« Eyes of Darkness »
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1 | Eyes Of Darkness
 | 2 | Wonderland
 | 3 | The Four Horseman
 | 4 | Brandnew World
 | 5 | When The Sun Goes Down
 | 6 | Shadows Of The Light
 | 7 | Keep Flying
 | 8 | Battlefield Of Life
 | 9 | One Million Faces
 | 10 | At The Crack Of Dawn
 | 11 | Angel
 | 12 | Larger Than Life
 | 13 | Lost In Love |
   Bernhard Weiss - lead vocals, guitar
Harry Oellers - keys, guitar, vocals
Guido Wehmeyer - lead guitar, vocals
Kuno Niemeyer - bass, vocals
Ritchie Michalski - drums, vocals |
 | Eyes of darkness
"Spreading out the wings of night
Overtaking all mankind
Getting back the crown to rule again
Over the kingdom of the night"
"Now the time has come when he open up his eyes
The eyes of the darkness"
Can you hear the bells chime for the final goodbye?
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 При выпуске таких альбомов нужно всегда приклеивать наклейку «For Fans Only» – то есть, строго для поклонников. Вот и седьмой альбом немецких хардовиков пожаловал под страшную бензопилу рецензионной критики, а поругать есть за что, я вам скажу – вот уже больше пяти лет Аксис только и делает, что радует фанов, и выпускает абсолютно ровные и нудные пластинки, прикрывая отсутствие хитов всякой пургой типа утяжеления саунда и позитивным настроем. Проблема только в одном – отсутствие шедевров, коими славилась эта некогда могучая банда, даже, несмотря на то, что она вернулась к своим корням и заиграла старую харду, не вызывает никакого сожаления или же уважения. Собственно, чего тут писать – альбом «Eyes Of Darkness» логическое, правильное и не уходящее ни на йоту в сторону продолжение предыдущего диска «Back To The Kingdom». Почему то мелодии что здесь, что там, слишком однотипные и не запоминающиеся, тем более, опять такая же бедная ситуации с быстрыми и энергичными вещами, даже тот факт, что их больше чем на «Back To The Kingdom» не даёт повода для радости – все эти живчики ничего не стоят из-за своей крайней пустоты и однотипности. Понравилось мне всего лишь несколько песен – это опять по чётко выверенному стандарту открывающая боевая и заглавная композиция «Eyes Of Darkness», отличный кавер на Aphrodite’s Child «The Four Horseman» – средне темповый боевик с реально цепляющим припевом и изменяющимся ритмом, а также чудо-вещь «When The Sun Goes Down». Печально, но факт - баллады «Brand New World», «Angel» и бонусный медляк «Lost In Love», а также тяжеляки «Larger Than Life» и «At The Crack Of Dawn» не оставляют в душе ничего, кроме пустоты и противного чувства жестокого обмана… Вызывает уважение тот факт что пластинка была спродюсирована самими музыкантами в их собственной студии, и то как они предоставляют материал не вызывает и тени каких-либо нареканий, всё же мужики уже профессионалы в своём деле, тем более почти двенадцатилетний опыт как никак сказывается на том, что ты делаешь и как ты это делаешь. Остаётся добавить только то, что данную работу высоко оценили множество, как музыкальных критиков, так и самих поклонников группы, я же думаю, что Аксису ещё есть до чего расти, надеюсь так оно и будет в будущем. |
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Вот уж чего никогда не понимала, так это подобных высказываний. Мол, "плохо, что группа играет из года в год, из альбома в альбом, одно и то же, ну сколько можно?!", а как только группа выпускает нечто из ряда вон выходящее тут же (зачастую те же самые люди) кричат что то вроде: "Это не то, к чему мы привыкли, группа изменилась, совсем не то что мы ожидали, чего ждали и на что надеялись. В корзину этот альбом!" И вроде бы в этом альбоме случилось все совсем по-другому: мужички играют все то же самое, но в то же время альбом вышел немного другой, немного необычный. Но все равно подобные выкрики слышатся даже до сих пор, спустя 4 года с момента выхода диска. Который вышел на славу! Нет здесь, как порой бывает, натужного позитива. Слушаешь песню за песней и просто-напросто понимаешь, что все в жизни хорошо, все как надо. Это то, что нужно слушать по утрам, чтобы весь день ходить с улыбкой до ушей, это то, что нужно слушать по вечерам, чтобы снились светлые и красивые металистские сны ;) Не зря видно ребята пахали на сцене всю жизнь - знают что и как надо делать. Поэтому за альбом со спокойной душой и чувством выполненного долга ставлю 9 баллов (хотя бы потому, что каждая песня живет во мне, довольно легкомысленной барышне, уже 3 года, я думаю, можно назвать это творение Axxis нетленным). |
