« Eternium »
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1 | Symbol Of Eternity 03:55
 | 2 | Read My Scars 03:42
 | 3 | Queen Of Entity 03:51
 | 4 | Lovedivided 04:26
 | 5 | Faceless 03:19
 | 6 | The Preacher 03:13
 | 7 | In Flesh 03:11
 | 8 | Black Swan 04:42
 | 9 | Omerta 03:23
 | 10 | Shape Shifters 04:13
 | 11 | Reptiles 05:48
 | | Total playing time 43:43 |
   Rainer Nygard - vocals, guitars
Marko Utriainen - guitars
Aadolf Virtanen - bass
Heikki Malmberg - drums |
All songs by Utriainen & Nygard |
 | 1. Symbol of Eternity
Here we go!
You can take me back to the place
where I could watch the sky
and see those signs!
You can show me their lies,
show me the disbelief in their words
Oh, these burning times!
And now, I can choose my fate
Within my heart I will seal the symbol of eterni |
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 Прорывной альбом новой финской сенсации. Музыка Diablo весьма разнообразна, но в то же время монолитна, и не поддается какой-то однозначной классификации. Берем низкие частоты от Pantera и Machine Head, высокие - от Children Of Bodom, добавляем немного мелодик-дэта и приплюсовываем поистине агрессивный вокал. Получаем ядреную смесь из тяжелых сочных риффов и выразительных мелодических линий, сметающую все на своем пути. |
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Будучи наслышан о ню-металлических веяниях в музыке этой финской группы, я абсолютно не горел желанием знакомиться с ее творчеством, но послушав уже три первых песни на “Eternium”, я понял, что был не прав. Следуя традициям финской сцены, Diablo ищут свое лицо, комбинируя множество самых разных стилистических элементов. Основные из них – это американский трэш в диапазоне от ранней Metallica до классической Pantera, а также шведская пост-мелодик-дэтовая школа в лице поздних In Flames, Arch Enemy и Soilwork. К этому добавляются немногочисленные партии клавишных и гитарные соло в духе Children Of Bodom, отдельные фишки Sentenced, женский вокал и еще много всяких «приправ», которые, хоть и не играют здесь главной роли, но вносят в альбом приятное разнообразие. Причем это разнообразие не значит, что группу кидает из стороны в сторону, Diablo удалось сложить из множества стилистических «кубиков» настоящий монолит, который сочинен и записан настолько грамотно, что группа совершенно справедливо имеет сейчас титул главной металлической надежды Финляндии. Возможно, лавры Nightwish или даже Arch Enemy группе так и останутся недоступны, но учитывая тот факт, что Diablo вполне может собрать под свои знамена как трэшеров и поклонников ню-метал, так и приверженцев «новой шведской жесткости», их коммерческие перспективы представляются мне весьма радужными. Конечно, при условии, что группа и дальше будет писать такие боевики, как “Read My Scars”, “Reptiles”, “ShapeShifters” и “The Preacher”. (Диск предоставлен компанией Art Music Group) |
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С творчеством группы Diablo я познакомилась относительно недавно. И первым в моем плеере прозвучал этот альбом. Сразу скажу, что понравился мне этот опус с первых мощных аккордов гитар с мелодичными рифами, с драйвом в голосе вокалиста. Вообще, альбом нельзя назвать скучным. А вот интересным - бесспорно. Трешовые вкрапления удачно сочетаются с дэтом... а гитарные запилы завершают своеобразный стиль группы. Ни на что не похожий. Эту группу сложно перепутать с кем-то еще. На мой взгляд, ребята удачно вписались в многообразный мир детовой и трешовой музыки, в котором сложно выжить в наше время. Описывать отдельные композиции не имеет смысла - все они драйвовые, с металом и рыком в голосе исполнителя, а так же мастерской игрой гитариста. Порой темп сменяется на более спокойный. На общем фоне я даже почти не замечала ударные... Наиболее запомнившиеся песни: «Symbol of Eternity» (1) - из-за необычного вступления (звуки старого проигрывателя, который играет какие-то народные, что ли, песни, при чем то ли на польском, то ли даже на русском языке). «In Flesh» (7) - бесспорно, хитовая композиция, сплетающая в себе гитарный драйв и кричащий голос исполнителя в мощном припеве, а так же двоеголосье в куплете.
