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Masters Of Rock 2011



Визовице (Чехия)

* Афиша
Masters Of Rock 2011
* *

На концерт собираются (1):

14 июля (четверг):

13:00-13:45 Fleret (CZ)
14:00-14:45 Dark Gamballe (CZ)
15:00-15:50 Alestorm (UK)
16:10-17:10 Virgin Steele (USA)
17:30-18:30 Bonfire (Ger)
19:00-20:00 Amorphis (Fin)
20:40-22:30 Finntroll (Fin) + Eluveitie (Swi) - Pagan Alliance
23:00-00:30 Hammerfall (Swe)
01:00-02:00 Moonspell (P)

15 июля (пятница):

11:00-11:45 Nil (CZ)
12:00-12:50 Tleskac (CZ)
13:00-13:50 Konflikt (SK)
14:00-14:50 Mercenary (Den)
15:05-15:55 Varg (Ger)
16:15-17:05 Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy (CZ)
17:25-18:15 Sirenia (Nor)
18:35-19:25 Ektomorf (Hun)
19:45-20:45 Rhapsody of Fire (Ita)
21:15-22:45 Twisted Sister (USA)
23:15-00:30 Airbourne (Australia)
01:00-02:00 Watain (Swe)

16 июля (суббота):

09:30-10:20 Crash Road (CZ)
10:35-11:25 Jiri Schmitzer (CZ)
11:40-12:30 Audrey Horne (Nor)
12:45-13:35 Visions of Atlantis (Aut)
13:50-14:40 Powerwolf (Ger)
15:00-16:30 Seven (CZ) + guests: Blaze Bayley, Victor Smolski, Schmier
16:50-17:50 Kreyson (CZ)
18:10-19:10 Legion of the Damned (Nl)
19:30-20:45 Ross the Boss (USA)
20:45-21:15 Victor Smolski (Ger) - workshop
21:15-22:30 U.D.O. (Ger)
23:00-00:30 Guano Apes (Ger)
01:00-02:00 Brainstorm (Ger)

17 июля (воскресенье):

09:30-10:20 Dymytry (CZ)
10:35-11:25 Torr (CZ)
11:40-12:30 Steelwing (Swe)
12:45-13:35 Alkehol (CZ)
13:50-14:40 Evile (UK)
14:55-15:50 Arkona (Rus)
16:10-17:10 Delain (Nl)
17:30-18:30 Oomph! (Ger)
19:00-20:15 Overkill (USA)
20:45-22:15 Helloween (Ger)
22:45-24:00 Tri Sestry (CZ)

Стоимость билетов:

Предварительная продажа: € 54 на все четыре дня фестиваля

Места продаж билетов:


Masters Of Rock 2009 - Organizational rules and instructions for visitors

1.No money refund once the admission is paid, no tickets exchange. Tickets are valid for 4 days only! One day tickets ARE NOT avaible!

2.Organizers take no responsibility for any demages caused on things or health of visitors.

3.Persons younger than 12 years can enter and stay in the festival area only under adult supervision.

4.Bringing drinks, plastic bottles, glass bottles, cans, weapons, knives, scissors, flag holders and sticks, other metal things, and other things which could be classified as dangerous is strictly forbidden! Organizers claim rights for personal security inspections!

5.Bringing tape recorders, cameras or videocameras to the area is strictly forbidden! Violation of this rule could be classified as a crime commintment!

6.Photographing is allowed.

7.Tickets falsification is unacceptable and will be prohibited!

8.All visitors must respect organizers and security services!

9.Ticket = wristband! With this wristband you can move around, leave and re-enter the festival area at any anytime. The wristband is valid for 4 days. The wristband may not be taken off during all 4 days of the festival. Once you take it off or lose it, you may not re-enter the festival area! All persons found within the festival area without this wristband will be immediately escorted!

10.Camp – Tent is free of charge. The camp will be opened from Wednesday July 14th, 10:00am until Tuesday July 20th, 10:00am. Camping on fields with no stamp and on fields not marked in the map below is forbidden!

11.The festival area opens on Thursday July 15th at 13:00 and the main area will close an hour after the program ends. Refreshment Zone, WC and showers will be opened non-stop!

12.The festival area opens on Friday July 16th at 11:00 and the main area will close an hour after the program ends. Refreshment Zone, WC and showers will be opened non-stop!

13.On Saturday July 17th the door opens at 8:00 am. The main area will close an hour after the program ends. Refreshment Zone, WC and showers will be opened non-stop!

14.On Sunday July 18th the door opens at 8:00 am. Main area will close an hour after the program ends. Refreshment Zone, WC and showers will be opened non-stop, until Monday July 19th, 12:00 (noon)!

15.The only currency valid within the festival area is CZK (Czech crowns)! Money exchange (EUR-CZK) is placed on both entrances in the Ticket Offices. Exchange (CZK-EUR) is not possible!

16.No dogs or other animals to the festival area!

A) Basic data
- name: MASTERS OF ROCK 2010
- place: Liqueur company R. Jelínek VIZOVICE
- date: from July 15th to July 18th 2007
- start: Thursday 15th July 2:40 p.m
- finish: Monday 19th July at midnight

B) Basic aims
- the most foreign stars
- Czech music top
- Safety against rain – festival under the roof

Дополнительная информация :

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27 июн 2011, 23:22
Товарищи организаторы, ну сделайте наконец у нас что то такое! Ну стыдно же за державу!


3 июл 2011, 23:10
Организовать такой фестиваль в еврозоне в тысячи раз проще, чем в России.


6 июл 2011, 16:42
зато у нас есть прекрасное нашествие!!!!! отрада для говнарьского сердца!

Dmitrii deimos

8 июл 2011, 18:13
Аха)))) да, давно уже пора у нас что-нить намутить


8 июл 2011, 19:59
завтра выдвигаюсть в чехию))

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