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просмотров: 12872 |
Read the signs everywhere and beware
A million ravens will fly
Will hide the sun and the sky
They stand for every soul
That once a demon stole
The fall of burning rain
Suffocates the world in pain
Watch out for the signs! Watching the skies
Watch out for these red burning eyes
My eyes, in the darkness of you life
No escape, your world is mine
Everywhere my shadows fly
Eyes of the darkness, signs out of twilight
Look face to face in the abyss of time
Eyes of the darkness watching the world now
Demons of darkness take shape in this world
And they stay
They stay
Can you hear the bells chime? Life has passed you by
All the signs I have sent, prophesising your end
I'm a creature of dust
Feel the greed and the lust
Look in the mirror of pride
Invite you to the world of the dead
Eyes of the darkness, signs out of twilight
Look face to face in the abyss of time
Eyes of the darkness watching the world now
Demons of darkness take shape in this world
They stay
They stay
Eyes of the darkness, signs out of twilight
Look face to face in the abyss of time
Eyes of the darkness watching the world now
Demons of darkness take shape in this world
Hear the bells
There's no way back
Your world is mine
l'm still alive
A wonder world so far away
A land of dreams, how could we find the way?
Oh, just this hope lets us survive
To bide the days, to get through this life
Come on, take my hand! You will understand
That I promise you the never never land
Get out, get out!
Get over to the wonderworld
Get out, get out!
And take my invitation
I don't believe that you will find a better world
I wanna be the one who takes you to the sun
Too feel the happiness we need to be sad
To know what's good we have to feel bad
The balance of our life is strong
We're living in between what's right and wrong
Come on, take my hand!
And you'll understand
That I promise you the never never land
Get out, get out!
Get over to the wonderworld
Get out, get out!
And take my invitation
I don't believe that you will find a better world
I wanna be the one who takes you to the sun
Why don't you take my, my invitation?
Why don't you want to get out, get out?
Get out, get out!
Get over to the wonderworld
Get out, get out!
And take my invitation
I don't believe that you will find a better world
I wanna be the one who takes you to the sun
The four horseman
(Aphrodite's Child)
And when the lamb opened the first seal
I saw, I saw the first horse
The horseman held a bow
Now when the lamb opened the second seal
I saw, I saw the second horse
The horseman held a sword
The leading horse is white
The second horse is red
The third one is a black
The last one is a green
The leading horse is white
The second horse is red
The third one is a black
The last one is a green
And when the lamb opened the third seal
I saw, I saw the third horse
The horseman had a balance
Now when the lamb opened the fourth seal
I saw the fourth horse
The horseman was the pest
The leading horse is white
The second horse is red
The third one is a black
The last one is a green
The leading horse is white
The second horse is red
The third one is a black
The last one is a green
Brandnew world
A million promises were broken in a sea of lies
A million words were spoken in the depth of your eyes
Throwing all doubts away
Hope my words let you stay
Imagine we could find a way to live in paradise
Imagine we could get a vision that never dies
Nothing's gonna be the same and I promise this way
For you I will find a brand new world
Imagine we could find a way to live in paradise
Imagine we could get a vision that never dies
We will never say goodbye, that is forever
Now I know you don't believe but never say never
Nothing's gonna be the same, I promise this way
For you I will find a brand new world
When the sun goes down
Can you hear the sirens?