Итак, можно сделать вывод, что альбом удался. В этом нет сомнения. В нем чувствуется не только оригинальность и непохожесть жанра группы, но и драйв мелодий, грамотность композиций, а так же, великолепную (выше всякой похвалы) работа гитариста. Твердые «9» из «10». Советую послушать! |
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Мелодичный Thrash Metal с эпизодическим участием клавиш и женского бэк вокала. Сочетает в себе тяжесть ритм гитар из красного дерева (в духе Metallica 86-88 и Machine Head) и великолепнейших композиционно навороченных и непредсказуемых, цепляющих за живое, минорных соло партий (в стиле поздних Death), в сопровождении мощного иногда поющего и экспресивно орущего вокала (напоминающего Fear Factory). |
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просмотров: 11483 |
You can take me back to the time
where I could stand so proud
with my mind open wide!
You can wash away all those lies,
the burning rain which blinds my eyes
curses my way!
And now, I can choose my fate
Within my heart I will seal the symbol of eternity!
You can take me back to the dimension,
to the state of mind
where I could be myself again!
You can clear my mind,
you can clear my thoughts
You can take away
all these fears from my soul!
And now, I can choose my fate
Within my heart I will seal the symbol of eternity!
I'll open my heart and turn my head against the northern wind
I will listen to the call, call of the eternity!
2. Read my Scars
Soon they will see what I mean
When I've said that stones won't bleed
So that they don't have to waste
their lives wondering why
They've been dreaming all these years
All these years I've been hurting
It is my answer to their world,
to everything I see
Have you ever seen
the weight of the world
crushing someone's soul
You will see me in hell cos
I have opened myself
for this god of emptiness
I have painted it in my flesh
So that the whole world can see
There is something very cold in me
they don't want to believe
I've said stay away from me
from my sick morality
My life goes on without your love,
without your prayers now
Have you ever seen
the weight of the world
crushing someone's soul
You will see me in hell cos
I have opened myself
for this god of emptiness
Read my scars!
Read my scars, it's okay for me baby!
Read my scars!
Read my scars, it's okay for me baby!
Have you ever seen
the weight of the world
crushing someone's soul
You will see me in hell cos
I have opened myself
for this god of emptiness
Read my scars!
Read my scars, it's okay for me baby!
Read my scars!
Read my scars!
3. Queen of Entity
Welcome to my world of hate,
damnation of my soul
Here we could be together
with my dreams of death, you know!
Tell me what you feel
My queen of entity
Welcome to this bitter
state of my mind
I'm a dying dream
This is my imitation of life
Replica of sanity, yeah!
Tell me what you feel
My queen of entity
This isn't love,
it's something else
Still you can't see
why my heart belongs to you
with all it's secrecies
But I hold the key just one more time
and I open myself for you
But I hold the key just one more time
I would love to kill myself for... you.
Tell me what you feel
My queen of entity
This isn't love,
it's something else
Still you can't see
why my heart belongs to you
with all it's secrecies
But I hold the key just one more time
and I open myself for you
But I hold the key just one more time
I would love to kill myself for you, queen of entity!
4. Lovedivided
I can remember the times
When the grace was
shining on my face
Don't you see, don't you feel
those days are gone
They've vanished in the air.
Now I could not care less
of you and your poisoned mind
cos I have already seen
this thousand times
My emotions are hidden
in a place where you can't see
Hate is replacing the dreams
that we once shared
on these frontlines,
frontlines of mysteries!
Oh hell yeah!
I can remember the love
At some point it became
one with my hate
I can see how
you are wasting your life,
wasting your dignity
The light in my eyes is fading away
But I bleed no tears
cos I know your destiny
My emotions are hidden
in a place where you can't see
Hate is replacing the dreams
that we once shared
on these frontlines,
frontlines of mysteries!
How blind can you be?
Don't you know what I mean?
Love divided, love divided
Extending agony!
Love divided, love divided
I hate your empty words
and the grin on your face, ah!
My emotions are hidden
in a place where you can't see
Hate is replacing the dreams
that we once shared
on these frontlines,
frontlines of mysteries!
How blind can you be?
Don't you know what I mean?
Love divided, love divided
Extending agony!
Love divided, love divided
I hate your empty words!
5. Faceless
I am no-one
I am no-one to judge you
who cannot read between their lies
Oh, I can't blame you
They're hiding into the shadows
of those words
Guiding you into the sea of lies
Never telling you
who is god of all this misery
I am no-one
I am no-one to take the
pain away from your soul
Wake up and open your eyes
They're hiding into the shadows
of those words
Guiding you into the sea of lies
Never telling you
who is god of all this misery
Wake up!
You will hate yourself
In the end of the line you will see
I am no-one
I am no-one to save you
But I still can't understand why
they have done this to you
They're hiding into the shadows
of those words
Guiding you into the sea of lies
Never telling you
who is god of all this misery
They're hiding into the shadows
of those words
Guiding you into the sea of lies
Never telling you
who is god of all this misery!!
6. The Preacher
Voi perkele!
