissance Faire...
Gather lords and ladies fair,
Come with me to the Renaissance Faire
Hurry now,
We\'re almost there...
Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la,la, la, la...
6. I Still Remember
I thought of you the other day
How worlds of change led us astray
Colors seem to fade to gray
In the wake of yesterday…
You looked into my eyes
You had me hypnotized
And I can still remember you
I had a dream of you and I
A thousand stars lit up the sky
I touched your hand and you were gone
But memories of you live on…
You looked into my eyes
You had me hypnotized
And I can still remember you
Those moments spent together
Promising forever
And I can still remember you
Do you ever think of me
And get lost in the memory
When you do, I hope you smile
And hold that memory a while…
7. Durch Den Wald Zum Bachhaus
8. Writing On The Wall
Is it powers of intuition?
Is it insecurity?
You know I can read your mind and
You have been deceiving me...
Which face wears the masque this evening?
When will your true colors show?
Will they be as black as shadows
Hiding \'neath the rainbow...
Had my heart on a silver chain
With the words engraved
\"I loved you\"...
Like a swan that was lost at sea
I lost all of me
To you...
Now I see the writing on the wall...
Paranoia or perception?
Put your faith in a liar\'s hands
Wanting to believe his words
But never knowing where he stands...
There\'s too many misconceptions
In this game of consequence
When you\'re finding that your hero
Is just who you\'re up against…