There's a house ablaze
Bald headed drunken guys
Are starring at a stranger's face
A sea of flames is spreading
The night is glowing bright
The shadows of the past are back
With their scary pride
Now the sun goes down
The sun goes down
When the sun goes down the new nightmares will arise
And the night will burn while we're sleeping
When the sun goes down it's too late to realize
Idolators take shape in this town
The sun goes down
A gathering of losers
So mighty in a crowd
Shouting out stupid slogans
Unthinking, no doubts
Misguided cowards
Let's put them all in chains
Following their leaders
Without using their brains
And the sun goes down
The sun goes down
When the sun goes down the new nightmares will arise
And the night will burn while we're sleeping
When the sun goes down it's too late to realize
Don't let them be stronger
Wake up right away
Wake up right away
The root of all evil encroaches day by day
When the sun goes down the new nightmares will arise
And the night will burn while we're sleeping
When the sun goes down it's too late to realize
Idolators take shape in this town
The sun goes down
Shadows of the light
Can you read the stars? Look in the future?
Can you see what's going on with me?
Feel the beat, the rhythm of the living
There is no time, there is no time, open my eyes
Shadows are crawling on the wall of conscience
How do you feel when thoughts fill up your mind?
You never can hide that might, all visions
Please, foresee what will be with my life
And you get a flash, get a light
All the pictures in your mind
Are living in that twilight zone
Shadows of the night, shadows of the light
Never really hide with a second sight
A flash, a light, a sign
Shadows of the night
Shadows of the light
I can feel the magic might
It is not easy, walking in your mind with a second sight
Can you believe in stars and see the future?
Would you change your life just 'cause you know
If I should know when I will die would I be crazy or would I cry?
I would give up my life and my soul
And you get a flash, get a light
All the pictures in your mind
Are living in that twilight zone
Shadows of the night
Shadows of the light
Never really hide with a second sight
A flash, a light, a sign
Shadows of the night
Shadows of the light
Living in a prison of a magic might
Walking in your mind with a second sight
And devils dance goes 'round and 'round
You run yourself into the ground
Can you read the stars? Look in the future?
Can you see what's going on with me?
Feel the beat, the rhythm of the living
There is no time, there is no time, open my eyes
Shadows of the night
Shadows of the light
Living in a prison of a magic might
The stars, the spell, twilight
Shadows of the night
Shadows of the light
In the twilight zone on your own
Walking in your mind with a second sight
Keep flying
I wanna built a world for you
But you don't want my dreams
I realize our feelings fade away
I wanna be so close to you
But we are worlds apart
How could we heal our love and our broken hearts?
Why I can't stop loving you?
Keep flying, keep flying
Come on, baby! Keep on flying
Keep flying high
Our love is like a bird
Flying through rain and storm
Drifting with the wind up to the sky
A new hope, a new horizon
Shining like the sun
Maybe our love has just begun?
Why I can't stop loving you?
Keep flying, keep flying
Come on, baby! Keep on flying
Keep flying high
Battlefield of life
You're invited to my life
My inner thoughts are written down
They are hidden in our sound
All that I feel, that I express
You will see it, more or less
My mind is easy to access
Do you really understand what I try to say?
This is my way and it's all about
Live and love and die
All what I see around, what I fell and what I found
Live and love and die
Life is a battlefield
Live and love and die
That's all we do, we're going through
Live and love and die
It's all about the battlefield of life
I wrote about love, war and pain
About the moon, the trees and rain
About things I really feel
But all the thoughts I've written down
Not made for you, are for my own
Words are only seeds I've sown
Do you really understand
What I'm crying out?
I make it easy for you
What is it all about?
Live and love and die
All what I see around, what I fell and what I found
Live and love and die
Life is a battlefield, out fate is sealed
Live and love and die
That's all we do, no more, no less, we're going through
Live and love and die
It's all about the battlefield of life
And now I'm sitting here and know
Life is just a Broadway show
It doesn't change the universe
One million faces
A long trek of people
Coming from everywhere
Lost parents, lost children
Their faces in despair
Could you realize?