The time has come for you and me
To reveal the truth from inside
I am not of the kind you want me to be
I'm going nowhere but down
Forgive me father for my sins
Forgive me for the things I have done
Hey, just look at me I know the reason
You just can't see it from that far
When you look into my eyes
You see a dead part of your life
We are still together as one
In your world, build on silence and greed
Forgive me father for my sins
Forgive me for the things I have done
Hey, just look at me I know the reason
You just can't see it from that far
I will go on my way from the cradle to the grave
I am the one who you should not blame
Take care of your soul, I'll take care of my own
Cos you make me a preacher as you know
Forgive me father for my sins
Forgive me for the things I have done
Hey, just look at me I know the reason
You just can't see it from that far
I will go on my way from the cradle to the grave
I am the one who you should not blame
Take care of your soul, I'll take care of my own
Cos you make me a preacher...
Cos you make me a preacher as you know
7. In Flesh
Flesh is all that you want,
it's all that you see in this
crushing game of yours
Life itself never satisfies
you in your twisted act in
this theatre of power
Perfection in pleasures,
fatal flash of joy
And no-one will ever cross
this infernal love
Can't you see what you're doing
to those who believe in you
and your psychotic eyes
Smile on your face, insanity!
They belong to your circle of misery
Perfection in pleasures,
fatal flash of joy
And no-one will ever cross
this infernal love
All hail, hail the flesh!
You never care of anything else
All hail, hail the flesh!
You never care of anything else
Just sacrifice everyone
in the name of your god
but remember that your time will come
Sick addiction, and years tradition
Pride has been taken away from your soul
Perfection in pleasures,
fatal flash of joy
And no-one will ever cross
this infernal love
All hail, hail the flesh!
You never care of anything else
8. Black Swan
I hate myself and my way of life
This time it makes me bleed from inside
Cos I was too weak to stand by your side
and now it's too late for me to say goodbye
Crying into the night,
that's the only thing that I can do
Cos now those wings of darkness are holding...
I blame myself and this choice of mine
Sometimes I just can't make things right
When I turn around and look into your eyes
I know that dreams, they will die
Crying into the night,
that's the only thing that I can do
Cos now those wings of darkness are holding you!
Black swan of death
The game has come to the end
Black swan of death
The game has come to the end
to the end!
Crying into the night,
that's the only thing that I can do
Cos now those wings of darkness are holding you!
Black swan of death
The game has come to the end
Black swan of death
The game has come to the end
9. Omerta
10. Shape Shifters
They stare at you with hollow eyes
Still you can't figure out what they really want
Clearest greed has closed their lips
With bleeding heart you have to face their tricks
They'll take you in, they'll spit you out
Down on your knees you have to face their crowd
without dreams your world can't remain in sight
You're trapped in their world, world of disguise
Your corrupted soul won't be reborn
At the end of the day they will deny you and your like
Judgement is now in the hands of the most inept
Shape shifters
they don't care what you feel
they don't care if you bleed
you've sold your soul for those
who don't give a shit
Shape shifters
they don't care what you feel
they don't care if you bleed
you've sold your soul for those
who don't give a shit
Your soul is like an empty shell
Prayers to god will not change a thing
The truth is always the first victim of war
And that is what they are waiting for
Your corrupted soul won't be reborn
At the end of the day they will deny you and your like
Judgement is now in the hands of the most inept
Shape shifters
they don't care what you feel
they don't care if you bleed
you've sold your soul for those
who don't give a shit
Shape shifters
they don't care what you feel
they don't care if you bleed
you've sold your soul for those
who don't give a shit
11. Reptiles
What kind of a man is a man
who lives in the kingdom of tyrants
What kind of a man is a man
who calls you with the voice of sirens
That man hates everything
in you and your existence
That man takes everything
from you and gives you nothingness
Still you keep crawling before his eyes
Still you refuse to,
refuse to reach into the light
and the pattern keeps repeating itself
What kind of a man is a man
who can blame someone else for his sins
What kind of a man is a man
whose image becomes clear
when darkness descends
That man does not have a name,
some call him Master
That man does not give you choice
Still you feel some kind of attraction
Still you keep crawling before his eyes
Still you refuse to,
refuse to reach into the light
and the pattern keeps repeating itself
God of reptiles!
God of reptiles!
God of reptiles!
God of reptiles!
You will betray yourself, you will
You will hate yourself, you will
You will lose yourself, you will
You will see your finger on the trigger
You will see, you will feel
That your world is in flames
And everything you've got is emptiness
You will see, you will feel
That this is not a game
And your god is merciless
Still you keep crawling before his eyes
Still you refuse to,
refuse to reach into the light
and the pattern keeps repeating itself
God of reptiles!
God of reptiles!