In all these starring eyes
Last hopes have blown away
Whose prize do they have to pay?
One million faces
The sign of war in their eyes
Deep in Europe
Oh, it's a shame
One million faces
With broken hearts and broken souls
I ask myself:
Can we take the blame?
We fan the flames
We fan the flames
Even my land has sent
Some rockets to this land
Exploding, destroying
Don't know how this could help
The rhythm of a war
Is beating more and more
Don't really understand
People suffering so badly just miles away
One million faces
The sign of war in their eyes
Deep in Europe
Oh, it's a shame
One million faces
With broken hearts and broken souls
I ask myself:
Can we take the blame?
We fan the flames
We fan the flames
One million faces
With broken hearts and broken souls
At the crack of dawn
Light, I wanna get out to feel the sun
And I walk, this morning I can see no one
The daylights is warming up my life and now I know
You are the one, I never wanna let you go
A new day has begun
Yesterday is gone forever
At the crack of dawn
When the city life awakes
I walk alone
While the sunlight embraces my sleepy face
Crack of dawn
The sun has opened up my eyes
Here I change my mind, here I realize
I'm sorry for my little lies
Another chance when another day is born
I feel, I feel the calm before the storm
A new day has begun
Yesterday is gone forever
At the crack of dawn
When the city life awakes
I walk alone
While the sunlight embraces my sleepy face
Crack of dawn
The sun has opened up my eyes
Here I change my mind, here I realize
I'm sorry for my little lies
Hello, you! Little girl
What is wrong in your world?
Let me hold you, my dear
Don't be scared 'cause I know
All the bad dreams will go
I will drive away your fear
Hello you! Little girl
I'm always by your side
Come close
Close to me in this night
All the witches and elfs
I have seen by myself
A long time ago
Some are good, some are bad
You don't have to feel sad
'Cause I'm always with you
You must know every time
There's somebody at your side
There's someone taking care
Day and night
You've got an angel right beside you
Your helping hand from heaven sent
There is an angel, always invisible
No more tears, my dear, my child in fear
Don't be afraid now
Don't feel sad now
'Cause I know
All the bad dreams fade away
Hello you! Little girl
I'm always by your side
Come close
Close to me in this night
You've got an angel right beside you
Your helping hand from heaven sent
There is an angel, always invisible
No more tears, my dear, my child in fear
Larger than life
Feel the beat, hear the sound
Feeling so exited
Blazing eyes all around
Are watching me this night
Fade away reality
Feeling like a child
Another world that set me free
My heart is beating wild
Larger than life
All these days and these nights
Bathing in fame and in glory
Larger than life
You wanna see in my eyes
A hero, an idol for you
I'm larger than life
I'm larger than life
All the towns I have seen
Many unknown places
Yellow, red, black and white
All the foreign faces
Countries all around the world
Borders lost their meaning
Supersonic airplanes
We sat inside and dreaming
Larger than life
All these days and these nights
Bathing in fame and in glory
Larger than life
All that you see in my eyes
Am I really an idol?
Am I larger than life?
Blazing eyes
All you looks let me live and survive
And you, you keep me alive
You are dreaming and screaming
With you l'm larger than life
Larger than life
All these days and these nights
Bathing in fame and in glory
Larger than life
You wanna see in my eyes
A hero, an idol for you
I'm larger than life
I'm larger than life
Lost in love
Please, save my soul, I cry
Before my love does die
And such a feeling I have never had before
I will never ever love anyone at all
I know it's true, all dreams come true
How could an angel break my heart like you do?
Out of the blue, there is no angel of love
Without you
Let's find the starry sky
Before you say goodbye
As light as a feather, I am flying high above
It ain't over 'till it's over, lost in love
I know it's true, all dreams come true
How could an angel break my heart like you do?
Out of the blue, there is no angel of love
Without you